Tom worries in his heart and doesn’t want the Qiye Pirates to be put in danger because of himself.

The Qiye Pirates will surely become the overlords of the sea in the future, and it is possible for Qiye to become the king of the world.

Now, the Kiyo Pirates had just been formed, and Tom didn’t want them to risk it for themselves.

At this time, a major general took the telephone bug and aimed it at Malin Fando, filming the whole picture here.

Standing on the execution table, righteous words: “Justice may be late, but it will never be absent!” Today, the world’s first shipbuilder, Tom, is about to be executed. The crime was because of the shipbuilding of the Roger Pirates and the Qiye Pirates, and the two crimes were punished and executed. ”

“Now there are two hours to go before the execution!”

Although the number of Malin Fanduo was not large, it was also a loud and loud cry.

Empty reminded: “Before the start of the execution, these two hours, no one can relax in the slightest!” It is your mission to persevere for two hours. ”


At this time, the Chambord Islands.

The picture of Marin Fando was put on the big screen here, and there were many people gathered here, including civilians, bounty hunters, pirates, and journalists.

“Do you think the Qiye Pirates will come to Tom’s rescue?”

Although the Qiye Pirate Regiment became famous again a few days ago and defeated the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, Qiye defeated Kaido and became the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, and the strongest single-handedly. However, the Qiye Pirate Regiment had just been established, and there were only a few people, how could it be possible to start an all-out war with the Navy, and I felt that the Qiye Pirate Regiment would not come. ”

“I feel the same way. Although the number of people in front of Qi Ye was useless, it could be seen that the navy had gathered almost all the top combat forces that could be gathered, eight giant lieutenant generals, one hundred rear admirals, fifty ordinary lieutenant generals, twenty elite lieutenant generals, and candidates for generals, green pheasants, red dogs, and yellow apes. and the two admirals of the navy, Sengoku, Zefa. And, Hero Cap, Marshal Kong! ”

“Such a powerful lineup, how can the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment compare?” Although the Qiye Pirate Regiment has recently been famous for shaking the sea, in terms of overall strength, they are not high, how to fight with the navy’s lineup. ”

“In other words, I didn’t go, I just built a ship for the pirate group, and I didn’t need to risk my life and ruin my future.”


Most people felt that the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment would not arrive, and some people also hoped to arrive, otherwise they would not see the wonderful battle.

Little by little time passed, and when an hour was left in the execution, suddenly, the sound of water grunting sounded.

“There is movement!”

“It’s the sea in the bay!”

“There’s something down there.”


Chambord Islands, the picture can see the sea in the bay rippling, suddenly everyone held their breath, staring intently, Qi Ye pirate group is coming?


Under the gaze of Marin Fando, as well as everyone in the Chambord Islands, a coated ship burst out of the waters of the crescent-shaped bay, setting off a large wave and floating above the water.

Everyone knew immediately that it was not the ship of the Qiye Pirates.

The ships of the Qiye Pirates were so huge, like a town, that this small crescent-shaped bay could hold them.

However, the appearance of this ship still made the navy look grim and waited for it one after another.

“It’s the ship of Roger Pirates, the Golden Jackson!”

“It’s Roger’s Pirates here!”

“Didn’t it disband long ago?” In order to save Tom, gathered again? ”


In their eyes, they thought that the crew of Roger’s Pirates had all gone their separate ways and mostly retreated, but they did not expect that now the Golden Jackson had appeared.

On the execution table, Tom looked at the familiar boat, and the figures on the ship that were not strangers, stunned, moved, the circles of his eyes were red, and at the same time, his fists were clenched, and he was very remorseful.

“Why are you coming?”

The Navy could not have imagined that it was Roger’s Pirates who came.

They all looked at the Golden Jackson, and dozens of people had gathered at the bow of the ship, posing as an attack, but without moving.

“These faces… One of Roger’s right and left hands, Sparker Jabba! ”

“And Roger the Pirates Ship Doctor, Culox, and the Combat Crew, Sikal, Sanbel, Eye Dragon, and so on.”

“The Roger Pirates combat crew is basically here!” The whole Roger Pirate Regiment, most of the people came! ”


Because of the time, the distant Mitsuki Oda did not have time to arrive at the assembly.

Knowing that Tom had been caught, they connected with each other and assembled together, partly because of Tom, and partly because of the Qiye Pirates.

“It’s the Roger Pirate Regiment that is coming, so the Qiye Pirate Regiment will not come?”

“As I thought, don’t come back, after all, it was just established, the future is unlimited, how can I come to die myself.”

“Whew, it’s okay.”

The navy was inexplicably relieved that they were more reluctant to face the Qiye Pirates than they did to face the Roger Pirates.

Without Roger, and the Roger Pirates had been disbanded, the people who had gathered could not defeat them, and they were all remnants of the old era.

The Chambord Islands, the debate is fierce.

“Sure enough, the Qiye Pirates will not come.”

“After all, the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment is all fresh blood, and if you have to save Tom, you still have to come with these elderly people.”

“The Night Pirates, but that’s it.”


While discussing, his eyes were still on the picture, ready to watch the two sides go to war.

But, why does Roger Pirates give the impression of not being ready to do it?

“The Qiye Pirate Regiment, will definitely come!”

At this time, a sound of great conviction sounded, a man stepped out, the crowd on the boat automatically gave way to a road, and the man walked to the bow of the boat and stood in the middle of the crowd.

Major General, Lieutenant General saw, their faces changed, Kapu, Warring States, Zefa, Empty, eyebrows frozen.

“He is… Pluto, Silbaz Reilly!! ”

“Pluto Reilly, Deputy Captain of Roger Pirates!”

“He’s here too!”

He said, the Qiye Pirates will definitely come? Are they going to join forces? That’s it…”

Suddenly, even in their home field, some of the navies were panicked.

Reilly said in a condensed voice, “Before the execution, we will not move, if the Qi Ye Pirate Group comes, we will choose to watch.” Because I know that Qi Ye doesn’t want us to shoot. ”

“However, if the Qiye Pirates do not arrive in time before the execution, then we will be your opponents!”


Reilly drew his sword and stood in a mighty voice, and the crew of Roger’s Pirates grinned, unafraid, and scrappy.

Reilly said in a deep voice, “If you want to fight us now, we don’t mind weakening some of your combat strength before the arrival of the Qi Ye Pirates.” ”

Empty, Warring States their brows frowned, Reilly’s meaning is very clear, is waiting for the arrival of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, if the Qi Ye Pirate Group does not arrive, it is they who choose to fight.

If you arrive, you will watch.

But, bystanders, will they believe? What if we join forces when the time comes?

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