The three top combat forces sitting on the seat, Sengoku and Zefa, had already moved, but Kapu had not moved.

At this moment, Karp stood up and attracted everyone’s attention.

The Navy knew that Karp was going to do it.

Although Kapu is a lieutenant general, his status in the navy is higher than that of the general. And Karp’s strength, they felt, was even stronger than the general.

Karp, is a naval hero!

Kapu looked at the sky, at this time the Qi Ye had already lifted off to a height of more than two thousand meters, and it was still going up.

At the same time, a huge shell with a diameter of half a meter continued to fall, thousands of gun ports, and with a continuous roar in three seconds, each gun port fired ten shells in three seconds.

Suddenly, ten thousand shells were lined up one after another, falling towards Malin Fando, like a rain of shells.

Moreover, under the control of Fujihu’s ability, some of these shells exploded the major generals in the area around Malin Fando, and most of them exploded ordinary lieutenant generals and elite lieutenant generals.

At this time, the battle between the Qiye Pirate Regiment and the Navy, if the most stressful, is Laki Road.

Shanks, Hawkeye, Barrett, Vine Tiger, Beckman.

They were mostly one-on-one, against one of the Navy’s strongest fighting forces, but Rakilu was different, he was against all the lieutenant generals.

Rakilu was alone, almost singled out more than twenty lieutenant generals at the naval headquarters.

The combination of ordinary lieutenant generals and elite lieutenant generals can not be underestimated, even if Rakilu is sensitive, it is difficult to resist in the face of so many people besieged.

Qi Ye knew from the beginning that although the elite line of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment had developed, and everyone’s strength was very strong, the overall strength of the current was still somewhat different from that of the Navy.

However, as long as it is combined with the air suppression of the Qi Ye fire, then it can make Rakilu easier.

At this time, Rakilu was glad that the Navy was only these combat forces.

Although Qi Ye had not yet moved, they all knew that Qi Ye had played a huge role, that is, to make the Navy Headquarters dare to only send these people.

The naval headquarters, but not only these, but also hundreds of thousands of sailors, of which the elite sailors have 100,000, and there are thousands of Cao Commanders, Colonels, and Quasi-Generals.

If all of these were used, even if the Whitebeard Pirates were all faced, the overall strength would not be as good as the Navy.

And jealous of Qi Ye’s overlord color domineering, so he did not dare to let such a huge naval elite come.

Therefore, if there is no Qi Ye, then their overall pressure is extremely high.

This is also why the overall strength of the Qiye Pirate Regiment is not as strong as that of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, but the reason why it can confidently come to Malin Fanduo to fight with it is because the Navy only dares to send these combat forces.

Boom boom…

The shells continued to fall under the control of Fuji Hu, accurately bombarding those lieutenant generals, the target was not Rakiru, plus Lajilu was sensitive, so there was no need to worry about bombing Laji Road, and it was difficult to spread.

Lajilu’s body and defense are also very strong, although it is not as good as the steel body of Big Mama, but it will not be much worse, coupled with the armed color domineering, so even if it is close to the explosion range, it will not be hurt by the aftermath.

Suddenly, the lieutenant generals quickly dodged and faced the air fire, making them very tricky.

Suddenly, this made Rakiru a little more relaxed.

At the same time, there is also the help of Fuji Hu’s strength.

I saw a large area of soil rising at the feet of the vine tiger, and the vine tiger stood on top of it, floating in the air.

This made Sengoku frown, what to do?

Sengoku watched Rakilu fight the lieutenant general, because Malin Fando was divided into four pieces, and Rakiro kept dodging away, and as he continued to wander away, Rakilu took his opponents to a piece of Marin Fando land in the lower right corner, which was on the edge, and suddenly only Rakilu and more than twenty lieutenant generals were fighting.

The Sengoku originally thought that it was deliberately to cooperate with air combat, because the shells basically all fell on that piece of land.

At this time, the vine tiger stepped on the rock block floating in the air.

The vine knotweed knife was pulled out in its entirety, pointing directly at the sky, and the gravity continued to accumulate, and the fruit ability was fully exploded.

“This battle can’t just be a small test.”

The vine tiger fell, and an even larger circle of purple gravity waves flew into the air in a large area, and drank a low voice:

“Fire Festival!”

Suddenly, Sengoku’s eyes widened and his pupils wrinkled, because another meteorite fell, and it was a meteorite like a meteor shower! It was extremely dense, and all of them fell towards a quarter of the island where Rakilu fought with the lieutenant generals.

This made the Warring States understand that it was still compatible with the ability of the Fuji Tiger.


Sengoku’s face darkened, and the shock wave slammed into the Fuji Tiger, and the Fuji Tiger resisted with a fierce tiger.

Boom boom…

Suddenly, on that island, meteorites kept falling, although each meteorite was not as large as the previous one, but there were many of them, and nearly a hundred small meteorites were wrapped in flames, constantly falling, bombing.

Rakiru’s sensitive body at this time combined with the domineering spirit of seeing and hearing, perfect play, and such a battlefield is extremely suitable for him, and everyone else will be affected.

The Warring States face is ugly, and the Qiye Pirate Regiment not only relies on brute force, but also obviously plans how to fight, and everyone plays more perfectly.

Sengoku frowned and looked at Beckman, who was confronting the yellow ape: “Was this guy arranged?” ”

Obviously, this tactic was arranged by Beckman, according to the combat ability and characteristics of each person.

Raki Road faces many people, with a sensitive combination of air combat, Fuji Tiger’s meteorite, to be struck.

By this time, a quarter of the island had become a sea of fire, leaving a dense sinkhole.

The Sengoku went all out and would not let Fujihu use this trick again.

It was enough for Fuji Tiger to help this time, and he was fully engaged in fighting against the Warring States.

At this time, the Chambord Islands.

Everyone was stunned, the crew of the Qiye Pirate Regiment was so terrifying.

When Fujihu pulled down a meteorite before, they clearly remembered what Fujihu said, that is, to try his hand.

This made them stunned at the time, pulling down a meteorite, such an anti-heavenly ability, or is it just a small test? Exaggeration, right?

However, at this time, seeing this trick of fire sacrifice, pulling down so many meteorites, and turning a battlefield into a sea of fire in the blink of an eye, it was too terrifying.

On the Kiyo, Kiyo stood at the bow of the ship and looked down, Jessica controlled the firepower device in the control room, and the suppression of air fire combined with Fujihu’s move could greatly weaken the numerical superiority of the navy.

This made the battle of Rakilu much easier, and the arrangement of this battle was obviously Beckman’s idea.

This is the terror of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, which can be beaten, and the powerful mind, and the firepower is also extremely powerful.

This battle will eventually let the world know more about the power and terror of the Qiye Pirate Regiment!

In the future, the Qiye Pirate Regiment will not only become the Four Emperors, but also the head of the Four Emperors, and even surpass the Four Emperors!

Qi Ye then looked at Kapu, only to see that Kapu was ready to step into the air.

“Such a height, if it were you, would really be able to reach it.” Well, come on, Karp! ”

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