Hearing this, Qi Ye’s face suddenly turned cold.

“Mr. Tom was arrested, saying that he was building a ship for One Piece Roger and a ship for the Qiye Pirates, and the two major crimes were punished together, and he was publicly executed at the Navy Headquarters.”

“Okay, I see, rest assured, with me here, Tom won’t be in trouble.”

“Mm-hmm! Please! ”


If the people at Tom’s Shipyard knew that the Qiye Pirate Group was in conflict with the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group, they would be embarrassed to open their mouths, and it was estimated that they would not make this call.

Although they were covered by Qi Ye, they would not ask for help until they had to. Besides, after a clash with the Hundred Beasts Pirates, he rushed to save Tom.

This time, not in Rogue Town, but at the Navy Headquarters, then almost all the highest combat power of the Navy will be gathered.

Then, it would be more dangerous for the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment to clash with the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment and then pass.

They knew that the Qiye Pirate Regiment had just been established, and in the stage of rising, they did not want to make this call.

But Qi Ye had said before that no matter what, Tom would have to call him if something happened, and they had to choose to inform Qi Ye and believe Qi Ye.

Hanging up the phone, Shanks they saw that Qi Ye’s face was cold and curious.

“Captain, what happened?”

Qi Ye’s voice was low: “Tom has been arrested, the navy is very bold.” ”

Qi Ye originally thought that Tom should not be arrested like in the original book.

After all, Tom was arrested for building a ship for Roger in the original book.

Because Roger’s Pirates disbanded and Roger died, the Navy would act. But now, with everyone in Tom’s shipyard shrouded in a band of pirates at the night, the Navy couldn’t possibly be unaware.

The Navy could not be stupid enough to capture Tom in order to provoke the Qiye Pirates, the consequences would be so serious that it would not be worth it for the Navy.

Qi Ye thought to herself, “Is it because of what, the Mary Joa incident?” ”

Qi Ye felt that this was possible and did not dare to take the liberty of doing something to them, so he arrested Tom and executed him.

Qi Ye was ready to act, but should be able to catch up.

Tom will take a few days to be caught and executed at the Navy Headquarters, so there is still time.

Even, Qi Ye could think of it, the navy wanted them to go.

If there were no Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, then the Navy did not want the Qiye Pirate Regiment to come, but now is the perfect opportunity.

If you start a war with the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment first, and then come to the naval headquarters, then the pressure on the navy will be much smaller, and you can exhaust it.

Naval Headquarters.

The Marshal’s Office, Warring States Daily: “I have received news that Tom has been caught and is rushing back to us.” As for the rest of Tom’s shipyard, no arrests were made. Perhaps, they will contact Qi Ye, but this is also what we think. ”

The empty eyes were frozen: “Qi Ye is the most domineering man in the world, so this time, there is a hundred beast pirate regiment in front of him, and then there is the highest combat strength of our naval headquarters, can he still be domineering?” Do you choose to come, or do you shrink back as if it didn’t happen? ”

Naturally, they hoped that the Qiye Pirate Regiment would come, so that they would be aware of this threat as soon as possible.

Otherwise, Qi Ye will become stronger and stronger, and the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment will become bigger and bigger.

Now it’s only the size of a few people, and it’s easy to deal with.

At this point, Barrett and Kaido are fighting, on a par with each other.

Kaido’s face was ugly, he was confident that he could defeat Barrett, but he obviously couldn’t do it in terms of strength, and he had to rely on his own flesh to fight and consume.

Maybe it took seven days and seven nights to drain Barrett.

However, it would be too humiliating, who came to Qi Ye to fight, to prove to the world that he was the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, and the strongest single-handedly, but he fought with the cadres of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment for seven days and seven nights before he could barely win?

That’s a shame.

But he couldn’t help it.

Just then, Qi Ye got up.

“There’s no time to spend here, so let’s end it as soon as possible.”

Qi Ye stepped forward, and Shanks said, “Let’s get on the ship and wait for the captain to come.” ”

Since Qi Ye said this, it would not take long to end this battle.

Shanks they stepped onto the ship and began to prepare Yang Fan to set sail.

This scene stunned the crew of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment in the distance.

“What’s going on? How did the crew of the Qiye Pirates get on board? Going away? ”

“Hmm, want to escape? They can’t escape, they are already surrounded by the ships of our Hundred Beast Pirates. ”

“This time, we sent out ten ships, the crew level started to give to the gift, and Qi Ye’s overlord color domineering spirit certainly couldn’t make us faint.” The overall strength of our Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment is not comparable to that of the Qiye Pirate Regiment of several people who have only been established for a month! ”


Barrett and Kaido collided again, and the terrifying force erupted, and a large crater appeared at the place of the collision, and the two retreated.

Qi Ye came and said calmly, “Barrett, get on the ship and wait for me, ready to go to the Navy Headquarters, this guy has handed it over to me.” ”


Barrett swept straight onto the ship.

Kaido’s face was ugly, and he sneered, “Qi Ye, do you think there is anything urgent?” In that case, I won’t let you go. ”

Qi Ye’s contempt and inner anger left him with nowhere to vent just now. And now that he knew that Qi Ye was in a hurry, he naturally wouldn’t let Qi Ye leave so quickly.

Even if Qi Ye was stronger than he thought, even if Qi Ye’s strength was above him, he didn’t care. After all, what he was most proud of was the strength of his flesh.

Then, dragging Qi Ye and not letting Qi Ye go, can be disgusting to Qi Night, can make him very cool.

At this time, on the merchant ship in the distance, the reporter kept shooting, and the flash became more and more dazzling, and he was very excited.

“Quick shots! Print the newspaper faster! Qi Ye is going to do it! ”

“The headline reads, Qi Ye finally started, two powerful monsters are about to fight, who is better?”

“The battle for the strongest creatures in the sea, land and air, and the battle for the strongest is about to begin, if you want to know the details, buy our newspaper!”


The crew of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment saw that the Qiye did not start sailing, but after Shanks and the others were ready, they stood at the bow of the ship to watch and wait.

“Huh? Not to escape? ”

“So it’s mysterious.”

“Then let’s wait and see.”


At this time, Kaido took off the huge purple fluffy cloak draped over his body, revealing a large and robust body, with bulging muscles like a small mountain bag.

“Qi Ye, you just made me hold back my anger, and I want to make you unhappy now.” The more anxious you are, the more I will stop you. ”

Kaido moved his limbs and clicked.

“Even if you warm up just now, then let you see my horror!”

Kiba looked down and tickled Kaido, “Come on. ”

Such a flirtatious action made Kaido’s face darken, his face green and squirming, and his face was as fierce as a demon god.

Cracking sound!!


Suddenly, the purple current on the huge wolf’s tooth rod held by Kaido was raging and extremely harsh.

Barrett watched from a distance, and Kaido hadn’t done that just now.

However, Barrett’s face was indifferent, and Qi Ye was stronger than him.

Frustrated when he appeared on the scene, Qi Ye ignored himself, leisurely drinking, he fought with Barrett for an hour, completely unable to vent the grievances and anger in his heart, on the contrary, the anger became more and more exuberant.

Now, finally able to vent, Kaido’s thick arm muscles swelled, wielding the wolf’s tooth rod that ravaged the purple electricity, and slammed into Qi Ye with a roar.

“Thunder gossip!!”

In the face of this blow, Qi Ye embraced his hands in his chest, standing proudly, domineering and leaking.

When the wolf’s tooth stick smashed the moment, Qi Ye only reacted.

Qi Ye just pulled out his right hand and raised it, ready to block this blow with his arm, without even covering the armed color domineering.

Kaido looked into his eyes and smiled angrily, “Look down on me, pay the price now!” ”



Suddenly, a large area of ground around Qi Ye was sunken, and in the blink of an eye, a large pit with a diameter of twenty meters appeared, and the ground within a radius of 100 meters as the center of the large pit all collapsed.

“So what?” The crew of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment stared at the place of battle.

The dust rushed, the sea breeze blew, the dust dispersed, and the figure of Qi Ye appeared, still standing in place, the ground beneath his feet intact, and his posture was straight.

Qi Ye’s right hand blocked the wolf’s tooth stick, his arm did not waver, he raised his head, and his eyes were full of contempt:

“Thunderous gossip, but Err.”

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