Now that people have been rescued, the Navy has lost face and majesty, and if it concedes defeat again, then the Navy will lose face.

However, if you do not admit defeat and continue to fight, you will face the danger of the demise of the navy, and other pirate regiments and even the revolutionary army will certainly not miss this opportunity.

So, is the face of the Navy important, or is the survival of the Navy important?

Empty brow frowned, looking at Qi Ye, his heart was very heavy.

“Why this boy was born in this era is really troublesome, without him, the Navy would not be so bad.”

Watching the battle between Kapu and Qiye, Kapu could not occupy the advantage at all, and even Qiye had a slight advantage in the battle.

Then, Kapu and Qi Ye fought alone, and the victory and defeat came out, and there was no doubt that Qi Ye won.

Seeing that Kapu was in a slight advantage, he wondered, in more than ten days, the two of them joined forces to consume Qi Ye to lose, or were they consumed to lose?

Emptiness was heavy in heart and felt that it was likely to be the latter.

Qi Ye’s horror is not only limited to single-handedly picking the strongest, facing the two of them, Qi Ye will fight for ten days and half a month, and maybe he and Kapu will lose.

He felt that the ending was likely to be like this, Kapu and himself were defeated, and Qi Ye was very consumed and injured.

If this is the end, then the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment cannot be destroyed, and it will also face the danger of being destroyed.

Empty looked at the Warring States, the two looked at each other with a tacit understanding, obviously seeing the heaviness and concern in the eyes of both sides.

“No, you still have to get the phone bug.”

Empty eyes looked at Reilly on the Golden Jackson, and it was clear that Empty had already made a decision, and that was to concede.

However, it cannot be seen by the world, and that is extremely humiliating.

However, if you attack Reilly, then your opponent is not only Reilly, but also Jaba, one of Roger’s right and left hands.

These two left and right hands alone, Reilly, and Jabba face themselves, and now in their own state, it is difficult to take them down, not to mention the other Roger Pirate Regiment cadres and combat crew.

In addition to Mitsuki Mita, except for the trainee crew, most of the former Roger Pirate crew members are there.

Fighting each other will cause Roger Pirates to do something to them, which is more troublesome.

No matter how you think, there is no good way, the only way is to directly open your mouth and admit defeat, but you can’t do it.

At this time, the Warring States could perceive that Emptiness’s face was heavy and his heart was heavy: “It seems that as I thought, the other pirate regiments have already acted, and they who are looking at them with their eyes cannot miss this opportunity, and there is also the mysterious revolutionary army.” With a total of 100,000 elites stationed on the islands in the area around Marin Fando, it was impossible to stop these people. ”

“Well, the Navy may cease to exist at all.”

“Marshal Empty has been looking at Reilly because he wants to avoid the phone bug and admit defeat, the same idea as me.”

Sengoku was relieved, thinking that Empty had the same idea of conceding defeat as himself, and he was afraid of hitting the red eye and losing his mind.

On the Golden Jackson, Reilly exclaimed: “The fact that the Qiye Pirates can be equal to the Navy is something we did not expect, although Qiye made us believe, but my heart has always been worried.” ”

“Yeah, let’s choose to watch, in fact, we all think that if Qi Ye is dangerous, we will shoot.” But now it seems that we really have to stay on the sidelines. ”

“Moreover, the winner of this battle is likely to be the Qiye Pirate Regiment!”

At this time, Kapu did not think about this, and fought with all his strength to fight Qi Ye.

Kapu admired, “Sixteen-year-old you, in terms of strength, are already slightly stronger than Roger.” My battle with him is only evenly matched, and you have a slight advantage. But, in this battle, you will lose. ”

Qi Ye’s physical skills were not inferior to him, and his physical body was above him, so his comprehensive strength was slightly higher than his.

Qi Ye calmly said, “If you continue to fight, it is not us who will lose, but you, and you will face an even greater crisis.” ”

Qi Ye could naturally think that it was impossible for the sea not to be turbulent.

Karp frowned, not thinking about this, fighting with all his might, dealing with strategy, with the warring states and marshals to deal with.

Karp sighed, “You saved Roger’s bloodline, in fact, I am happy in my heart, after all, the child is innocent.” Originally, I thought that if Roger asked me to take care of it, I would agree. ”

Qi Ye said, “Your kindness, I received it for Roger, but you take care of it, or forget it.” ”

In the original book, Lu Jiu died after giving birth to Ace, and Ace also died in the war on the top, if it happened like this, Roger would die after knowing it.

Boom boom…

The battle went on, and another three days passed, and the battle had gone on for six days.

Sengoku was already out of breath, his whole body was injured, and the vine tiger was similar.

At this time, except for the night of Qi Qi who was not injured, did not consume much, and empty, Kapu was in better condition, and everyone else was already out of breath and injured.

After all, it had been a high-intensity continuous battle for six days and six nights.

Empty back down, change to Kapu.

At this time, Sengoku said to Fujihu, “Stop for a while, I want to find a marshal and decide whether or not to…”

In the end, it was difficult for the Warring States to speak again, Fujihu drew his sword, ready to fight, helpless, Warring States struggled to say the last two words: “Recognize… Lose…”

Hearing this, the knife in Fujihu’s hand was sheathed and stood still.

Sengoku walked towards the void that was resting and adjusting, looked at Qi Ye, his heart shook, facing the joint efforts of Kapu and Kong, six days, Qi Ye consumption is not very large, the breath is only slightly chaotic, even breathing has not yet come.

As for the injury, there was no injury, or skin trauma, and Qi Ye’s body was only slightly painful.

Both of them were top physical skills, attacking Qi Ye tens of thousands of times, only to make Qi Ye’s body slightly painful now, the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, terrifying to the extreme.

“Marshal, what to do… Without a decisive decision, Whitebeard, the Big Mama Pirates, and most recently the Supernova Pirates, the Croak Pirates, the Moria Pirates, etc., will be approaching. ”

“Maybe now, it’s not far off, if there is a war, 100,000 elite navies will not last long, and it will also cause great losses.”

“Decide, otherwise if you delay it for a while, the elite of the navy will sacrifice a lot, and in order to reduce the least loss, it can only be decided.”

The Chinese was heavy, and he knew that it was difficult to say those two words, let alone facing the whole world, after all, the telephone worm was still facing Marin Fando.

“Hey, when I saw that we were on an equal footing with the Qiye Pirates, I expected this scene.” I thought that we had such a combat strength, and a few people in the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, when the battle began, would definitely have an advantage, so that other pirate regiments in the world would see it and dare not act rashly. But unexpectedly, it was a situation of equal strength. ”

“Even, Kapu and I will continue to fight with Qi Ye, and maybe we will both lose.” We still underestimated the strength of the Qiye Pirate Regiment and underestimated Qiye. ”

“If this continues, I know that other pirate regiments will be close to even the most dangerous revolutionary army, and I really can’t say it.” Sengoku, you go on to say that the next harm to us. ”

The empty fist was clenched, and as a marshal, his hands were shaking with his fists, his face was extremely ugly, and his eyes were complex.

He had long wanted to say it, but it was difficult to say it, and at this time he wanted the Warring States to provoke himself to say it.

“Go on, all the elite of the navy will be destroyed, and we are at risk of being wiped out, after all, we cannot win in the face of the top pirate regiments on the sea at the same time.” Without the Navy, the next thing to be overthrown is the world government. ”

“Although in this battle, the Dracobo people are not easy to account for, but if they pay such a price in order to give an account, it is not worth it at all.”

The air long took a long breath, and then a long exhale.

“Whew… Okay, I get it. ”

In the next instant, a loud shout from the air resounded throughout Malin Fando.

“Let’s all stop!!!”

In an instant, the entire battle of Malin Fando stopped, and all looked into the air.

The navy was stunned, the red dog had several knife marks on its body, blood flowing, and its brow wrinkled.

The Chambord Islands, everyone was stunned.

“What’s going on? Why did the Admiral stop? ”

“I don’t know, keep fighting.”

“What to say?”


The next second, he opened his mouth and said ten words, although it was only ten words, but it shook the world!

“The Navy … Xiang Qiye Pirates… Admit defeat!!!

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