Brigadier General, Major General was very nervous.

The brigadier general in the marginal area, who wanted to stay away, had retreated to the shore.

High in the sky, Qi Ye’s overlord color domineering spirit will make it difficult for them to bear, so if they fall, such a close distance, how strong will the overlord color domineering qi be, how much pressure they can bear, and whether they can withstand it.

Karp looked up at the rapidly falling figure and clenched his fists.

“It’s finally coming down.”

The Warring States collided with the Fuji Tiger and stepped back and looked at the sky.

“Only one person came down, got the ship to a height of 10,000 meters, so as not to let people be affected, so as to launch a fire attack at random at a high altitude.”

Sengoku frowned, now there was only one way to get the Qiye to come down, and that was to defeat Fujihu.

Obviously, there is the control of the vine tiger fruit ability, once not, then the Qi Ye will fall from a height of 10,000 meters.

So big, so massive, then even if the Qiye was built with Adam, it would be slightly damaged when it was smashed.

However, if it really fell down, then Malin Fando would definitely sink, which made the Warring States frown.

Zefa looked up at the sky and said in a deep voice, “Although I would like to fight with Qi Ye and see his strength, even you can’t defeat him, let alone him.” Today’s young people are really more than a monster. ”

Zefa and Barrett’s battle was evenly matched, which made him feel a little shocked inside, and Qiye’s strength was above himself.

On the execution table, the air was cold: “Qi Ye, it is finally time to come down, then, it is time to start an all-out war, the primary goal is to take you first, so that the victory is close to most of the half.” ”

Tom looked up at the figure in the sky falling rapidly, choosing to believe in Qi Ye, it was useless for him to worry, he had reached this step, he believed that the Qi Ye Pirate Group would definitely win.

Red Dog is the one who wants to fight with Qi Ye the most, during this time he has cultivated more diligently and has greatly improved his strength, but it is difficult to defeat Hawkeye for a while.

“It’s still a while before he falls, so in this minute, beat you!”

The Red Dog’s fruit ability is in full force, and Hawkeye is not dominant against the Red Dog, and is at a weak disadvantage. After all, Hawkeye was still young, and Red Dog was thirty-two years old.

Red Dog apparently wants to defeat Hawkeye when Qiye falls, and then fights Qiye, is despised for so long, and says that he will behead his dog, which makes him extremely angry.

Hawkeye was indifferent: “If you want to beat me, you can’t do it in such a short time.” ”

The Red Dog’s magma attack becomes more and more terrifying, but all of them are dodged by Hawkeye or split apart with a slash.

Hawkeye is difficult to hurt the Red Dog for a while, and always elementalizes his body in advance to avoid attacks including armed color domineering.

Shanks looked up with adoration: “The captain is coming down, and this battle is not far from the end.” ”

The Green Pheasant said in a deep voice, “You are too high on your captain, or you despise the top combat strength of our naval headquarters, Mr. Cap, Marshal Air, will take him.” ”

Shanks was like a fan: “In my heart, the captain is omnipotent. ”


The two exchanged briefs and collided again, fiercely fighting.

At this time, the easiest to say on the battlefield is naturally the yellow ape and Beckman.

The yellow ape looked up into the sky and tilted his mouth, “The monster among the monsters is coming down, it feels so terrible.” ”

At this time, Sengoku fights with Fuji Tiger while paying attention to the sky, and is a little stunned to find that something is wrong.

Normal people, falling from a height of 10,000 meters, it takes 44 seconds, but the speed of Qi Ye’s fall is very fast.

Jumping from a height of 10,000 meters shocked them, but it was acceptable because there was a vine tiger.

Previously, when the six of them fell, they controlled the gravitational force below, so that the speed of the six people falling was not very fast, falling from a height of a thousand meters, and did not hurt themselves.

Originally, I thought that Qi Ye dared to jump down from a height of 10,000 meters because there were vine tigers that could manipulate gravity and slow down the descent.

In that case, it would take at least a minute for the night to fall.

But now they found that Qi Ye was getting closer and closer to the ground, and it had only been fifteen seconds since Qi Ye had jumped down.

Not only is gravity not controlled, but it is also reinforcing gravity? Gravity applied? What makes Qi Ye fall so fast?

Thinking of this, the Warring States were shocked.

At the same time, the others also realized that the speed of Qiye’s fall was surprisingly fast, falling as fast as a meteorite, and the lieutenant general was shocked.

“He fell so fast, that man didn’t control gravity?”

“Obviously not, and much faster than normal falling, as if it were not a person, but a meteorite!”

“The falling speed is indeed surprisingly fast, is it not only not reduced, but also increased the gravity?” That’s why Qi Ye’s falling speed is so fast? ”

“Originally, I thought it would take at least a minute to fall, but now look, in three seconds, Qi Ye will fall!”

“This… Is this guy crazy? That’s 10,000 meters high, and even let the crew apply gravity to themselves?! ”


The lieutenant general was all shocked, Kapu, and the air was frowning and his face was shaking.

Chambord Islands.

Everyone stared at the screen, and in the picture, it was a scene of Qi Ye’s rapid fall, the camera was difficult to keep up, and the falling speed was too fast.

“This… Is this guy going to kill himself? Ten thousand meters in the air, and according to the gravity of the planet, it is impossible to fall so fast, ah, his partner, exerted gravity? ”

“Even if it is the strongest creature on land, sea and air, this is no different from suicide!”

“The strong man fell from a height of 10,000 meters and was crushed to pieces, not to mention that he even let the crew exert gravity, and he did not want to live?”

“What the hell is going to happen, I soon know, he’s about to land!”


The next second, Marin Fando, erupted with a deafening roar!


Impressively, the night fell, descending on Marin Fando!!

The moment the night fell like a meteorite from a height of 10,000 meters, the moment it fell to the ground of Malin Fando, directly caused the quarter of the island where it landed to fall apart, almost to pieces.

A quarter of the island where Qi Ye landed was the area where Raki Road fought, and in an instant, all the lieutenant generals around him retreated far away.

As Qi Ye fell, the air waves swept away, and the rubble flew and the dust was filled.

When the dust cleared, the surrounding lieutenant generals, elite lieutenant generals, looked at the pit with a diameter of 100 meters.

They looked heavy and whispered.

“How… How’s it going? ”

“Will it have fainted, or will it die?”

“That’s 10,000 meters in the air!” And also exerted gravity, isn’t this looking for death? ”


However, the next second, their eyes widened in unison, their faces changed dramatically, and they did not dare to say another word.

One by one, they held their breath for an instant, their heartbeats almost stopped, and their eyes were all fixed on the pothole.

Peng…… Peng…… Peng……

They heard, a steady and powerful footstep! With a loud sound, they could feel that the footsteps were getting closer and closer to them!

Their hearts beat faster in an instant, and they subconsciously moved their steps backwards, one by one with great nervousness, throat knots squirming, and their bodies subconsciously trembled.

This burst of footsteps, as if stepping heavily on their mouths, made their hearts tremble and they could hardly breathe.

Peng…… Peng…… Peng!

The footsteps got closer and closer, and soon, a figure came up from the deep pit, and first the face appeared in front of them.


Seeing this domineering and cold face, in an instant, the lieutenant general, the elite lieutenant general were all frightened and constantly retreated!

The next second, the whole figure appeared, he was unharmed, tall and tall standing proudly, domineering face, terrifying aura, extremely deterrent.

This person is the most domineering man in the world, Qi Ye!

Qi Ye’s domineering side leaked, and his mighty and cold gaze scanned every navy around him, looking at everything, and the whole person exuded endless majesty, and the pressure enveloped the entire Malin Fando, making everyone in the navy depressed.

After glancing at everyone in the navy, Qi Ye opened his mouth in a threatening way:

“Now, I’m down, you guys… What can I do? ”

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