However, at this time, Luo Hu did not know that Liu Zimo really had a system of his own.

  However, he is more than one.

  Chidori genre, Thunder's Breath genre, and Thunder's Dragon Slayer genre...

  Various genres are intertwined to make him what he is now.

  As for why Liu Zimo didn't hide his clumsiness before.

  Does this need to be hidden?

  He simply relied on Thunder and his quick reflexes to suppress the two of them.

  There are still too many means not exposed.

  These guys thought they saw a small part of Liu Zimo.

  But I don't know that this is just the tip of Liu Zimo's iceberg.

  Moreover, there is another point, that is, Liu Zimo's growth rate is beyond imagination.

  His methods will continue to become stronger and more terrifying.

  more severe.

  Invincibility at the same level will eventually become inevitable.

  ps: - ask for custom-

  Rose update is working hard...

  There are eight or nine changes a day, and the number of words is also large.

  Also please support me a lot. .

Chapter 72

  When I got home, it was late at night.

  After simply saying hello to Sister Qin and Ice Girl, Liu Zimo also entered a wooden barrel.

  This is a medicinal bath.

  There are various spiritual flowers and grasses to nourish the body.

  After the battle just now, all the cells in my body are trembling.

  At this time, it can maximize the absorption of the power of the spirit flower and spirit grass.


  Taking a deep breath, Liu Zimo, who was lying in the wooden barrel, relaxed a little.

  It's just that at this time, the naked eye can see that the water in the pool is originally green, but the color is constantly dimming...

  As if something was absorbed.

  At this time, Liu Zimo was also a little shocked when he felt his own spiritual power.

  It has only been so long, and his spiritual power has reached more than [-].

  If this is another way of saying it, it is a proper mid-level extraordinary first-order.

  "It's because of the continuous battles and the emergence of the source of spiritual power..."

  Sighing softly, Liu Zimo also thought of more.

  There are also animal meat, and medicinal baths...

  One after another, his strength grew faster than he could imagine.

  In a short period of time, he was on a par with many veteran professionals.

  Just like a teacher, her spiritual power is estimated to be only seven or eight thousand, but at most nine thousand.

  However, you must know that the teacher is the earliest professional.

  But now, Liu Zimo has a tendency to catch up with her.

  "Tsk tsk..."

  Smashing his mouth, Liu Zimo was also in the pool and began to practice.

  Running Lei Lingjue, constantly gushing out the majestic spiritual energy.

  Feeling the spiritual power, growing little by little, the smile on the corner of Liu Zimo's mouth became more and more intense.

  And just after the simple practice, Liu Zimo got up again and practiced the outer strengthening iron cloth shirt as usual.

  The body is doing various movements.

  Constantly twist and transform.

  Just, at this moment,


  A sudden crisp sound, like the sound of bones and muscles, was actually coming from Liu Zimo's body.

  At the same time, an extremely ferocious energy surged through Liu Zimo's body.

  "This is?"

  In a little stunned, Liu Zimo'er Research Institute noticed the change in his body.

  "Crack, click..."

  As if the sound of bones breaking, suddenly came out from the depths of the body.

  At this moment, the severe pain also drowned Liu Zimo.

  But without waiting for Liu Zimo to shake more, the turbulent energy actually washed away Liu Zimo's body.

  At this moment, Liu Zimo could clearly feel the bones of his body, as if they were reorganizing, as if they were healing.

  "This is the completion of the iron cloth shirt... It's coming sooner than expected."

  In the soft sigh, Liu Zimo also clenched his teeth.

  still painful...

  But at the same time as the pain, the strength of his body is also rising.

  a little,

  a little...

  Continuing to enhance...

  At the same time, a very terrifying oppression came from Liu Zimo's body.

  It is oppression from the flesh.

  If it is said that Liu Zimo's previous body was only a fragile body.

  Then, after his foreign skills were completed, his body was already close to inhuman.

  In the true sense, it is comparable to various mutant beasts.

  You know, the reason why mutant beasts suppress humans at the same level.

  It is because they are strong.

  With flesh and blood, he can resist bullets and even shells.

  This is something that most superhumans can't do.

  But now, Liu Zimo's body has reached the same level of strength as the mutant beast.

  Even most mutant beasts that are good at defense are difficult to compare with Liu Zimo.

  In this way, it is also conceivable to imagine the strength of Liu Zimo's body.

  Of course, the transformation is not over yet.

  Bones are constantly being reorganized,

  Getting harder, getting scarier...

  At this time, if someone could observe Liu Zimo's skeleton, they would surely find that Liu Zimo's skeleton had a metallic texture.

  That's a tough performance.

  "External strength iron cloth shirt, from the outside to the inside, Dacheng can make the body comparable to steel..."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo also slowly stood up from the ground.

  Raise your fist.


  blasted in a circle,

  Visible to the naked eye, a circle of white air waves erupted.

  However, this is not the end.

  A person came to the grass in the backyard alone, and Liu Zimo also punched the ground.


  There is no fluctuation of spiritual power. It is such an ordinary circle that falls on the earth, but it makes the earth sink again and again, and a very huge pothole emerges.

  "The strength has increased by as much as [-]%..."

  In the soft whisper, Liu Zimo also has his own judgment.

  At this time, Liu Zimo took out a long sword from the divine power again.

  Now he is witty, and puts the long sword and coins in the divine power.

  That way, he won't be short of weapons.


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