“No kidding? Choose to bystand, do you think I’ll believe me? ”

“The former Roger Pirates crew gathered here and would choose to watch? Instead of teaming up with the Qiye Pirates? How can it be. ”

“Do you want to delay the time and wait for the Qi Ye Pirate Group to arrive and start working together?”


The Navy questioned and was ready to act.

Reilly said, “Because, in this battle, Qi Ye does not want us to participate, and I also believe in him, maybe the current Qi Ye Pirate Regiment is beyond my imagination.” This battle is a tempering of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, and it is also a greater reputation, and we naturally will not participate. ”

“However, if you don’t believe me, then fight us first, and then you will face the Qiye Pirates.”

Reilly looked at Sengoku and asked, “Sengoku, what do you think?” ”

Sengoku’s brow furrowed, the wisdom in his eyes flashed, and he didn’t answer for a while, obviously thinking.

If they fought with the current Roger Pirates first, they were confident that they could defeat them, but he knew best the strength of the Roger Pirates.

Although there is no Roger and Barrett, the Roger Pirates are still very strong, and if they fight, they will certainly not be able to end the battle in a short period of time, and there will be damage.

Facing the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, they were confident that such a lineup could definitely be won, so if they were damaged when the Qi Ye Pirate Group arrived, it would not be necessary.

So choose the enemy not to move, I don’t move?

At war, the Sengoku did not have the idea, waiting, and the Sengoku could not be fully sure of what Reilly was saying.

Now move, against them, do not move, the good result is the arrival of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, the Roger Pirate Regiment watches, the bad result is that the two Pirate Regiments unite.

However, with what he knew about Pluto, Reilly, the words should be true, and the whole process is now live.

After thinking about it, Sengoku said, “Don’t move first.” ”

As soon as these words came out, the navy looked at each other and said emptyly, “Listen to the Warring States.” ”

The air chose to believe the decision made by the warring states, and suddenly the navy did not question and chose to believe.

Reilly, they all put away their attack and began to wait.

Chambord Islands.

Everyone was stunned and surprised that the general Sengoku actually chose to wait.

“Why wait, do you believe the pirate’s words?”

“The pirates are all despicable, how can they choose to watch from the sidelines, I see that after the Qiye Pirates group comes, they will definitely choose to join forces.”

“How could a Qiye Pirate Regiment dare to face the Navy Headquarters alone, it must be because of the Roger Pirate Regiment, so it dared to come, and it will definitely ask the Roger Pirate Regiment to join forces with them.”

“Yes, I heard that the captain of the Qiye Pirates, Qiye, Shanks, used to be a trainee crew member of the Roger Pirates, and Barrett is a former Roger Pirate Regiment combat crew.”

“The Navy is so naïve that it believes the pirates’ words”


They all said they didn’t understand.

“Don’t argue, just watch quietly, you’ll know soon, it’s less than an hour before the execution.”

One of the pirates watching was impatient and too noisy.

The hostility made most of the civilians suddenly quiet.

Two days ago, the Qiye Pirates made contact with Reilly, and it was Reilly who contacted Qiye.

Reilly tells Qiye that the former Roger Pirate crew is already assembling, and if they want to go, we will help despite their words.

However, Qi Ye said that there was no need to help, this battle was a battle of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, a necessary battle on the road to becoming a king for the tempering of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment and what it had to face on the road to growth.

Reilly was stunned at the time, although he knew that Qi Ye was very strong, but if the overall strength of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, how to face the Navy Headquarters, after all, it had just been established.

Qi Ye said bluntly, “Believe me, believe in the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment.” ”

Reilly didn’t say anything more, but still asked, “Well, this battle is entrusted to you, since you said this, I naturally choose to believe that I am your master and know you very well, and since you say this, then nature has its own grasp.” ”

“But is there anything else we need help with?”

“Whether we can catch up before the execution, I am not sure, when the time comes, you will go first, if we arrive, then we don’t have to show up, if we haven’t arrived, then delay for a while, we will definitely arrive.” 」

Beckman then communicated with Reilly and said how, Reilly nodded.

Reilly wanted to help, since Qiye only wanted the Navy to fight with the Qiye Pirates when the time came, then they were not good at intervening, and hearing what Beckman said, Reilly was naturally willing.

Beckman also wanted to learn that the Navy would choose to wait.

At this time, the Navy Headquarters, time passed little by little, the atmosphere became more and more tense, and the Navy whispered.

“The time is almost up.”

“Hold on for a while and it’s over.”

“Tom will soon be executed.”

“The Roger Pirates won’t be sold out by the Qiye Pirates, will they?” In fact, do not dare to come? ”

“Although Qi Ye is strong, there are only a few people in the Qi Ye Pirate Group, which is completely inferior to the Whitebeard Pirate Group.”


They felt that the Qiye Pirates did not dare to come, and their hearts relaxed a little, so the worst result was to start a war with the Roger Pirates Regiment.

In the face of the remnants of the old era, the crippled Roger Pirates, they will surely take it.

The Navy whispered, but on the Golden Jackson, Reilly waited without a word, one by one, calmly and firmly, believing that the Qi Ye Pirates would come.

On the execution table, he looked at the time and shouted: “The time of execution is coming, prepare for the execution!” ”

The executioner on the execution table had already drawn his knife.

The Chambord Islands, looking at the picture, everyone is disdainful.

“I knew that the Qiye Pirates did not dare to come.”

“Unexpectedly, how dare a pirate regiment of only a few people face the naval headquarters that has gathered all the highest combat strength?”

“The Qi Ye Pirate Regiment has lost a lot of people this time, and the Roger Pirate Group has also been miserable.”

“The Qiye Pirate Regiment is just like …”

However, when they were mocking, suddenly everyone’s voices suddenly stopped, and their eyes were all staring at the picture, shocked and stunned. Because of Marin Fando, the heavens and the earth suddenly lost their color! Filled with dark red!

At this time, the naval headquarters.

The moment the executioner’s knife was raised, in an instant, a terrifying momentum enveloped the entire Marin Fando.

Originally, the sky was clear, and in an instant, the heavens and the earth were shrouded in dark red, and Malin Fando was like a hell on earth.

Click, click, click…

Suddenly, the dense cracking sound continued to sound, making all the navy people look at each other in horror.

The ground, walls, and tall buildings of the naval headquarters of Marin Fando all cracked, revealing dense and wide cracks.

At the same time, the body of the major general shook, dizzy.


Sengoku, who was sitting in the middle seat of the high platform, sat up directly and looked ahead, his eyes widened, his pupils constricted, and he shouted in a startled voice:

“Prepare all for battle!! The Pirates of the Night are coming!!! ”

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