The long sword pierced Liu Zimo's skin, but it was bloody beyond imagination.

  Some are just a white streak.

  This is enough to see how hard Liu Zimo's skin is.

  The outer skin is like steel skin.

  The inner bone is comparable to steel...

  His foreign skills iron shirt, until now, has finally become a big one...

  With joy in his heart, Liu Zimo also began to stretch his muscles and bones.


  The sound that seemed to be humming at the same time came from Liu Zimo's body again.

  like a new born,

  Do not,

  This is the new life.

  A rebirth of a body.

  At this time, if you look at Liu Zimo's attribute panel, you will definitely be able to see...

  [External Skills Iron Cloth Shirt: From the outside to the inside, strengthen the body, and cultivate to the end, the body can be comparable to steel, which can greatly increase the body's defense and slightly increase the strength. (It is already Dacheng)]

  Watching quietly, Liu Zimo's eyes narrowed slightly.

  This is the gong method.

  Unlike most skills.

  The power of many exercises is subtly changing and can be maintained all the time.

  Just like this iron cloth shirt of foreign skills, when he was at his great success, it was equivalent to wearing a piece of iron armor, which was terrifying.

  And most skills need to be activated...

  "Some exercises have been cultivated to the greatest extent, and they seem to be able to cultivate abilities. For example, another exercise for cultivating the body - golden bell hood..."

  "When this practice is completed, it seems to be able to sacrifice a golden bell phantom, covering the whole body... able to resist most attacks."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo also showed anticipation.

  Just because, in the next training plan, he planned to specialize in the inner strength golden bell after the completion of the outer strength iron cloth shirt.

  One that strengthens the body from the outside in.

  One that strengthens the body from the inside out.

  The unity of the inside and the outside is enough to create a very terrifying body of Liu Zimo.

  Inhuman body, nothing more than this.

  And after the golden bell hood is completed, he can consider cultivating the supreme divine art of Buddhism - the divine art of incorruptible diamonds.

  According to legend, the indestructible magic of King Kong, once performed, the human body looks like wearing a golden armor, incarnates the body of a King Kong, and can resist all attacks by external forces.

  Those who have achieved this skill have had a first glimpse of the Mahayana doorway, and can be called 'land immortals'.

  And it doesn't stop there,

  He is even more invulnerable to water and fire, and lightning is hard to hurt...

  In this way, it is also conceivable to imagine how terrifying the King Kong's Indestructible Magical Power is.

  And this is also a magical skill that Liu Zimo will inevitably deduce in the future.

  As for why he doesn't do it now.

  One is the point, which is insufficient.

  The second is in the early stage. It is meaningless to cultivate such divine arts.

  Without the slightest foundation of cultivation, his progress in cultivating such divine arts would be extremely slow.

  But if you have practiced the outer skill iron cloth shirt successively, and then practiced the inner skill golden bell hood,

  At this time, Liu Zimo will definitely progress rapidly in his practice of the Vajra Indestructible Magic.

  Of course, the most important thing is... not enough points.

  He wanted to practice the Diamond Indestructible Magic, but he couldn't.


  With a sigh, Liu Zimo once again longed for a point.

  "Let me tell you now, there are only two hundred thousand..."

  In some helpless voices, Liu Zimo also looked at the [-] Dao Point on the attribute panel.

  not much.

  Compared with the million points before him, the gap is too far.

  However, his million points deduced a very terrifying skill - thunder.

  The power of the sky attached to this skill is still very important to him.

  like now,

  "Crack, click..."

  The fine arcs are constantly intertwined... Countless purple lightnings are also slowly holding up Liu Zimo's body.

  a little,

  a little...

  In just a few short breaths, Liu Zimo's body flew more than [-] meters high in the purple lightning.

  From a distance, he is like stepping on purple thunder light,


  "Look, what is that?"

  Suddenly exclaimed, a pedestrian in the distance also saw a group of purple thunder light suddenly rising in the night sky.

  "My God, look, is that a person??"

  "No way?"

  In the repeated exclamations, these people walking at night were dumbfounded.

  However, without waiting for their more attention, Liu Zimo dissipated the thunder and fell to the ground.

  Royal Air...

  He just practices daily.

  This is a very scary ability.

  Not just handsome,

  It can save lives in critical moments...

  Like encountering a terrifying beast tide, he was also able to retreat from the sky at the first time...

  This is something that other extraordinary people cannot envy.

  "I heard that the wind controller is one of the few professionals who can fly in the nine days..."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo also had some research on other professionals.

  Luo Hu, read the teacher...

  And the wind controller,

  This one after another is a professional professional.

  All of them are powerful, and they are indispensable powerful combat powers among the supernatural forces.

  Not only them, but also some are also eye-catching..

  like a monk...

  That one, but among the professionals, is a rare monster known for its 'combat power'.

  Once, with his own power, he deeply smashed a mutant giant bear at the peak of the extraordinary first-order.

  Such combat power is truly terrifying.

  And Liu Zimo has a similar record.

  But the mutant giant elephant he encountered, after all, had just set foot on the extraordinary first-order...

  Compared to that, it's a lot worse.

  Therefore, Liu Zimo is also a little curious about the monks.

  As for the wind controller... he doesn't care...

  After all, that guy is just a little Zhengtai, and his strength is also limited...

  How can you control the wind?

  Is it difficult to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder, he is the existence of controlling thunder, can't it?


  But when Liu Zimo was grinding alone on the grass, Liu Zimo was startled.

  "This is?"

  With a sudden shock, Liu Zimo also raised his eyes and looked not far away.

  There, he suddenly felt a flash of spiritual power fluctuations.

  "It's a mutant beast..."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo also knew that he couldn't sit back and watch.

  This spiritual power fluctuation is very hidden.

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