The yellow ape that was originally shining with golden light on its body instantly dimmed and returned to its original form.

Moreover, the yellow ape really did not move.

Only to see Beckman staring at the yellow ape coldly, while the gun in his hand was pointed at the yellow ape.

It was such a simple action that the yellow ape not only did not move, but also raised his hands to surrender.

The yellow ape spoke in the same tone, “Ahhhhhhhh ”

The yellow ape had heard of Beckman’s deeds, extremely strong, powerful mind, especially the moment when he drew his gun and aimed it at the enemy, at this time, Beckman was the most dangerous.

The yellow ape raised his hand to surrender, and the navy did not feel ashamed, because Beckman was indeed too strong.

Huang Ape said, “The Qi Ye Pirate Regiment is really full of monsters, and Beckman has become one of them, which is really terrible.” ”

Beckman said lightly: “There will be many terrible things.” ”

The six figures of the crew of the Qiye Pirate Regiment fell and were immediately surrounded by the navy, but the rear admiral did not get on it at the first time.

After the bombardment and slashing just now, the major general was killed and wounded by half, and the remaining fifty major generals were still in a dizziness.

They didn’t expect that Qi Ye’s overlord color domineering spirit could even be affected by them.

This made them very unhappy in their hearts, shameful, as a major general, they were actually affected by Qi Ye’s overlord color domineering, so how big is the gap between them and Qi Ye?

Becoming a major general, the status in the Navy is not very low, and they are proud and arrogant, but they are affected by the domineering color of the overlord.

The Overlord Color Domineering Spirit has always been influencing the Minions, even if the Qi Night Overlord Color Domineering is terrifying, it should not affect them, and it is very blown.

Doesn’t it mean that in front of Qi Ye, these major generals, who are second only to the lieutenant generals, are minions?

In the vertigo, they did not rush over, the crew of the Qi Night Pirate Regiment, one by one, were monsters, and they rushed up in this state, that is, to find death.

The Navy looked at the six men of the Qiye Pirates, Barrett, Shanks, Hawkeye, and needless to say, joined the Qiye Pirates first.

The remaining three, Beckman, are famous, powerful in strength and mind.

And the fat people who eat chicken legs, they don’t know, look round and fat, face their surrounding, but also leisurely eat chicken legs, the strength is certainly not ordinary.

Finally, their eyes turned to Fuji Tiger.

Although he was blind, they felt that the Qi Ye was floating high in the air and had something to do with this person.

“The gravity just now is the ghost you made.”

The pheasant moved, quickly rushed over, ready to attack the vine tiger.


However, Shanks appeared in front of the pheasant.

“The previous battle on the island of Baterella, there is no victory or defeat, continue!”

Suddenly, Shanks and the pheasant were fighting.

“You pirates of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, one by one, are extremely evil beings, and they must be eliminated!”

The red dog’s iron-blooded face was frosted all over his body, and his whole body was surging with magma, ready for battle.

Hawkeye walked towards the Red Dog, holding a black knife in the night, so that the Red Dog did not dare to be careless.

Hawkeye said indifferently, “The captain said that your dog’s head is too easy for him to chop up now, and you are not qualified to fight with the captain in this battle.” So, I am your opponent. ”

Hearing this, the red dog was furious, looked up at the sky, and wanted to fight with Qi Ye and let Qi Ye see his own strength, but the distance was getting higher and higher, and he was powerless. It seems that the gap between the two is getting bigger and bigger.

Red Dog gritted his teeth, “Bastard, don’t be too arrogant! Die! ”


Red Dog’s fist surged with magma, a punch exploded, and was blocked by the black knife in Hawkeye’s hand Night, and began to fight.

In this way, the three alternate generals all started to move.

Of course, the yellow ape had not moved at this time, and was coldly stared at by Beckman.


At this time, on the high platform, Sengoku returned to his seat and sat down, and Zefa on the left side swept straight out, target, Barrett!

The corners of Barrett’s mouth grinned, the war spirit rose, and the momentum exploded.

“There was no victory or defeat in the first battle, so let’s divide the battle into winners and losers!”


Barrett collided with Zefa’s fists, the terrifying power erupted, the surrounding major generals quickly moved away, and the general-level battle was so terrible that the aftermath alone could hurt them.

Warring States looked at the major generals who were becoming more and more dizzy, uncomfortable, physically and mentally collapsed, and unable to withstand the pressure of domineering, shouting: “Major General retreat into the distance!” Surround this place! ”

Let the rear admiral, also can not play much combat strength, and are the backbone of the navy, this battle, to ensure the least loss to win the Qiye Pirate Regiment.

After all, the enemy of the navy is not only one Qiye pirate group, but also countless pirates on the sea, as well as those powerful pirate regiments.

The Major General suddenly moved away and retreated to the edge of Malin Fando, where the Overlord color domineering force was a little less, making them breathe a sigh of relief.

At this time, there were also more than twenty lieutenant generals, eight of whom were giant lieutenant generals.

There are cranes, warring states, kapu, steel bone air that have not yet been opposed.

In terms of situation, it seems that the Navy still has the advantage.

Chambord Islands.

“The battle is on!”

“But the battle has not yet begun in full swing, the Navy still has a lot of combat strength that has not been used, and the Qiye Pirate Regiment has not started, and there are only four left.”

“Isn’t there eight people in the Qiye Pirate Regiment, now there are only four of them, and the other two, one is the captain of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, Qiye, and who is the other one?”

“I heard that he is a chef, still very young, and his strength will not be strong.” Therefore, the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment’s combat strength was not much. ”

“At that glance, the Navy still has an advantage.”

“The Qiye is rising higher and higher, what do you want to do?” Air fire attack combined with ground attack? ”

“It should be, after all, the Qiye Pirate Regiment is at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, and can only cooperate with firepower at high altitude.”

“It seems that the Qiye is also a major combat force of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, and with such a powerful firepower configuration, it seems that it is not only huge and luxurious, but also has a very strong combat strength.”

“Yes, we all ignored the ship of the Qiye Pirates, but it’s not just a vase.”


Marin Fando.

Fuji Tiger faces the elite five lieutenant generals, namely the Squirrel, the Fire Mountain, the Dauberman, the Ghost Spider, and Stoloberi.

For the Fuji Tiger, the Navy did not understand, and did not want Beckman to be famous earlier, after all, living in the folk, obscure, has been guarding civilians in that area.

As for the strength of Fuji Hu, they were not clear, so they faced the elite five lieutenant generals.

Although Fujihu is blind, he knows the number and direction of his enemies.

“I’ll give it a try.”

Fuji Tiger pulled out a section of the staff knife in his hand, and the gravitational wave flew into the sky, instantly raising the gravity to tens of thousands of kilometers away from the planet and pulling down the meteorite.

Suddenly, Malin Fando suddenly became brighter, and Lieutenant General Squirrel Fifth suddenly looked up, his eyes widened, his pupils contracted, and his voice trembled.

“No… Isn’t it…”

“Yes… Meteorite! ”

“What a monster this guy is!”


When Fuji Tiger struck, he showed the card and let everyone know that the Qi Ye Pirate Group was another monster.

This…… Is it the Qiye Pirate Regiment?

At the same time, high in the sky, on the Qi Ye ship.

Qi Ye knew that the battle had begun below, and his eyes were threatening, and his cold glow flashed.

“It’s time for me to make a big fuss too!”

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