Kaido was shocked, how is this possible?!

His own thunderous gossip was not only blocked by Qi Ye, but Qi Ye did not seem to be very difficult. Even, Qi Ye’s arm did not leave the slightest scar, and the most important thing was that even the armed color domineering spirit was useless!

He couldn’t believe that although he wasn’t the strongest in strength, he was confident that his wrist strength was extremely terrifying, and the blow he had just struck was full strength, but Qi Ye was unharmed.


A flash of Qi Ye in front of him suddenly disappeared, Kaido’s pupils shrank, and he quickly turned around and threw his left fist out.


The fists of the two collided, and the ground under their feet was lifted in a large area, and the earth boiled like the sea.

The two fists collided, and the power was so strong that the whole island trembled.

As a result of the collision, Qi Ye did not retreat, and Kaido drew twenty meters to the rear.

On the Qiye, the faces of the crew did not change color, which was normal, and this was Qiye’s strength.

And the crew of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, one by one, were stupid.

“How could it be… Lord Kaido’s powerful blow was actually blocked by Qiye with his arm, and only with his flesh, without armed domineering. ”

“If you look closely, there is not even an injury.”

“Is it true that the flesh of this Qi Ye is really above Lord Kaido?”

“No kidding, Kaido is the strongest creature, he may be physically strong, but certainly not as strong as Kaido.”


Kaido clutched the wolf’s tooth rod with both hands and rushed forward, although his body was huge, but it was very fast, and the wolf’s tooth rod was constantly waving and pumping towards Qi Ye like a storm.

It was a one-handed hand just now, and now it is a two-handed, more powerful and with purple electricity wrapped around it.

“I’m in a hurry, so I won’t play with you.”

Qi Ye’s words, let Kaido be angry, play with himself? Again, he despised his own words with extreme contempt.

In the next instant, Qi Ye’s hands were covered with armed color domineering qi, and at the same time, the ghost qi erupted, and the domineering qi combined with the ghost qi, the body was dark red, and the strength and defense were stronger.

Qi Ye fought with Kaido with his bare hands, and suddenly the roar continued, resounding throughout the ten miles, like a muffled thunder.

Kaido was completely at a disadvantage, from the beginning of the attack, to the rapid and continuous attack of Qi Ye, and his face was ugly, because Qi Ye’s strength was beyond his imagination, and the mace in his hand was almost shocked and flew away.

Ben thought that even if his strength was not as good as Qi Ye, he thought about his strongest flesh and won Qi Ye by fighting a war of attrition, but now Kaido found that his arms were slightly numb.

Qi Ye’s speed and attack were too strong, and he had already attacked several punches on him, and each punch that landed on his body made him feel a slight pain.

And his own attack, although not as strong as Qi Ye, but just now the thunder and gossip blow, Qi Ye did not use armed color domineering.

Kaido didn’t want to believe, “Is his flesh stronger than mine?” That’s impossible. ”


The two men fought continuously, both with full strength, and those around them could tell that Kaido was at a disadvantage.

Qi Ye knew that although he was at full strength, Kaido’s current age was not yet at the imperial level, but to defeat Kaido, it was not something that could be achieved in a moment and a half.

After all, in the original work, it is the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, the strongest single, and although the flesh is not as good as himself, it will take a while to defeat Kaido.

But, totally catching up.

After three hours of fighting, Kaido had been repulsed by Qiye many times.

The next scene made the crew of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment feel heavy, and the people on the merchant ship were afraid one after another.

Only to see that Kaido’s arms and hands were slightly trembling, obviously the numbness had been severe.

And Qi Ye, still the face did not change color, unharmed.

Kaido threw away his arms, dispelling the numbness and pain in his arms, and his face was extremely ugly.

Qi Ye sneered, “Do you still say that you are the strongest creature in the sea, land and air?” ”

Kaido said in a deep voice, “Maybe your defense power is above me, but the theory of combat is long-lasting, and you can’t compare to me!” Don’t think I’ll be able to overcome me so you can beat me, my life force you can’t imagine! ”

“If you’re still strong, it makes you realize that you’re thinking too much.”

Qi Ye finished talking and asked, “Kaido, do you think that there is something missing on your body?” ”

This made Kaido stunned and frowned, “What do you mean?” ”

Qi Ye said, “There are fewer scars, and they are permanent and indelible scars.” ”

Hearing this, Kaido was furious: “Damn!! ”

Kaido’s roar came again, it was simply the biggest provocation, he Kaido, how could he leave scars on his body.

“Qi Ye, don’t dream! My body can’t leave scars, let alone get better for a lifetime! ”

Kaido attacked like a mad dog, but Qiye dealt with it easily, and the huge fists as dense as machine guns were all easily blocked by Qiye.

Now Kaido, there is no X-shaped scar on the right side of the abdomen, so Qi Ye will say so.

Qi Ye’s eyes were cold: “Then, you have it next!” ”

Qi Ye’s whole body exerted all his strength, hard to carry Kaido’s attack, unharmed, and at the same time, his fists slammed into Kaido’s chest.

Kaido suddenly flew out, his body out of his control, and at the same time, a knife roar sounded.

Qi Ye drew his sword, and suddenly moved, the speed of an instant was extremely fast, and at the same time, the golden light on the knife shone, just like Qi Ye was holding not a knife, but a golden slash.

Kaido does not believe that he will leave permanent scars on his body, and his whole body is covered with armed color domineering, and he is extremely confident.

On the ship, the eagle’s eyes were shocked: “This is… Ju He cooperates with the slash?! ”

This shocked Hawkeye, Qi Ye’s sword skills, he originally thought that he had always been issuing slashes, no fancy at all, but each slash was extremely powerful, splitting mountains and breaking the sea.

Obviously, he still didn’t understand Qi Ye’s understanding of swordplay.

Now, the slash was not in a state of emitting, but a haunting state, the sword qi was pervasive, and the moment of drawing the sword moved, like a flash of streaming, because the golden light of the slash was brilliant, it was difficult to see Qi Ye’s figure, as if the two were fused together.

The golden light flashed by, and with a snort, Kaido’s face suddenly changed drastically, and he felt the sharp pain of tearing!

His pupils constricted as large swaths of blood rushed out and splashed out, and his vision was filled with his own blood.

At the same time, Qi Ye had already appeared behind him, and the sword had been sheathed.

At the same time, Qi Ye was facing him, his right leg was forward, his knees were bent, his left leg was straightened backwards, his body was slightly arched forward, his left hand held the sheath of the sword on the left side of his waist, and his right hand held the handle of the sword, showing a posture of drawing the sword, with his own aura, this posture was extremely cold and handsome, more handsome than the shape of the thunder breath in the ghost annihilation.


Another flash of golden streamer light, everywhere it passed, the atmosphere was cut into a crack.


Another sound, another blood shot out.


A scream sounded, resounding throughout this piece of heaven and earth, the crew of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment stayed, it was Kaido’s scream!

Kaido, he would scream!

Kaido had already landed on the ground at this time, quickly pulling away from Qi Ye.

Kaido looked down at his abdomen, and his eyes widened, and his face was extremely ugly, mixed with pain.

Only to see that his right abdomen, there were two more wounds, X-shaped crossing.

The wound was deep, very wide, ten centimeters deep, spreading from his chest to his abdomen.

The body was already stained red with blood, and Kaido’s huge palm pressed against the wound, his face twitching in pain.

He was actually injured, the pain was nothing, the important thing was that he Kaido was actually injured, such a serious injury, and this scar would remain on his body in the future, then what a shame, a shame to accompany his life.

Qi Ye nodded and said to himself, “It will be more pleasing to the eye to look at it this way.” ”


Kaido was furious, and the blood quickly stopped, emitting an angry roar.

Suddenly, Kaido changed, the momentum became stronger, the island seemed to be blowing a strong wind, and the sea began to rush.

The crew of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment turned back from their consternation and their faces changed dramatically.

“Get away, Lord Kaido is going to transform!” Lord Kaido in the form of a dragon, the attack power is too terrifying! ”

Qi Ye’s face was indifferent and majestic.

“Do you want to change into dragon form, then let you know that you are a dragon in front of others, and you are a worm in front of me!”

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