Are you old?

  I don't know how many are pursuing my wife.

  Of course, the teacher must not know about this.

  Although she is a psychic, she has not yet reached the state of mind reading.

  However, at this time, Liu Zimo's eyes turned again and landed on a figure in the corner.

  This looks like a soldier, with a straight face.

  The figure is very tall.

  However, it was such a soldier who gave Liu Zimo a very dangerous feeling.

  "Also a professional..."

  Startled for a moment, Liu Zimo was also a little surprised.

  Unexpectedly, I met two professionals today.

  Just don't wait for him to think about it.

  "Come, come, Thunderbird, let me introduce to you, this is Director Li of our Hangzhou Spiritual Power Bureau. You can call Mr. Li, or Uncle Li..."

  Suddenly, not far away, Liu Zimo's director Huang Lao also introduced everyone to Liu Zimo with enthusiasm.

  Of course, while introducing to Liu Zimo.

  Huang Lao also introduced Liu Zimo to others.

  In the words, there is a touch of indescribable pride.

  This is a professional.

  A real professional.

  It is also a professional who came out of their Hangzhou Northwest Lingli Branch. As the director, Huang Lao is naturally proud.

  "This guy, relying on a professional out of the bureau, don't be too proud."

  Hum, a stranger not far away who seemed to have some friendship with Huang Lao also pouted.

  I have to admit, he was sour.

  As the director of the same branch, they can take out a flaming fist.

  But on Huang Lao's side, there are three full.

  Li Feng, a descendant of the Iron Sand Palm.

  An ice girl.

  Now, there is even a professional Thunderbird.

  This guy,

  He must have stepped on dog shit, and this luck is unbelievable.


  "You are the Thunderbird...You are young and promising. The important task of defending the family and the country will be handed over to you in the future."

  Patting Liu Zimo's shoulder, an old man in uniform did not hide his admiration for Liu Zimo.

  "I will not let the country down."

  Saying so, Liu Zimo's face also showed a firm look at the right time.

  This is the person in charge of the Hangcheng Military Region, a real lieutenant general.

  Even the current Liu Zimo must be respected.

  Put it in the past, this is the real big man,

  He never met.

  "You little guy, you have a bright future."

  In the sigh once again, this lieutenant general also recalled the battlefield not long ago.

  Thunder raged, and this little guy swept through the beast tide.

  Scary indeed.

  However, now is not the time to be polite.

  Need to get to the point.

  Thinking of this, this lieutenant general also began to organize meetings.

  "This time, the purpose of convening everyone is very clear, that is, to protect Hangzhou..."

  Speaking of which, this lieutenant general also showed a serious look on his face:

  "Externally, how much we can't say, but here, everyone can be regarded as a high-level, I will not hide it..."

  "At present, our situation is very critical. Not only our Hangzhou city, but also the other major cities, and even the human world are already in a great crisis..."


  Listening quietly, many people's faces changed.

  "Lieutenant General, is the situation really so critical?"

  In a little astonishment, the person in charge of a spiritual power branch opened his mouth in disbelief.


  Nodding slightly, the lieutenant general also said bluntly:

  "Now, it's just the initial attack of the first wave of spiritual energy. In the follow-up, there may be... the concentration of spiritual energy in the whole world will continue to increase... The mutation of mutant beasts will further accelerate, and although we humans will also evolve, but Our evolutionary speed is hard to compare with mutant beasts,"

  Having said that, the lieutenant general also looked at a young man in a white jacket and glasses not far away who looked very elegant.

  This is Ma Xujian, the chief executive of Hangzhou Lingli Observation Bureau.

  "According to the current experiments, the evolution rate is likely to be related to the strength of the body. The stronger the body, the more spiritual energy it absorbs, and the more likely it is to evolve..."

  "And this is why we humans can't compare with the evolutionary speed of mutant beasts."

  "Compared to beasts, we humans have always been developing our brains, but our bodies are far less powerful than beasts..."

  Speaking one after another, Ma Xujian also introduced some knowledge to everyone.

  "So, what awaits us next?"

  His eyes narrowed slightly, and a middle-aged man also stood up and asked.

  "Battle of races, and endless slaughter, and even collision..."

  In a very solemn voice, Ma Xujian also said bluntly:

  "Our status as humans cannot be shaken, and we will never allow mutant beasts to surpass our human race. Therefore, we must fight against mutant beasts... Otherwise, when they evolve again, and even become highly intelligent, then everything will be too late. already."

  Having said that, Ma Xujian also added:

  "Forgot to mention, according to our current observations, mutant beasts are not only the further evolution of the body, but also the further development of intelligence... That is to say, in the continuous evolution, the wisdom of individual mutant beasts, Probably no less than us humans."


  After a while of silence, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

  Wisdom is the patent of mankind.

  But now, these terrifying mutant beasts are very likely to breed wisdom...


Chapter 70


  During a moment of silence, even Liu Zimo's eyes could not help but squinted slightly.

  This is really scary.

  The greatest support for human beings is wisdom.

  And mutant beasts, could it be possible to breed a high degree of intelligence?

  And high intelligence means - what?


  Terrible learning ability.

  They can learn everything about human beings, language, technology, and even civilization in a short period of time, and then make targeted shots.

  At that time, human beings were not simply suppressed.

  "It's going to turn into a real war...and it's a total war between humans and mutant beasts."

  "Although there are many human beings, the problem is that there are also countless mutant beasts, mutant mice, mutant crows, mutant wolves... All life except humans will become our enemies until they push us down the top of the food chain... "


  Speaking one after another, Ma Xujian, the head of the Hangzhou Lingli Observation Bureau, also revealed an extremely terrifying fact.

  At this time, as if thinking of something, Ma Xujian also took out the remote control and started projecting some pictures.

  "Look here, this is the picture we captured at Hangcheng Wildlife Park..."

  The words fell, and a picture was also printed into the eyes of everyone.

  In the picture is a forest.

  However, the strange thing is that in this picture, there are actually several figures standing quietly.

  A colorful tiger is sitting cross-legged on the ground.

  A green peacock looks down on everything solitarily.

  Also, a monitor lizard with black scales and a scarlet tongue sticking out.

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