Qi Ye had just let people go, and they chose not to let go, so they ushered in such a dense and huge firepower attack, and now Malin Fando was even more confused.

So, now, Qi Ye suddenly moved, what to do?

Most people are nervous and know that it is definitely not a good thing.

Sengoku reminded, in a deep voice, “Attention, Qi Ye is going to move!” ”

Suddenly, the entire navy was in full swing!

Captain of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, the strongest single-handedly, the world’s largest sword master, the first bounty pirate of 5.1 billion Bailey, Qiye, what will he do?

They looked up at the sky, but for an instant, one by one, their subconscious eyes narrowed.

Only to see, the sky suddenly shone with golden light, and the whole sky was shining golden, and the light was dazzling, and with the rapid fall, it became more and more dazzling.

“Not good!” Empty face changed dramatically.

Only to see, above the sky, Qi Ye jumped up from the Qi Ye Ship, holding the Eagle Eye knife in both hands, the black knife night.

Qi Ye’s arms exerted force, directly two rigid force Luo, the muscles of both arms bulged a fist, with the strongest arm strength, combined with the strongest slash, the combination of the two, the black knife night slashed down.

First, a huge golden slash that crossed the heavens burst out, and then the black sword night in Qi Ye’s hand slashed out another huge golden slash.

Suddenly, a huge golden slash in the shape of a cross above the sky came towards Malin Fando!

The ground, the major general, the lieutenant general, and even the rear admiral were all shocked.

The slash had not yet fallen, but the whole of Marin Fando, enveloped by the sharp breath, their backs were chilling, and they felt like the blade was cutting around them.

Knowing that Qi Ye was the world’s largest sword master, the Navy had rarely seen Qi Ye’s sword skills, and now such a huge two slashes let them know the strength of Qi Ye’s sword skills.

Such a huge slash, if it falls, then Malin Fando will fall apart even more!

The steel bone empty face was ugly, even he did not dare to use his body to resist Qi Ye’s slash, even if he could resist, he would be injured, not lightly injured.

Even if he is a steel bone, the bone may be cut off.

After all, even Kaido was severely damaged by Qiye’s slash, and Kaido, who had turned into a dragon form, was even slashed from the sky by Qiye’s sword and turned into a human form.

On the ground, the face of the Red Dog was the most gloomy, and Qi Ye had grown to such a point that his strength was far above him.

This made his heart darken, and the lava on his body surged and a fist slammed into the air.


Suddenly, a huge lava fist slammed into the sky, enough to destroy the lava fist that melted an iceberg, crashing into the crisscrossing cross-slash.


However, the lava fist in the air, directly cut into four pieces, bombarded in the air. Then these four lava pieces were shattered into countless pieces and fell towards Marin Fando like a meteor shower.

The navy on the ground changed its face dramatically: “Not good! Hide! ”

They kept dodging the falling lava meteor shower, but even if they could dodge these, how could they dodge the slash that was about to fall?

The green pheasant’s right arm was facing upwards, the cold air filled the air, and he whispered: “Ice cubes, violent pheasant mouth!” ”

A huge ice bird flew out and faced the falling slash, but with a click, it was shattered by the slash.

The green pheasant frowned, “Such a strong slash.” ”

Empty has no idea of moving, even if he can block it, he will be hurt. And how could he, now standing alone on the execution table, guarding Tom, and as a field marshal, be able to strike so quickly?


The Warring States moved, swept up into the sky, and faced the slash falling from the sky at close range, the whole person was shining with golden light, and his hands burst out in unison, hitting a terrifying shock wave.


The chopper collided with the shock wave, and a roar broke out, but the Warring States’ face changed drastically, because their own shock wave was almost unable to hold on, violently rippled, and it shattered with a click!


The Warring States quickly dodged, otherwise it would fall on their own bodies, and it would be enough for them to feel good.


In the next instant, the cross slashed down to the ground, emitting a fierce roar.

The whole of Malin Fando was shaking, like an earthquake, and it was difficult for everyone to stand.

Rubble and dust.

In the Chambord Islands, everyone’s eyes are fixed on the screen, their eyes dare not blink, and they all hold their breath.

When the dust cleared, the eyes of all the people of the Chambord Islands widened.

Only to see that Marin Fando, was cut into four pieces and separated!

The empty face was ugly, and Malin Fando was divided into four pieces, each of which was a mess. But fortunately, through the attack just now, the power of the slash was weakened, otherwise such a powerful cross slash would fall down, and Malin Fando would not only be divided into four pieces, but each piece would completely collapse, causing Malin Fando to collapse and sink into the sea, no longer existing.

Empty face was ugly: “Damn! ”

“Since no one is released, then… Fight! ”

On the Qi Ye ship, the mighty sound of Qi Ye came, and suddenly everyone in the navy was nervous, the crew of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, are you going to act?!

Successive dismounts, overlords and domineering, they had no choice, tsunami, they failed to stop it.

The shell attack made Malin Fando even more miserable, and the cross slash made Malin Fando split into four pieces, and caused some casualties.

And this, the crew of the Qiye Pirate Regiment has not yet descended on Malin Fando, just at a high altitude, so what kind of battle will it be after the Qiye Pirate Regiment crew comes down?

From the beginning to the present, the domineering, tsunami, and slashing are all caused by Qi Ye alone, just the evil captain of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment has tried his hand to make Malin Fando so embarrassed and suffered serious casualties, so what will happen to the whole action?

They still underestimated the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, just because the Qi Ye Pirate was suspended in the air, such an ability, they did not know who it was, obviously, the newly recruited crew of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment was very strong!

When Qi Ye’s words fell, above the Qi Ye Ship, six figures jumped down from the bow of the ship!

The six figures fell, and the speed of the fall was not fast, obviously because the ability of the vine tiger controlled the gravity.

Bang bang bang bang bang…

Six sounds, almost at the same time, the crew of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, Barrett, Shanks, Beckman, Hawkeye, Vine Tiger, Laki Road six people landed on the ground, descending on Marin Fando!

At the same time, under the control of Fujihu, the Qiye was even more weightless, floating higher in the air.

Empty frown, Qi Ye, the captain of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, had not yet come down, and the Qi Ye was taking off, getting higher and higher.

If the ground attack of the Qiye Pirate Regiment is combined with a high-altitude attack, then they will be very tricky.

At this time, the yellow ape looked up at the Qi Ye trumpet that was rising into the air, and its body shone with golden light, ready to transform into a beam of light and fly into the sky, launching a laser ranged attack, and opening its mouth at the same time.

“Capture the thief before the king.”

However, just as the yellow ape was about to rush into the sky, a cold, low, warning voice sounded.

“Don’t move, yellow ape.”

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