As the night fell, the lieutenant general in front of him kept retreating.

Facing Qi Ye at close range, such a domineering, such an aura, let them face, incomparably depressed, and their hearts trembled.

Even, their legs began to tremble.

This made it difficult for them to accept, as a vice admiral, they thought that their psychological endurance was very strong, and they could stay awake and stand in the face of such a strong person as Whitebeard, but in the face of Qi Ye, their hearts were very panicked, and their bodies could not help but tremble.

Qi Ye looked in the direction of the execution table, his voice was cold, containing extreme domineering and terrifying killing intent, which made people’s backs chill.

The surrounding pressure is extremely strong, and the temperature is reduced, making them feel like they are in an ice cellar.

“Now I’m going to the execution table to take Tom away, and I’ll see who is afraid to stop me.”

When the words fell, Qi Ye took a step by step, his hands in his pockets.

Such an indifferent step, such a domineering posture, seeing the navy as if it were nothing, took a step straight in the direction of the execution table.

With each step, the lieutenant general in front of him trembled and retreated, scattering left and right to give way to a path.

Qi Ye just put his hands in his pockets, and the domineering side leaked forward, this scene made the people of the Chambord Islands all stunned.

This…… It’s also too domineering!

Click, click, click…

As Qi Ye took a step by step, the ground on the left and right sides that had long been fragmented directly collapsed under the physical damage of the Overlord Color.

As the distance got closer, the pressure in the lieutenant general’s heart grew, and the pressure made them almost breathless.


The dull and domineering impact continued, and Qi Ye moved forward step by step, and where he passed, the ground on both sides of the surrounding area all shattered and sank, while the ground under Qi Ye’s feet was intact.

Soon, there was only one road, and the land on both sides all collapsed and sank, and this road continued to form as Qi Ye continued to move forward, and only Qi Ye could pass through it.

As the distance drew closer, the lieutenant generals on both sides suddenly fell down again, rolling their eyes.

“Hey, what’s wrong with you?”

However, the next second, the ordinary lieutenant general who asked the question also fainted, and as the surrounding ground crumbled and sank, the fainting lieutenant general sank into the sea.

The rest of the ordinary lieutenant generals wanted to save them, but their hands were even more extended, and their eyes were whirling, their eyes were becoming more and more unfocused, their bodies were shaking, and they fell to the ground.

Qi Ye did not squint, and walked forward with his hands in his pockets, ignoring the lieutenant general who was constantly fainting and sinking into the sea on both sides, and in his line of sight, there was only the execution table.

At this time, Kapu was on this quarter of the island, ready to use his hands to block Qi Ye, but found that ordinary lieutenant generals fainted one by one and fell into the water, and quickly moved to save them, otherwise they would drown.

In the Chambord Islands, everyone’s eyes looked at Qi Ye, and where they passed, the ground on both sides crumbled and sank, and there was only one road on the sea, that is, the Dao at the foot of Qi Ye.

As it continued to move forward, the Overlord color domineering spirit continued to vibrate around, and the ground on both sides continued to sink, leaving only one road, the King’s Road.

Moreover, the lieutenant general, who was close to Qi Ye, actually fainted!

This domineering, too scary!

The elite lieutenant general’s face was ugly, his face was already full of cold sweat, and the ordinary middle and close distance faced the domineering spirit of Qi Ye’s overlord color could not bear it.

However, they couldn’t just watch Qi Ye go all the way forward, no one dared to stop them, how humiliating the Navy would be.

“Qi Ye, don’t be too crazy! When really no one can help you?! ”

Elite Lieutenant General Dauberman moved, and although he was under great pressure and his heart trembled, he tried his best to suppress the trembling in his heart, and for the dignity of the Navy, he rushed directly with a roar.

Dauberman has a lot of scars on his face, a beard, and his ability and personality are very strong. In the war on the top of the original book, even in the face of the armistice proposed by the red hair, Dauberman was the first lieutenant general who dared to stand up and angrily rebuke the four emperors.

At this time, seeing Qi Ye alone with his hands in his pockets, he ignored them and walked domineeringly step by step in the direction of the execution table, which made him choose to move.

Doberman quickly flashed to Qi Ye’s side, and the knife in his hand slashed out, covering the armed color domineering, extremely fierce.

However, the knife roared out, and soon froze, there was no sound, the wind and waves were calm.

Dauberman’s eyes widened sharply, only to see that Qi Ye didn’t look at it, and directly changed his right hand to raise it, but just when his knife was cut, he just blocked it, and only extended an index finger to block his own knife!

No matter how hard he tried, the knife in his hand could not move forward! And Qi Ye’s fingers, unharmed, did not use armed color domineering.

“It seems that you are not afraid of death.” Qi Ye’s face turned slightly to the right, his eyes were cold, and the forest was extremely cold.


Dauberman faced Qi Ye so closely, and his heart was afraid, but he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his abdomen and was hit by Qi Ye’s punch.

Dauberman flew out, his abdomen was deeply sunken, his eyeballs bulged out, they were all about to jump out of his eye sockets, and a large mouthful of blood mixed with broken internal organs spewed out, flying out thousands of meters away and crashing into the sea, without moving.


The squirrel’s face changed drastically, knowing that Dauberman would not be able to live!

Their faces are ugly, and the cold sweat on their faces is getting more and more, and they are still not up. If you are on it, you will end up like Doberman, and you will be killed!

Peng…… Peng…… Peng……

The sound of footsteps sounded, as if the entire battlefield could be heard, the domineering spirit of the overlord color continued to oscillate towards both sides, and Qi Ye kept moving forward, and no one dared to stop it.

The red dog collided with the eagle eye, deadlocked, and at the same time looked at the distant Qi Ye with his hands in his pockets, and walked forward indifferently, his face was ugly: “Bastard.” ”

The Yellow Ape looked at the place where Qi Ye passed, and the ground around him all shattered, and sighed lightly, “It’s really domineering, Captain of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, it’s really terrible.” It seems that my idea of capturing the thief before capturing the king before was really stupid. ”

Sengoku’s face was low, and he wanted to go over and stop Qi Ye, but in the face of Fuji Hu, he couldn’t pull out his hand at all.

On the execution table, the empty brow furrowed, and Qi Ye’s target was here.


At this time, the crane swept up and said, “Marshal, this place is handed over to me.” ”

Empty nodded, and then suddenly burst out, target, Qi Night!


The figure flashed and crossed the distance of hundreds of meters in an instant, and with a roar, the steel bone fell in front of Qi Ye, his face was gloomy, and his rough and muscular body stood there, blocking Qi Ye’s way.

“Qi Ye Boy, do you really think no one can stop you?” The steel bone empty as an admiral, the moment of action, let the navy once again excited.

The Admiral was in the way, then it was impossible to let Qi Ye take another step forward!

Qi Ye’s eyes lifted slightly, the red light flashed, and the domineering spirit was terrible.

Even if the steel bone is empty, it is all frozen inside, as if it is being watched by a ghost god.

Qi Ye still put his hands in his pockets, step by step, ignoring the empty, low opening:

“All along, I have been hiding one thing, because in the previous battles, I can completely attack the opponent, so I don’t have to play to the limit. Now, let’s push it to the limit, and let you know that this aspect is as advanced as my strength, defense, swordplay, etc.! ”

Qi Ye’s words made the empty brow frown, what did it mean?

However, the next instant, he understood!


Suddenly, the face of the steel bone air changed drastically, and he felt the terrifying wind whistling on the left side of his face, which made his eyes widen, his pupils constricted, and his vision was ahead, Qi Ye was still there…

The empty eyes widened wider and wider, and the shock was extreme, and the Qi Ye body in front of the line of sight atomized had actually long disappeared, because the speed was too fast, and the remnants that had not yet dissipated were left in the same place!!

Even if the empty reacts to it, it is already too late!


Qi Ye’s fist slammed into Emptiness’s face, and with a dull sound, the steel bone flew straight out!

Qi Ye glanced at the steel bone air that flew out of his eyes, domineering and threatening: “What about the Admiral blocking the way?” ”

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