Her talent has already determined that she is destined to not be able to control the wind flexibly...

  After all, this is a 'tornado', with the word 'storm'.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  Therefore, development can only start from the other side.

  Be the master of the storm.

  Destroy everything with the power of the storm.

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also seemed to see a storm master slowly rising.

  "It's a good seedling."

  Secretly praised, Liu Zimo also intends to train this little girl well.

  not bad.

  Worth cultivating...

  It's just that I don't know how her cultivation talent is.

  If the cultivation talent is also good, then the future achievements are limitless.


  It was early morning when we returned to the villa again.

  Under the stunned gazes of Ice Girl and Sister Qin, Liu Zimo actually brought back a very delicate little girl who looked thirteen or fourteen years old.

  "This is?"

  "A little girl who has just awakened her talent."

  Having said that, Liu Zimo was also preparing to hand over the tornado to Sister Qin.

  However, to Liu Zimo's astonishment, the tornado refused.

  "Brother, don't want me anymore..."

  Looking at it in a daze, the voice of the tornado has no emotion at all.


  Without speaking, Liu Zimo just touched the dragon roll's hair.

  In the faint, he has noticed...

  Perceived the lack of tornado spirit.

  "It's because my parents died, so my spirit was stimulated..."

  With this in mind, Liu Zimo also decided to accompany this little girl for a few days.


.. 0 ......

  "How come? I'll always be by your side."

  Having said that, Liu Zimo also decided to temporarily take on the responsibility of an older brother.


  Time passed slowly, and three days had passed in the blink of an eye.

  In the past few days, Liu Zimo has also been dispatched occasionally, going out to do some crusade tasks.

  However, what was astonishing was that there was a little girl beside Liu Zimo.

  She was wearing a black long gown, her face was indifferent, her eyes were cold but not warm.

  It's just that that's not the point,

  The point is, she is also an extraordinary person.

  Slowly raising her hand, facing a mutant mouse not far away that was glowing with electric light and kept twitching, this little girl's eyes were also condensed.


  As she spoke softly, a gust of wind was blowing... Countless gusts of wind spewed out from her petite body like sharp blades.

  Until this mutant mouse was torn into blood mist.


  During a moment of silence, Liu Zimo raised his brows as he looked at the mutant mouse that was dead without a corpse and turned into blood.

  "It's really scary."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo did not hide his admiration for Tornado.

  not bad.

  It took a few days to get used to it.

  This kind of talent is enough to make people move.

  When it grows up in the future, it is estimated that it is a very powerful combat force.

  With a sigh in his heart, Liu Zimo also held Tornado's hand and walked towards the house, leaving alone the staff of the Spiritual Power Bureau who looked at each other in dismay.

  "Is this Thunderbird's sister so cruel?"

  "A bit..."

  Looking at the mess in the alley not far away, they couldn't help but be astonished.

  Just now, there is more than one mutant mouse here.

  but dozens.

  But now, there are no bones left, and the walls are stained with blood.

  And all of them are the masterpieces of the Thunderbird-sama-sama's sister.

  When the storm comes, everything is torn apart.


  And shortly after that, he returned home.

  Looking at the instructor Scar who came to the door, Liu Zimo also reported the information of the tornado with a smile.

  "Name: Tornado, Age: Thirteen, Ability: Tornado..."

  Listening quietly, the instructor Scar is also doing a simple registration.

  "Looks like you're going to take care of her."

  In a little stunned, Scar also gave Liu Zimo a suspicious look.

  Thunderbird, hasn't he always hated trouble?

  This time, how...

  At this time, it seems that he saw the trainer's thoughts, and Liu Zimo also said bluntly:

  "She seems to be inseparable from me for the time being..."

  Saying so, Liu Zimo was helpless.

  In the past few days, he has experimented many times.

  But Tornado was unwilling to leave him half a step.

  Even if he takes a bath, she has to guard outside the door.

  Therefore, it is conceivable how helpless Liu Zimo is.

  Still, it's fine.

  These few days, she doesn't seem to reject Sister Qin and Ice Girl anymore.

  At least, they can accept their existence.towel.

Chapter 76

  It was a dark night, and the stars were shining.

  Liu Zimo started to practice on the grass in the backyard of the villa as always.

  However, compared to before, there is one more girl here.

  She, standing quietly,

  A whirlwind swirled under her feet, tearing all the grass to pieces.


  In the soft whisper, a dazzling thunder light erupted in Liu Zimo's palm.

  That's Chidori,

  But at this time, Liu Zimo's eyes narrowed, and the dazzling thunder light changed slightly... It became even deeper.

  He was trying to deduce a new form of Chidori.

  In addition to Chidori Spear, Chidori Blade, etc... Chidori also has an advanced form.

  Its name is 'Rachel...'

  It is said that 'even the thunder in the sky can be cut off'.

  Rachel, Chidori is a sublimation, and it does not need a stab like Chidori to increase the penetration strength.

  Just use it, you can generate terrifying piercing and cutting force.

  This is Leiqie, turning his arm into a sword that cuts iron like mud, and can tear everything silently.

  And Chidori, though terrifying.

  However, in terms of piercing power and cutting power, there is still a gap compared to Rachel.

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