The value of spiritual power alone is twice that of Liu Zimo.

  In this way, it is also conceivable to imagine the horror of that ice girl.

  Of course, Liu Zimo didn't think that the little girl was his opponent.

  "In addition to these awakened talents, there are also so-called warriors, who rely on the practice of ancient martial arts and have a strong combat power..."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo was also a curious warrior.

  These warriors should be novels, TV, the kind of existence that can fly over the eaves and walls.

  The so-called spiritual power may be their inner power.

  There should not be a big gap between capable people and warriors, they all rely on spiritual power...

  It's just a martial artist, who has absorbed spiritual power and strengthened himself through hard training.

  And those who are capable are lucky enough to awaken their talents and absorb spiritual power...

  Compared with martial artists, capable people should look at the talent of awakening.

  Like him, it seems that he has awakened the talent of the thunder element, and the people above all attach great importance to it. .

Chapter 10

  "It's really surprising."

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo gradually got used to the Spirit Power Division.

  It's a company-like place.

  There are outsiders and insiders.

  And he, as a capable person, directly became a staff member.

  "Your code name, you can decide for yourself... However, before joining, you need to go through a month's review. During this period of time, you must not have any accidents... Otherwise, it is very likely that you will not be able to join."

  Suddenly speaking, a middle-aged man with a beard was also sitting high in the office.

  This is the director of the Lingli branch in the northwest urban area of ​​Hangzhou, who commands the entire spiritual power branch.

  "Okay, Chief."

  Nodding, Liu Zimo also understood.

  Now he should only be in the internship period.

  "It is worth mentioning that we have a lot of benefits here. As an extraordinary person, we will not interfere with your freedom, and will provide you with a separate underground training room and a nutritional package..."

  "As a member of the Spiritual Power Division, you have two points to pay attention to..."

  "One, you have to perform some tasks when the Spirit Power Branch needs it."

  "Second, you need to be checked regularly..."


  Listening quietly, Liu Zimo's heart also moved.

  Performing tasks, he can still understand.

  Getting checked regularly?

  This is...

  It should be to extract the body data of the extraordinary.

  One helps the extraordinary to understand themselves better.

  The second reason is that the official needs these data.

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo didn't care much either.

  Just because he is not a traditional superhuman.

  He relies on deduction skills to improve himself.

  For him, skill is everything.

  The body, on the contrary, is second.

  To put it another way, he is different from ordinary mutated superhumans.

  At this time, it seemed that he noticed the slight change in Liu Zimo's face. The director of the Spiritual Power Branch, Mr. Huang, also added:

  "Of course, you have a physical examination, it will help you understand yourself, and it will help us understand you... Like the current ice girl, our spiritual branch will regularly prepare materials for her to practice, and specially for her. Created a freezer..."

  "In your case, in the future, you may have your own unique training room, which can greatly improve your training speed."


  Hearing this, Liu Zimo was also moved.

  He was not surprised by the unique training room, but was surprised by why this spiritual power division treated him so well.

  With this in mind, Liu Zimo also took the initiative to ask:

  "Director, I feel that your place is different from what I imagined. According to my guess, the Spiritual Power Bureau should not be very strict, like a military district?"


  In the sudden laughter, Huang Lao couldn't help shaking his head:

  "Don't you think that everyone has your treatment and freedom... Remember, you are special. As a thunder element talent, your uniqueness is enough for us to treat it well..."

  "Also, you have an innocent background and have the qualifications to become a core staff..."

  "Of course, we still need to observe you for a while..."


  One after another, the director Huang Lao was also satisfied with the young man in front of him.

  This little guy is very nice.

  He heard about calling the police.

  Very cautious.

  As for other information about Liu Zimo, he also has it.

  No father, no mother, alone.

  Also, he has a good personality.

  From elementary school to university, he is very sensible and belongs to the kind of top students.

  This kind of existence is enough to become another key training object of their Lingli Branch in the northwest urban area of ​​Hangzhou.

  You must know that each urban area and the spiritual power branch of each city are cultivating their own supernatural beings.

  The more powerful it is, the more excellent it is.

  The more resources the country pours into it.

  Today, the Northwest Lingli Branch of Hangzhou, because of the existence of the ice girl, is the only one in Hangzhou.

  And now, there is another Liu Zimo, a thunder talent.

  The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and Elder Huang seemed to see the envy, jealousy, and hatred of the other spiritual power sub-bureaus—the directors.

  "In the future, the superhuman system will become more and more perfect. These guys are the facade of our branch."

  Sighing in his heart, Huang Lao also watched Liu Zimo leave.


  Time passed slowly, and several hours passed in the blink of an eye.

  At this time, Liu Zimo also chose to go back under the pick-up and drop-off of the special car.

  However, at this time, if you pay attention, you will definitely be able to see that Liu Zimo has a bank card and a mobile phone in his right hand.

  This was given to him by the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  In the bank card, there are [-]... This is the benefit of his joining the Spirit Power Branch.

  In the future, there will be continuous inflow of wages.

  And the mobile phone... It is the exclusive mobile phone of the Lingli Branch, and the confidentiality level is very high.

  Can prevent others from eavesdropping.

  Moreover, the Lingli Branch also admitted that there is a positioning system inside, which can effectively track the location of Liu Zimo.

  If Liu Zimo was in danger, they would be able to support him as soon as possible.

  "I have to say, this spiritual power branch is a good player in winning people's hearts..."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo was also thoughtful.

  He didn't know about other spiritual power divisions.

  But the Hangzhou Northwest Lingli Branch has done a really good job in this regard.

  All kinds of benefits are full, which greatly enhances Liu Zimo's sense of belonging.

  In a short time, Liu Zimo didn't want to leave.

  "Maybe here, my strength can improve faster."

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also had some guesses.

  It is better to have the state machine behind it than to fight alone.

  Others do not say.

  This steady stream of funds and various exclusive training rooms alone cannot be provided by ordinary forces.

  Not to mention, the Spirit Power Branch will also formulate a specific cultivation plan and provide cultivation materials to help him become stronger. .

Chapter 11

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