If they can't absorb it by the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  Other departments will definitely rush to absorb.

  Therefore, when they came this time, their superiors had already explained... If they can't absorb it, they shouldn't come back.

  To this end, they also prepared extremely generous benefits.

  However, it has to be said that Liu Zimo was moved by these benefits.

  Twenty-three thousand a month...

  Enough for Liu Zimo to worry about food and clothing.

  Not to mention, there is a separate underground training room.

  For Liu Zimo, this is not generally important.

  "Tsk tsk..."

  Smashing his mouth, Liu Zimo also raised his eyes and looked at the figure not far away:

  "Can I call the police first?"

  In the tentative tone, Liu Zimo also had some doubts.

  Official, okay to say.

  I'm afraid it's some strange organization posing.

  Then, after a while, he became a wanted man.

  Then it's not fun.

  Therefore, Liu Zimo planned to call the police to confirm the identities of these guys.


  After a while of silence, the two young people were also stunned.

  Call the police?

  What is this little guy thinking?

  However, looking at the suspicious look on his face, the two young people also vaguely understood.

  "What a cautious little guy."

  Secretly praised, the two young men also looked at each other and nodded:

  "You can call the police yourself, remember to report our number, their senior management should know some information about us.".

Chapter 9

  Not long after Liu Zimo called the police, a very rich voice finally came from the other end of the phone:

  "Are you looking for the Spiritual Power Bureau... There is indeed such an organization... However, this organization has a high level of intelligence, and I don't know much..."

  "Of course, if they take the initiative to send people to contact you, don't panic... They can take the initiative to contact you, which is your blessing..."

  Listen quietly to the sound from the other end of the phone.

  Looking at it again, it was ' ', yes, Liu Zimo was finally relieved.

  "It is indeed an official organization."

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo looked at the two figures not far away, and nodded:

  "Hello, I have confirmed..."

  "Now, believe it."

  With a grin, the young man who looked a little older and had a scar on his face also came over:

  "My name is Lei Yu, you can also call me Scar..."

  "My name is Liu Zimo..."

  In the brief introduction, Liu Zimo also got acquainted with these two.

  These two people, one is called Knife Scar, and the other looks a little thin, called 'Iron Hide'.

  As for why it was called 'Tie Pie', Liu Zimo glanced at the young man's arm, and the faint wisp of metallic luster was also vaguely understood.

  This one should also be a genius.

  Seems like it has something to do with metal.


  "Let's go, let's take you back to the Hangzhou Lingli Bureau base to get acquainted with the environment."

  Suddenly, Scar invited Liu Zimo to the base.

  "There is another person in my family. I'm afraid she will be worried."

  "It's okay, it's okay... just a few hours."

  With a chuckle, Scar added indifferently:

  "And, in the future, you should be outside, find a job, go out early and come back late..."

  "It is."

  Nodding, Liu Zimo also agreed.

  However, before that, let's go to the so-called Spirit Power Bureau to familiarize yourself with the environment.

  Hope, not too far from the imagination.

  And now, he seems to have no choice.

  After confirming that this was a state agency, all he could do was obey.

  After all, his current strength is still too small in the face of such a behemoth as a country.

  Feeling helpless, Liu Zimo also silently followed Scar and the others into the night.


  And not long after that, in a commercial car, Liu Zimo also came to a skyscraper.

  "This is our Spirit Power Branch, and to the outside world, it's a very ordinary company."

  In the brief introduction, Scar also led Liu Zimo into the Spirit Power Branch.

  In the meantime, of course, face recognition, identity authentication, and a series of measures are indispensable.

  "Who is that one?"

  During the sudden questioning, Liu Zimo's eyes also looked at a beautiful figure not far away.

  This beautiful figure has long ice-blue hair that is different from ordinary people.

  Just looking at it from a distance, it was like a cold winter, making Liu Zimo's body tremble.

  "She...is our Hangcheng Spirit Power Branch, a well-known genius-Shang Xueyu, an ice attribute ability... Don't look at her delicate, she is a sixth-level ability, and her strength is extremely terrifying."

  "Is that so..."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo also took a deep look...

  Level [-] ability...

  That's really strong! !

  And it's worth mentioning here...

  On the way to the Lingli Branch with Scar, Liu Zimo also knew more about the world today.

  Simply put, this is indeed a world where spiritual energy is revived.

  Unknown power suddenly appeared between heaven and earth, causing many animals and plants to mutate.

  And among humans, there are also some mutants.

  These guys, some awakened elemental talents, can manipulate elements...

  Some are physical variations.

  However, so far, the variants can be divided into three types.

  One is element control,

  This one is the rarest and most terrifying.

  Able to control elements, with elemental damage, called the legendary magician...

  One is physical mutation.

  Most of this kind of thing is that the body structure has changed, and the ability has been obtained.

  Like the iron sheets of the peers, the skin can absorb iron elements and become as hard as iron sheets.

  In addition, the body has been strengthened, and the strength is several times or even dozens of times stronger than other human beings.

  These are all physical mutations.

  As for the last, it is the super class.

  This kind of talent is the strangest.

  For example, it can make objects explode, and it can heal others.

  hard to explain.

  And these are all classified as super powers.

  However, at present, it is only a preliminary mutation, even human beings do not have much knowledge about these.

  only preliminary division.

  According to Scar's explanation, in the future, there may be a more refined and clear division.

  The sixth-level ability person mentioned by Scar meant that the previous Ice Girl had a spiritual power value of more than [-].

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