Their faces changed with shock and shock.

They thought that Kapu must be able to knock down the Qiye and the people above, but before they could get close to the Qiye, they were kicked down by Qiye…


Their hearts were tremendously shaken, the collision just now, Qi Ye was stronger than Kapu in strength?!

“Kapu…” The Warring States were even more shaken in their hearts, as a comrade-in-arms from his youth to the present, he knew best that Kapu’s strength had actually been kicked down by Qi Ye.

At this time, the navy was staying, and the civilians of the Chambord Islands were all dumbfounded, and the shouts were all gone.

The god-like hero in their hearts, Kapu, was actually kicked down.

The pirates were shocked and adored.

“Is this the first bounty, the strength of Qiye, the captain of the Qiye Pirate Regiment?”

“It’s cool to kick Karp out of the air with one kick.”

“I can be his subordinate.”

“It’s also a pirate, the gap is too big.”


The civilians were punched in the face, but Qi Ye’s status in the hearts of the pirates was getting higher and higher, which was too terrifying.

The pheasant couldn’t believe it, Kapu was the most admired by him, when he was young, he was Kapu’s heel, he was very aware of Kapu’s strength, he thought that Kapu would be no problem, but he was killed.

Qi Ye’s strength, so terrifying?

“Lieutenant General Karp!”

Brigadier generals, lieutenant generals, looked over one after another, a little worried.

“Oh the column, the big deal.”

The dust dissipated, Cat jumped out of the pit, his left hand patted the dust on his body, and his right hand flicked, dispelling the numbness in his arm.

Kapu looked up into the air and exclaimed, “Qi Ye, this guy’s strength is so strong, in terms of physical skills, he is no less than me.” ”

Hearing this, the navy’s face changed in shock, Qi Ye’s physical skills, so strong? Comparable to Lieutenant General Karp?

So, how strong is Qi Ye’s comprehensive strength?

After all, Qi Ye’s strength also had sword skills, terrifying physical vitality.

These are combined, so even if Kapu alone, it is impossible to take down Qi Ye, but he will go head-to-head with Qi Ye, and it will not take long for Kapu to lose?

Kapu had to obey: “It is worthy of being the strongest single-handedly, and this blow alone can be sure that his strength is beyond our imagination.” If you go it alone, even me, or Whitebeard, is not his opponent. ”

Playing a protracted battle, Kapu does not feel that he will win, and Qi Ye is really the strongest single-headed.

Even when he joined forces with the Warring States, he didn’t think he could take down Qi Ye.

Originally, I felt that even if Qi Ye could fight and drag, then if he continued to fight, he would definitely be able to win, after all, he was the strongest in a single head, not the strongest in the group, the strongest in the world.

But now, he found that Qi Ye’s strength was too strong, combined with the terrifying flesh, then joining forces with the Warring States might not be able to defeat.

If they join forces with Sengoku against Kaido, they are confident that they can defeat Kaido, but in the face of Qiye, their hearts are bottomless.

At this time, the Qi Ye was rising higher and higher, and Kapu had no idea of continuing to rush up, and the height had exceeded the height he could reach.

The ground battle continued, it was very fierce, Shanks worshiped Qi Ye, kicked the naval hero Kapu down, too handsome.

Kapu began to skim to the place where the shells were bombed, and at the same time, a brigadier general prepared a box of shells for Kapu, and Kapu directly grabbed it and threw it out, which was extremely powerful.

The shells were constantly thrown into the sky, bombarding, and suddenly detonating a large number of shells falling in the air.

However, because the shells could not fall densely into pieces, but were listed at once, it was impossible to explode all of them, and there were still shells that kept falling, just less.

The lieutenant generals were still under the influence of shells.

“Lieutenant General Karp didn’t even get that guy down.”

“When that guy comes down, it’s really troublesome to keep firing on it.”

“This fat man is too flexible, he doesn’t fight us head-on at all, he keeps wandering, we chase and prevent the shells overhead, it is difficult to take him down.”

“The other battles are also in a stalemate, and we have already started a war with the Qiye Pirates, but the battle situation is indistinguishable.”


While throwing shells continuously, Kapu reminded: “You must pay attention to the top of your head while fighting, the fire of the ships of the Qiye Pirates is too fierce, and I can’t destroy all the shells in the air.” The Qiye was also getting higher and higher, and the shells I threw could reach up to two kilometers. ”

“However, when Qi comes down at night, I will fight him again.”

The squirrels frowned: “I’m afraid he won’t dare to come down, just launch a slash on it, and the shells disgust us.” ”

Rajiru smiled, “You want our captain to come down?” ”

“Of course, if you don’t come down, how do you take him down?” The thief captured the king first and took down Qi Ye, and your Qi Ye Pirate Regiment was declared defeated. ”

Rakilu smiled coldly, “Innocent. ”

At this point, the battle began and has lasted for an hour now.

Hawkeye fights Red Dog, Shanks fights Green Pheasant, Barrett fights Zefa, Fuji Tiger fights Sengoku.

Their battles are extremely fierce, they are all strong at sea, and the confrontation will not end in a moment and a half.

As for the yellow ape, he remained motionless, and Beckman kept staring at him.

The yellow ape watched as everyone else around him was fighting hard, but he was much more relaxed, and he didn’t have to move.

The yellow ape still had that strange tone: “They don’t think I’m paddling, I’m being stared at by you, I really don’t dare to move, it’s really terrible.” ”

Beckman said coldly, “You can choose to fight me.” ”

“Oh, forget it, that’s it, although it didn’t move, but the good guys also restrained you.”


At this time, high in the sky, the Qi Ye had already risen to a height of 10,000 meters, and then it was no longer raised and stopped.

Qi Ye left the fire control room and said before leaving, “Jessica, this side is handed over to you, such a height, the navy can not have anyone to reach such a height, even if it is my flesh, physical strength and physical skills, it is impossible to climb to a height of 10,000 meters.” You continue to suppress the fire, cooperate with the gravity of the vine tiger to give the navy a blow, and now, I will go to the rescue. ”

“Leave it to me, Captain!” There you go! Jessica carefully controlled the firepower.

Qi Ye flashed and appeared on the bow of the ship, glaring at everything, his eyes glazed over: “Prepare to tremble, Navy!” ”

When the words fall, Qi Ye leaps deeper! 10,000 meters in the air, jump straight down!


The wind whistled in his ears, and Qi Ye fell faster and faster.

At this moment, Marin Fanduo landed, and a brigadier general’s face changed drastically.

“Someone jumped down!”

“Although the Qiye is already difficult to see, it can barely be seen through the telescope, at a height of 10,000 meters!”

“Report Marshal, it was Qi Ye who jumped down!”


Suddenly, everyone in the navy was shocked, extremely nervous, Qi Ye Pirate Regiment Captain Qi Ye, the world’s most domineering man, came down!

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