The rescue of people indicates that the Navy has failed, which is a great shame.

At this time, the morale of the entire navy was extremely low, and the people were rescued by the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, this battle, for what.

Isn’t it to execute the criminal Tom, and then to wipe out the Qiye Pirates?

But now, they’ve lost half.

“Damn, people were rescued.”

“It’s a shame for us.”

“Soon it will spread all over the world, what to do?”

“Do you want to stop the phone bug from continuing to record?”

“You can’t stop it, or it’s even more humiliating.”


At this time, the Chambord Islands.

One by one, the civilians were sluggish, and then one by one they cursed.

The navy is the justice in their hearts, and the pirates are evil.

And now, the righteous navy did not execute Tom, and let the evil party save the people, which hit them very hard, and they immediately cursed.

“Is the Navy all rubbish!” The Qiye Pirate Regiment was just a few people, and they actually let people save the criminals, and the navy had no face! How will we protect us civilians in the future! ”

“It’s really useless, the Navy hurry up and change people!”

“Protection? I have seen a child who accidentally chased a balloon to the path taken by the Draco, and then was about to be shot, and his parents protected the child and were all shot. ”

“The Navy is doing its best to protect the Draco, to protect us, that child is innocent, just because blocking the way is an offense, will he die?” At that time, faced with a plea for help, where was the Navy. Even if you are, you won’t dare to say a word. ”

“The Navy is really disappointing.”

“You trolls don’t say anything, standing and talking doesn’t hurt your waist, although people have been rescued, but it doesn’t mean that the Navy has lost, there is still a chance.”

“Keep looking, the battle isn’t over yet.”


Marin Fando, Tom’s rescue has a great impact on morale, the empty face is extremely ugly, and the eyes are cold staring at Qi Ye.

Sky shouted, “We haven’t lost yet!” The battle continues, keep fighting! After destroying the Qi Ye Pirate Group, then the criminal Tom will naturally be unable to escape death! Keep fighting and solve the Kiyo Pirate Regiment! Preserve the face of our navy and uphold justice!! ”

The empty shouts obviously had some effect, and suddenly the fighting became more intense.


At this time, Kapu rushed forward and stood side by side with the air, facing the night.

“I have rescued all the people, Qi Ye is already so strong, this battle must take him down.”

In the Chambord Islands, the crowds quieted down.

Now the situation is evenly matched, but Qi Ye’s side is not necessarily, after all, it is facing the joint efforts of Kapu and Admiral Kong.

Qi Ye’s battle spirit rose: “The two of you working together should be able to make me have a hard time.” ”


Suddenly, Kapu and Air joined forces to attack Qi Ye, and the cooperation of these two people was stronger than that of Kapu and the Warring States, and the strength of the air was above that of the Warring States.


Suddenly, the roar continued, resounding throughout the entire Malin Fando, and the fiercest battle was naturally the battle of Qi Ye.

The Navy is excited.

“There is still a chance! Marshal Air and Lieutenant General Kapu join forces and are invincible! Definitely able to take down Qi Night! ”

The Navy felt so, and so did the people watching the Chambord Islands.

On the Golden Jackson, Reilly did not expect that the Night Pirates could get the situation to five or five.

Except for Rakilu single-heading out multiple lieutenant generals, the others were one-on-one battles, which were originally five-five-open.

But now, Kapu and the air have joined forces to fight against Qi Ye, making the navy and civilians feel that it is not five or five, but four or six, and the navy is six.

Only because, Qi Ye alone faced the two strongest combat forces of the Navy.

To select the two strongest in the Navy, then there is no doubt that it is Kapu and Kong.

Reilly sighed lightly, “Or despise the horror of Qi Ye, although Qi Ye is at a slight disadvantage in the face of the siege of the two people, but he really thinks he can take Qi Ye?” ”

“Yes, Qi Ye is the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, the strongest single-handedly, even in the face of the siege of two people, he can stand in an invincible position.” Moreover, in this battle, the navy could not fight with the Qiye Pirates to lose both, or both would die, that was impossible. ”

“Yes, the enemy of the navy is not only the Qiye pirate regiment, if this battle is fought and both are lost, then the navy will completely cease to exist, and it will certainly be besieged by other pirate regiments, and even the recent revolutionary army will seize this opportunity.

Reilly believed: “This battle has already been won by the Qi Ye Pirates, and it is only to save face and boost morale that it is barely continuing.” ”

At this time, as Reilly thought, the navy was like this, and the Warring States had a heavy face.

The Warring States were very uncomfortable in their hearts: “It was such a situation, I thought that this battle could pay a small price to take down the Qiye Pirate Regiment, but I didn’t expect that the Qiye Pirate Regiment was so strong that it could fight a draw with the top combat strength we gathered.” ”

“The marshal and Kapu joined forces, although Qiye was at a disadvantage, but now it is found that Qiye is not only the strongest single-handedly. Even if the marshal and Kapu wanted to take Qi Ye, they would have to fight for at least ten days. ”

“At that time, even if Qi Ye is taken, the marshal and Kapu will certainly be scarred, and even unable to fight for a short time.”

“That’s still the good side, if the last battle is exhausted until the marshal and Kapu are exhausted, then…”

At this time, in the face of the siege of the strongest two people in the navy, Qi Ye was slightly at a disadvantage, constantly being attacked, but the strong flesh, this attack could not affect Qi Ye for a short time.

Qi Ye responded with all his might, one person against the two strongest combat forces of the Navy, which was unprecedented.

Kapu and Ku first besieged, then planned to consume Qi Ye for a while, and then went on one by one and fought with wheels.

Otherwise, the two of them had been fighting hand in hand, and with Qi Ye’s flesh and vitality, they were the first to be exhausted.

But if it is a wheel war, then it will definitely be able to take down Qi Ye.

Although it is the strongest creature on land, sea and air, it can continue to fight without the moment of physical exhaustion and injury? Obviously impossible.

At this time, the Warring States had a heavy face: “If you continue to fight, it will definitely attract the attention of other pirate groups, and even the revolutionary army will definitely seize this opportunity.” Therefore, this war cannot continue to be broadcast live. ”

Sengoku shouted, “Turn off the video phone bug!” ”

After it is turned off, then it is difficult for the world to know the battle situation, and if other pirate regiments and revolutionary armies want to take the opportunity to attack, they must first inquire whether the battle will continue with the pirates.

The ordinary lieutenant general with the telephone worm in his hand was about to turn it off, but at this moment, a figure passed in front of him like lightning, his eyes widened in shock, and the telephone worm in his hand disappeared.

He looked ahead, and suddenly subconsciously stepped back, his voice trembling: “Pluto… Reilly…”

Reilly continued to face the battlefield with the telephone bug, and smiled lightly: “Since the battle is not over, let’s continue to show it to the world.” ”

Sengoku Fury: “Reilly, you bastard. ”

Reilly said calmly, “I didn’t participate in the battle, I was still a bystander.” ”

Reilly skims onto the Golden Jackson, takes the telephone bug, and faces the battlefield, making the Warring States very angry.

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