Boom boom…

On the ground, shells continued to bombard.

Most of the ordinary lieutenant generals have been injured by the intensive bombardment of shells and meteorite rain, and some have unfortunately been directly killed by meteorites.

Some were very close to the shells, were directly hit by the bombs, and were seriously injured.

Suddenly, the only lieutenant generals facing Raki Road were the five lieutenant generals of the squirrels, and the five ordinary lieutenant generals who were more powerful.

Lieutenant General Giant, because of his large size, is naturally the focus of the artillery shells and meteorites, and the whole body of the bomb is wounded, and he falls directly.

Although the giant is huge, the defensive vitality is also strong, and it will not die.

Standing on the execution table watching the battle, he never thought that the battle situation would become like this.

I thought the battle situation was one-sided, but I didn’t expect that the overall strength of the Qiye Pirate Regiment was so strong.

Looking at Kapu in the air, the standing Kapu, at this time the knees are bent, the calf muscles are tense, the body is slightly arched, and the whole person is like a tiger ready to go, ready to jump up.

Empty condensed voice: “Kapu, the ship of the Air Qi Ye Pirate Regiment will be handed over to you, and Qi Ye.” We must not allow the powerful firepower of this ship to continue to be suppressed, otherwise our numerical superiority in combat power will be gone. ”

Air believes in Kapu’s strength, although it has been more than two thousand meters high, but Kapu’s physical skills are the strongest in the naval headquarters, and the height of more than two thousand meters can be done for Kapu.

At this time, the lieutenant general who fought against Rakilu was very embarrassed, his hair was blown up, and his whole body was covered with smoke marks.

They looked at the sky, gritted their teeth, and had no choice.

“Damn! Have the ability to come down! ”

“It’s disgusting to attack where we can’t hit in the air.”

“If you want to fight back, but because the distance is too far to attack, you can’t attack at all, and there is nowhere to make it, it’s really humiliating.”

“Someone has already been killed, and this is the backbone of our navy.”

“Our firepower simply cannot make all the shells in the sky explode in the air.”

“Rely on Lieutenant General Kapu to force the guy down from Qiye, and there is another crew member who also forced it down, so that no matter how strong the Qiye firepower is, it is useless for no one to control it.”


They were very angry, they could only be blown up like this, there was nothing they could do, they were very upset, and they could only continue to fight with Rakiru.

At this time, above the high platform, there was a roar!



Kapu’s feet slammed into the air, jumping directly in place, rushing upwards at great speed.

The recoil force caused the high platform to collapse directly and become a ruin.

It was because of Qi Ye’s overlord color domineering spirit and slashing blows, so that every part of Malin Fanduo was full of wide cracks, and it was definitely necessary to rebuild it afterwards, so it didn’t have to be left alone, and he gave full force.

With this pedal of Kapu, the high platform collapsed, and a large crater directly appeared on the ground, which showed how strong the bouncing force was.

The Navy had been a little heavier by the bombing, but when Operation Kapu rushed into the air, they were again uplifted.

“Lieutenant General Kapu rushed up!”

“Lieutenant General Kapu’s fist will definitely cause damage to the ships of the Qiye Pirates!”

“Better beat that guy down in the night!”

“Lieutenant General Kapu will do it, it will be foolproof, the end of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment is coming!”

“Lieutenant General Karp! Lieutenant General Karp!! ”


The lieutenant generals, as well as the brigadier generals in the marginal area, saw Kapu rushing into the air, one by one, their eyes were in adoration, their eyes were shining, they were very excited, and they cheered.

The hero Kapu is the existence they most worship in the navy, a god-like being.

As long as Kapu takes action, they feel that they will be able to succeed, and they are very relieved.

This is the powerful image that Kapu has established, which shows how strong he is.

Chambord Islands.

Whether it was a civilian or a pirate, when he saw Kapu move, he felt that the Qiye Pirate Group was going to be in trouble.

Karp makes civilians love and pirates jealous.

“Hero Karp has done it! What a fast climb! ”

“It’s getting closer and closer to the Qi Ye trumpet in the sky!”

“Good physical skills, not comparable to other navies’ naval sixths, this moon step is the real moon step.”

“The elite lieutenant general uses the moon step, to a thousand meters high is the limit, the foot can not withstand the ground, will be exhausted, because to continue to exert full force, stampede on the air to form the driving force is itself in the air constantly jumping and climbing, but the strength of Kapu, every step, the height of the climb is too high, the speed is also extremely fast, and the strength of Kapu, completely bearable.”

“Hero Kapu, it is indeed terrifying, although the Qiye was made with the treasure tree Adam, but Kapu’s fist is extremely terrifying, for the meteorite just now, even if it is larger, it can be easily exploded.” Therefore, a punch that falls on the Qiye with all its strength can really be partially destroyed, and it is still no problem to punch a hole. ”

“In this way, the air fire suppression of the Qi Ye will not work.”

“Qi Ye will definitely do it, right?” As the captain of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, the crew is so powerful, so how is the strength of Qiye compared to Kapu? ”

“Ginger is still old and spicy, I think Kapu is stronger, Qi Ye is only sixteen years old.”

“Karp is the omnipotent presence of the Navy!”

“Hero Cap! Hero Karp!! ”


Suddenly, the civilians shouted with cheers.

Bang bang bang…

At this time, Kapu continued to stomp on the air, constantly making a popping sound, and in the blink of an eye, he reached a height of more than a thousand meters, getting closer and closer to the Qi Ye Ship.

Kapu’s eyes narrowed, the cold light flashed, and he said in a deep voice, “You can’t let you make such a fuss in the air!” Let’s all come down! ”

As the distance grew closer, Karp’s right fist was pitch black, covered with superb armed color domineering, flying upwards, while his fist was ready to bombard out.

At this time, Qi Ye stood at the bow of the ship, and naturally saw Kapu getting closer and closer.

“Sure enough, your physical skills can reach such a high altitude, but you can’t succeed.”

The mighty light in Qi Ye’s eyes flickered, and it suddenly turned cold.

“All along, my attacks have been unsophisticated, without any skillful attacks, but this time, use the techniques I have learned!”


Suddenly, Qi Ye jumped up from the bow of the ship and then stomped on it with one foot! Tiptoe towards Kapu’s fist.


Qi Ye’s ghost qi combined with domineering, his body was dark red, purple ghost qi surged around him, his eyes became red because of his domineering qi, and the whole person looked like a ghost god.

With a snort, it was because Qi Ye kicked down with a kick of extreme speed, because of the extremely fast friction with the atmosphere, resulting in flames, and suddenly his right foot was wrapped in flames.

This foot concentrates all the strength of the whole body, according to what he understood in the first battle with the green pepper. This kick is my most powerful kick! ”

At the beginning of the Green Pepper War, the Eight Punches of Green Pepper were very powerful, especially the restoration of the cone, all the power was concentrated a little, and the explosion was stronger.

Qi Ye had the strongest talent, which was why his physical skills, sword skills, etc. had improved so quickly and so strongly, because Qi Ye had the strongest talent.

Then, comprehending skills is not difficult for Qi Ye, who is the most talented.

Usually the attack is not fancy, does not mean that Qi Ye will not be skilled, at this time, he broke out of his own kicking skills. Concentrate your whole body a little more and send out super high-speed kicks.

Everywhere Qi Ye’s foot passed, the space below was distorted with visible to the naked eye!

This made Kapu’s face vibrate with a punch, distorting not the atmosphere, but the space!

After the shock of Kapu’s arm, the muscles swelled, the fist carried a terrifying force, and a low roar:

“Punch and bone!!”

Qi Ye roared at the same time, and the momentum was even more terrifying.

“Night God Kicks!!!”


Suddenly, the roar that resounded between heaven and earth, even at a height of two thousand meters, was also the hum of the minds of people on the ground.

The two collided, and in an instant there was no cloud in the sky! Because it was scattered by the aftermath of the horror!

Suddenly, the ground battlefield stopped for a short time, and they all looked up at the sky, wanting to see the duel between the two aces, who won and who lost.


Suddenly, a figure fell at the speed of a meteor.

It is not the figure above that falls, but the figure below, that is, Kapu!


Two thousand meters in the air, just in the blink of an eye, Kapu slammed to the ground, which shows how fast it fell.

At the moment of landing, the whole Malin Fan trembled for a while, and the ground once again collapsed in a large area.

Where Kapu landed, a sinkhole was smashed, rubble and dust.

The faces of the entire navy changed dramatically.

“Lieutenant General Karp!!”

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