"Okay, Lord Thunderbird."

  In the very excited voice, this staff member seemed to have seen a star, and his face was flushed.

  It seems that Liu Zimo is very proud of talking to him.

  And in fact, it seems so.

  One after another, envious eyes fell on him, making his chest straighter.


  Nodding slightly, Liu Zimo was also preparing to leave.

  Just, right now.

  "elder brother..."

  In the very soft shout, Liu Zimo felt the corner of his clothes tighten.

  Looking up, a little girl who looked thirteen or fourteen had already grabbed the corner of his clothes.

  Liu Zimo is no stranger to this girl.

  This is the little girl who awakened her talent before.

  It was also because of protecting her that Liu Zimo was injured.

  And now, her empty eyes, with a touch of sparkle,

  A pair of eyes, even staring at Liu Zimo, seems to be reluctant to give up,

  Again seems nervous.

  "Lord Thunderbird, I'm sorry... I didn't take good care of her and let her run over."

  With a touch of apology, a staff member of the Spiritual Power Bureau also walked out and explained.


  He waved his hand, but Liu Zimo didn't care.

  Although, everyone is very polite to him.

  One mouthful, one adult, but Liu Zimo has no professional consciousness.

  He is still who he is.

  However, it does.

  There should be a line between the strong and the weak.

  cannot be surpassed.

  Otherwise, the strong will be in trouble, and the weak will be bad.

  Therefore, Liu Zimo has gradually become accustomed to everyone's respect for him.

  But now, looking at this dazed little girl, Liu Zimo heard such a sentence.

  "Brother, my parents are gone, I'm the only one left..."

  Listening quietly, Liu Zimo was also shocked.


  With a sudden sigh, Liu Zimo also raised his hand and wiped away the tears from the corner of the girl's eyes.

  Then, he grabbed her little hand and said softly:

  "Are you going to come with me?"


  Nodding slightly, this little girl also came to Liu Zimo's side.

  "it is good."

  With a response, Liu Zimo did not refuse.

  It looked like a little angel, and Liu Zimo didn't want to refuse.

  Take it back first.

  When necessary, leave it to Sister Qin and Ice Girl to take care of it.

  No matter how bad it is, hand it over to the Spiritual Power Bureau.


  "Tread, step, step..."

  Step by step, Liu Zimo also took the little girl and left under the watchful eyes of everyone.

  All that was left was the mess on the ground and a large snake that gradually lost its temperature...

  That night, the whole Hangzhou city was shaken.

  That night, the name of Thunderbird was once again spread.

  Thunderbird, the most top professional.

  In the dark night, it turned into a purple thunder, came to the world, and killed the white snake by the Westtian Lake.

  In the very simple introduction, one video screen after another is also constantly spreading.

  Even some professionals clicked on these screens and watched.

  However, what awaited them was a dead silence, even silence.

  "Wind controller, are you sure?"

  "There is no hope at all."

  In the sudden response, a little boy with a lollipop looked at the video and his eyes couldn't stop flickering.

  This Thunderbird is a bit strong.

  That flashing purple sword light was really heart-pounding.

  "I didn't expect this thunderbird to be so terrifying... His last flash of slash, to be honest, I wasn't sure to dodge..."

  Long Yuan chat group, a professional is also blunt.

  "It's hard to imagine this being a newcomer."

  "Tsk tsk, a new generation replaces an old one, I just don't know if the monk can resist him..."

  "I don't know, but I feel that he can't break through the monk's defense."

  "Are you sure?"

  In the rare discussion, Long Yuanqun also discussed a lot.


  But Liu Zimo didn't know.

  Now he has returned to the villa with the little girl.

  During this period, he also knew the name of the little girl.

  However, this little girl seemed a little scared.

  Yes, afraid of that name.

  As long as she called out this name, she would think of her father and her mother.



  After a while of silence, Liu Zimo also gave her a code name based on her talent.

  "In the future, you can call it Dragon Roll."

  Tornado, the full name, should be a tornado.

  Just because this seemingly weak little girl has awakened innate ability, it turned out to be a 'tornado'.

  [Tornado Storm - Can call a tornado storm, sweeping everything...]

  This is a wind attribute ability.

  The ability is somewhat similar to the well-known wind control.

  However, unlike the innate ability of wind control - wind control, the tornado's storm is even more violent and terrifying.

  If you say wind control, you can freely control the wind, dexterous and changeable.

  Then the tornado wind is domineering, terrifying, tearing everything apart, and pursuing the ultimate lethality.

  like now...

  Threads of whirlwind swirled around the tornado, and the gravel along the way, and even others, were turned into smashes...

  "This talent is a little scary."

  Noticing this scene, Liu Zimo also spoke highly of Tornado's talent.

  Just awakened, it has such destructive power,

  It's already amazing.

  But, I feel that this talent is a little too powerful, so that the tornado is a little uncontrollable, and the power of the wind continues to overflow.

  As for the tornado's talent and the wind-controlling talent, which is better or worse, Liu Zimo has a hard time evaluating.

  He had never seen a wind controller.

  Just heard from others.

  But he feels that ability or something is still in development.

  Well developed, everything is possible.

  Moreover, development is about targeted development.

  Like Tornado's talent, Liu Zimo definitely recommends her to pursue the ultimate destructive power, so that the storm will come even more violently...

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