Everyone’s eyes widened in horror, and although the Qiye was in the sky, it was not about to fall, but it was floating high in the sky!

The tsunami just now, covering the sky and the sun, blocked their view, and after the tsunami, they saw the Qi Ye trumpet in the sky.

Obviously, the Qiye had just appeared.

The green pheasant looked up and was stunned in his heart: “How can such a huge ship float in the sky, and also, what is the gravity I just felt?” Does it have anything to do with this? ”

The Kiyo is located high in the sky, apparently because of the ability of Fuji Tiger, so that the ship is weightless, so it floats in the air.

In the Chambord Islands, everyone was horrified and then in an uproar.

“It’s the Ki Night!”

“Why is it floating in the sky?”

“Yes, so big, it is floating in the sky, but it looks so spectacular and luxurious.”

“The heavens and the earth are dark, and the Qi Ye is located in the sky, golden and brilliant, like the city of the sky, too luxurious, too cool.”

“Marin Fando is dark red, and the sky of Qi Ye is golden and brilliant, and the contrast between the two is obvious, one is like being in hell, the other is like being in heaven.”

“The distance is too high, you can only see the ship, you can’t see the figure of the crew of the Qiye Pirate Regiment.”


At this time, although the navy headquarters and the navy of the soup chicken were very unhappy and wanted to compete with the Qiye Pirate Regiment, they could only stare dryly when they looked at the Qiye above the sky.

The distance was too high, thousands of meters high, and the powerful shells could not be touched at all, and as for the shooting, it had no impact on the Qiye at all.

Their hearts were heavy at the same time, and the huge Qiye was located high above Malin Fando, floating there, giving them great pressure.

Sengoku shouted, “Raise your spirits! Don’t be intimidated by the other side! The Qiye Pirate Regiment had just been established, and there were only eight people! ”

These days, the Navy has clearly known that the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, a total of eight people.

The words of the Warring States made the navy feel physically and mentally, yes, the Qiye Pirate Regiment was only eight people, and they gathered almost all the top combat strength of the Navy on their side, or in their territory, there was no need to be afraid of the Qiye Pirate Regiment.

They were obviously affected by the two consecutive dismounts they had just made, and when they heard the words of the Warring States, their war spirit rose one by one.

At this time, the Golden Jackson boarded.

Kurokas exclaimed, “The ship of the Pirates of the Night of the Night is really cool.” ”

Reilly said, “Since they have come to Qiye, then let’s prepare to watch, believe in Qiye, believe in Qiye Pirates.” ”

The crew focused on the situation, and then the Golden Jackson exited Crescent Harbor.

This made the Navy stunned, Roger Pirates really chose to watch?

They were stunned, they thought it was almost impossible, but they chose to wait according to the words of the Warring States, and now the Roger Pirates had withdrawn, retreating beyond the sea of Crescent Bay, far away from Malin Fando, one by one gathered their momentum, obviously really to watch.

When the Warring States saw this scene, they breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts and said in a deep voice, “This battle will not be an opportunity for the Qiye Pirate Regiment to become famous again, but it will be a setback encountered by the Qiye Pirate Regiment, and it will be a setback that cannot be overcome!” ”

Chambord Islands.

The people watching were also stunned, and one by one they were punched in the face.

First of all, I thought that the Qi Ye Pirate Group would not come, and then I felt that the pirates were all despicable, how could they choose to watch from the sidelines, but now the picture they saw hit them in the face.

One by one, they all shut up, never said anything more, but watched quietly.

Marin Fando, the navy looked up at the sky, his brow furrowed.

“Won’t they come down?”

“It’s too far to attack.”

“Damn, I just got off the horse at the beginning, and I really want to fight them now and save our face.”


They found that the Qi Ye trumpet high in the sky did not move.

“Don’t you dare come down?”

“It’s just a matter of hiding far away to release the domineering spirit of the overlord.”

“Our navy’s top combat strength is all there, and they are afraid that they will hesitate when they see it.”


The lineup on their side, and the Roger Pirates who chose to watch, made them relax a lot, and at the same time felt that they were doing it again, and one by one they swelled up.

However, at the moment when their bodies and minds relaxed and their behavior expanded, a cold voice, carrying endless majesty and domineering, exploded in the air, like nine days of angry thunder, and everyone’s hearts trembled.

“Navy, you are so bold!! Tom is my Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, now release people, otherwise, my Qi Night Pirate Group, will definitely make Marin Fando no longer exist!! ”

Such a mighty voice was obviously what Qi Ye said, and in an instant, the major general’s body actually shook up.

As the most domineering man in the world, such a threatening and angry voice exploded, making them tremble inside.

Their psychological endurance is very strong, after all, they are major generals, but at this moment, their psychology is almost unbearable, and they are subconsciously trembling.

On the execution table, the air was full of anger and the voice was loud.

“Such a big breath! Release people? No way! Today I’m going to see how you can make Marin Fando no longer exist! ”

Empty words fall, there is no response in words, but there is a response in action.

Boom boom…

Suddenly, the sound of dense artillery fire sounded, and the navy looking at the sky suddenly changed its face.

“Strike back!”

“Why are the shells so fast?”

“Spread out!!”


At this time, on the execution table, Tom was touched in his heart, his eye circles were red, and the Qi Ye Pirate Group still came.

He didn’t shout for the Qiye Pirates to leave, he knew that shouting was useless.

Looking at his own masterpieces above the sky, as well as the firepower installation, he was proud.

Only to see that the sky is huge Qi Night, around the huge hull, one by one gun ports open, one after another gun emplacements sprang out, mechanized rotation angle, gun muzzles in unison towards the Malin Fando below.

Such a huge ship, the fire device opened at the same time, and suddenly nearly a thousand gun ports appeared around the hull, extremely wide, the gun barrel sprang out, and the black barrel mouth looked chilling.

Boom boom…

In an instant, one shell after another was fired, thousands of cannons were fired in unison, and for a moment the sky was like black rain.

The firepower equipped with the Qiye is not comparable to ordinary shells, it is all top-notch firepower equipment, and each shell is extremely powerful.

The shells were fired from the sky, and under the control of the vine tiger’s fruit ability, the speed of the shells was extremely fast, and they simply did not have time to counterattack with firepower.

On the ground, the Navy moved in full force, some wielding weapons to attack the sky, some using finger guns, trying to explode the falling shells in mid-air.

Otherwise, so many shells, and each shell is half a meter in diameter, extremely powerful, if it falls on Malin Fando and is bombarded by carpet bombing, it is absolutely a mess.

The shells were all under control of the execution table area, Tom looked at this, his heart would not be so overwhelmed, and the Qiye was equivalent to his own battle.

Empty snorted coldly, “With this, you want to destroy Marin Fando?” ”

Red dogs, pheasants, and yellow apes moved at the same time, magma fists, laser lasers, constantly rushing upwards, destroying pieces of artillery shells, and suddenly the air was constantly bombarded.

Sengoku also moved, and Kapu and Zefa on the left and right sides were still sitting.

The Warring States directly incarnated into the form of the Great Buddha, hitting a wide range of shock waves to prevent the shells from falling.

However, even so, some shells fell to the ground and were bombarded in Malin Fando.

“Iron Block!!”


Although the major general used iron blocks to defend, he was bombarded at close range, and the shells were extremely powerful, and even the iron body felt pain and screamed.

Soon, most of the shells were bombarded in the air, and a small part exploded in Malin Fando, leaving dozens of potholes and large craters, and Malin Fando was covered with black smoke, combined with the damage caused by the previous overlord color domineering, at this time, Malin Fando was in a mess, and the Navy also suffered casualties.

Sky looked up at the Qi Ye trumpet in the sky, and hummed coldly: “Just this still want Marin Fando to cease to exist?” Is it too confident, or is it too contemptuous of us? ”

However, the empty words fell, and the face changed suddenly!

Rear Admirals, Intermediate Officers, Alternate Generals, and even Admirals all looked up at the sky.

Only to see, high in the air, a figure jumped up from the Qi Ye Ship. The distance is too far to see who it is.

The voices of the people responsible for reconnaissance with the telescope were trembling and exclaiming:

“The figure that jumped up on the Qiye … It’s Ki Night!! ”

Suddenly, everyone in the navy was physically and mentally frozen!

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