Sengoku’s face is ugly, if you turn off the phone worm, it is better.

If you don’t close, keep fighting, pirates, revolutionary army, will definitely take the opportunity to act. If it is closed, pirates, the revolutionary army will not be able to know the situation.

Moreover, the Warring States already felt that the navy had a high probability of losing, so for the sake of face, it must be turned off.

But now, the live dial worm has reached Reilly’s hands, and they can’t get their hands on it.

And, even if you take it, the situation is even worse.

Roger Pirates choose to watch from the sidelines, but that doesn’t mean you attack them, they won’t fight back.

The fighting continued, and the people of the Chambord Islands had prepared food, tents, and intended to live here.

Because they know that the battle of the strong, seven days and seven nights of continuous fighting, is a common thing.

In this battle, it is clear that the two sides will not end the battle in a short time.

At this time, the brains were already speculating about the battle.

“I think that the result is likely to be unfavorable to the Navy, Kapu and the air joined forces to deal with Qi Ye, although the battle situation is slightly superior, but after three days and three nights, this advantage is gone, after all, Qi Ye’s flesh is too strong, and the physical strength is unimaginable.” Fighting with Qi Ye is an unwise choice. ”

“Even if it continues to be consumed, the navy can win, but then the other pirate groups will not besiege it?”

“The pirates know that the Navy is their enemy, and even if they don’t want to provoke the Navy, they will be rewarded and arrested by the Navy, and they will certainly take this opportunity to act.” Take advantage of your illness and want your life, so I don’t think other pirate groups will stupidly let this opportunity go. ”

“If the Navy is gone, then the world is in chaos.” After all, the navy and the pirates are evenly matched, and neither side will go to war in an all-round way and restrain each other, but if the balance is tilted to one side, then it will be turbulent. ”

“I also think it’s bad for the Navy. So, concede? ”

“Admit defeat to the Qiye Pirates?” That would be a shame. ”

“It’s a shame, but it’s better than the Navy Headquarters.” Going to war in all its strength, the Navy will be dangerous. ”


The battle lasted for three days and three nights, and Qi Ye faced the joint efforts of Sky and Kapu and was always in a full-strength and high-intensity battle.

It lasted so long, every blow was full strength, and the physical exertion was not small.

After fighting for so long, what shocked Kong and Kapu was that Qi Ye was actually not red in the face and breathless, and had attacked Qi Ye tens of thousands of times.

Their fists landed on Qi Ye’s body tens of thousands of times, but Qi Ye’s current actions were still no different from the beginning.

They vibrate.

Emptiness’s face was ugly: “Is his flesh beyond our imagination?” My fists and Kapu’s fists were all enough to blow up a mountain, and such an attack had accumulated ten thousand attacks on him, and he hadn’t even been injured? ”

Karp looked at the emptiness, and the empty age was much older than him, already seventy years old.

The breath of emptiness was already slightly chaotic, not so peaceful.

“Marshal Air, you take a break, and I’ll continue to fight him.”

Empty nodded, thinking of taking wheel wars.

However, if Karp and Qi Ye go it alone, they will not be able to gain an advantage.

Originally, I thought of joining forces with Kapu first and attacking Qi Ye with all my strength, three days and three nights, it would definitely make Qi Ye consume a lot, or even be injured.

Then wheel war, no matter who the two of them fight with Qi Ye alone, can continue to have the advantage.

Although Qi Ye is the strongest single-handed, but in the case of injury and consumption, fighting alone will be at a disadvantage.

But now Qi Ye didn’t seem to feel tired at all, and he wasn’t injured, so the battle between Kapu and Qi Ye was five or five. Even, the two continue to fight, the advantage will gradually tilt towards Qi Ye, after all, Qi Ye is the strongest single head.

But, when it was almost tilted, he would let it go, and then change Karp to rest. If they kept going like this, they felt that they would definitely be able to defeat Qi Ye.

I originally thought that it would be possible to take seven days, but I still underestimated the horror of Qi Ye, after all, it seems that no one has been consumed and injured now, so it takes at least ten days?

Ten days, does the situation allow them to fight for ten days in the highest combat strength of the navy?

Thinking of this, the empty face is ugly.

In three days and three nights, with air fire and Lakilu wandering operations, the lieutenant general had lost his combat strength and all retreated.

Rakilu teamed up with Shanks against the Pheasant.

At the same time, the firepower in the air continued, such a huge Qi Ye ship, a huge fire room, and also equipped with a huge ammunition depot.

Aerial firepower combined with ground attacks, and gradually, the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment had the advantage of the battle.

At this time, the navy, the red dog, the green pheasant, Zefa, the crane, and the Sengoku were all wounded and slightly breathless.

The Qiye Pirate Regiment, Hawkeye, and Shanks are the same, after all, they are evenly matched in strength.

Instead of helping, Ku picked up the phone bug and practiced scouting.

“How’s it going?”

“Marshal, we have been keeping an eye on the movements of the powerful pirate regiments on the sea, and we have learned that the Whitebeard Pirates and the Big Mama Pirates have left their original territory, and as for where to go, there is no news of what we sent to track down, and they are obviously destroyed.”

“Moreover, too many pirate regiments in the first half of the Great Passage have already sailed towards Malin Fando, and they all want to join in the fun. These pirate regiments have naval elites in the way, but if the white-bearded pirate regiment, the Big Mama pirate regiment takes the opportunity… Then we will be dangerous. ”

“In addition, knowing that our navy is at war with the Qiye Pirates, the crime rate in other places has risen, and many places have become turbulent and chaotic, taking advantage of the fact that we do not have time to take care of them, many pirates, mountain thieves, and underground black forces have become unscrupulous, and the situation in the world is very bad.”

Although it was only a battle between the Navy and the Qiye Pirates, one of the two sides represented the Navy, and the other was one of the overlords among the pirates, and the war between the two sides was enough to change the world pattern and be turbulent.

“In addition, the revolutionary army has been hidden and difficult to detect, and it is not clear whether they have acted.”

Empty looked heavy and hung up the phone.

Continue to fight, whether he can completely end the battle in ten days and take down the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, he is not sure, Qi Ye is beyond their imagination, the solution is likely to be, both sides are defeated.

When the time comes, the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, the Big Mama Pirate Regiment, and other pirate regiments on the sea, rookies, etc. will be besieged, and the Navy will be finished.

Although because of Qi Ye, the strength of the navy is not here, but it is guarding against other pirate regiments.

Hundreds of thousands of sailors cannot all gather, because all parts of the world must still have troops to maintain bases, otherwise the bases will be destroyed and the bases stationed by the world’s various navies will be occupied, which will be even more troublesome, and the world will not be under their control.

However, there were still 100,000 elite naval personnel arranged on the islands in the sea near Malin Fando, as well as many Cao Commanders, Colonels and so on.

However, these troops can barely resist the ordinary pirate group, and when they encounter the supernova pirate group, or the whitebeard, the big mother pirate group, then it is impossible to stop it.

Continuing to fight with the Qiye Pirates is a lose-lose situation, and then it is likely to encounter other pirates to take advantage of the opportunity to attack, and the navy is even more miserable.

If the battle does not continue, the pirates will not come when they know that the battle is over, and the turmoil will stop.

But is the battle what they say stops for? Will the Kino Pirates allow? Didn’t the Qiye Pirates Regiment think that the enemies of the Navy also had pirates, the revolutionary army?

So, what to do, how to stop?

Do you want to open your mouth like the Qiye Pirate Regiment and say that the Navy concedes defeat?

Empty eyebrows furrowed, eyes looking at Reilly, fists clenched, phone bugs still clapping, how did this make the Navy open its mouth.

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