Suddenly, everyone in the world was curious, what was Qi Ye going to say?

Sengoku’s face was ugly, and he asked, “Qi Ye, what else are you going to do?” The battle is over, the money is given, Marin Fando is gone, what else do you want? ”

The Warring States were now afraid that Qi Ye was doing something to embarrass the Navy, and felt that what Qi Ye said next would definitely be detrimental to their Navy.

Qi Ye said, “Why are you so nervous?” Yes, the battle is over, and I have not continued to do anything to you. ”

These words made the Warring States dumbfounded, and what Qi Ye wanted to say, they really couldn’t control.

Qi Ye turned to the telephone bug, and his face at this time became extremely serious, and he said, “You should wonder why Tom was caught, we will come to the rescue, and even the crew of the Roger Pirate Regiment, which has been disbanded, has also gathered and arrived.” ”

“But why was there no one to save Roger when he was caught?” Not even the Roger Pirates crew, except for me, Shanks, and Bucky’s three trainee crews, none of them were the crew members who went to Rogue Town. ”

When Qi Ye said this, the world was suddenly very curious.

“Yes, at the beginning I wondered why Roger’s pirate group was caught, although it was disbanded at that time, but as the captain was caught, his partner could not not save it.”

“I thought it was the crew of the Roger Pirates who were not righteous, greedy and afraid of death, but now it is obviously not, because the disbanded Roger Pirates crew, facing the Navy, have gathered again.”

“Yeah, it’s strange, they will all be saved when Tom is caught, not to mention Roger, why didn’t he save him in the first place?”

“Calm down and listen, Qi Ye is going to say why.”


At this time, the Warring States’ face was extremely ugly, and Qi Ye was actually going to say this.

Emptiness also looked ugly, but he couldn’t let Qi Ye stop his mouth, so couldn’t he rush up and block Qi Ye’s mouth? No way.

Suddenly, everyone in the world wondered, what really happened? Why?

Whether it is civilians, or pirates, soldiers of the state, underground forces, etc., they all want to know.

After all, Roger is One Piece, and everyone wants to know why.

Kiba said, “Because, Roger turned himself in!” ”

In an instant, the whole world was in an uproar and puzzled.

“Turn yourself in? Why? ”

“It turned himself in, so it is understandable why no one went to the rescue, and the Navy did not have much combat strength in Rogue Town at that time, and it seems that the people who knew Roger’s Pirates would not go to the rescue.”

“Now I fully understand that Roger turned himself in, that is, Roger went to beg for death.”

“I thought Roger was a loser and was arrested, but he turned himself in, so he wasn’t a loser.”


Suddenly, everyone changed their minds about Roger and admired him at the same time, opening a new era with death.

Everyone wanted to know why, and Qi Ye wouldn’t say it in such detail to them, so it was enough.

At that time, the Navy said that it was Roger who was arrested, and now people know that the Navy is for face, to establish a majestic image, to make pirates jealous.

Now, they all understand.

This made the Navy lose people again.

The Warring States gritted their teeth, clenched their fists, and had no choice.

Reilly was relieved at this point, and Roger would have been even more relieved if he knew.

“Okay, let’s leave.”

As the night fell, Rakiro began to launch the jet.

“The wind is blowing!!”

The energy chamber was activated, a large amount of energy was consumed, and the huge exhaust port at the stern of the Qiye opened and violently sprayed a terrifying push air wave.


The terrifying air waves, like eighteen-level winds, suddenly some of the lieutenants were directly blown out, and the rest of the people were blown away to be difficult to stand, their eyes were difficult to open, and they ate a mouthful of exhaust gas.


The next second, the Qi Ye had already sprayed into the sky, getting farther and farther away from here.


The Warring States were very embarrassed, their hair was blown like beggars, and the Qi Ye Pirate Group was leaving, and they also wanted to give them a dismount.

In this way, this war is completely over.

At the same time, this world is no longer turbulent, and the 100,000 elite navies who are on standby are also relieved.

The war was over, and they didn’t have to fight the enemy.

They moved quickly, and so did the navies in every other part of the world to see if there was any turmoil.

At this time, the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment was ready to enter the first half of the Great Passage.

But they knew that the battle was over, and when they got closer, they would encounter the Qiye Pirates and it would be dangerous to fight.

After all, Qi Ye had almost no consumption and injury, so he couldn’t do anything.

At this point, they felt that Kaido’s anger should be dissipated somewhat.

“Lord Kaido… The battle was over, and we were thinking that both sides would fight to the point of losing both sides, and then we would take action against the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment. But now, the Qiye Pirate Regiment obviously did not consume much, and Qiye was not injured, which was far from our plan. ”

“Now against the Shangqi Night Pirate Regiment, we can’t easily take it down.” Moreover, the Qiye Pirates have left, and we may not be able to meet them when we arrive. So, if you don’t count, you will have a chance to make them look good later. ”

At this time, Kaido was also waiting for the crew to persuade him, and in the current situation, he knew that it would be no good to start a war with the Qiye Pirate Regiment.

If it was a scarred Qi Night, he could still shoot, but obviously not now.

“Since you are not sure that you can meet him when you go, then count him good luck and go back!”

Kaido returned to the ship and gave himself a step.

Kaido had obviously calmed down, knowing that it was not good to start a war, they had already lost a lot in the previous war, and they had thought of encountering a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but they did not expect the Navy to concede.

In the country of peace, their Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment still has to control, so they can’t weaken themselves anymore.

Although Kaido is good at wine and belligerent, he is also thick and thin on the outside and has many strategies.

At this time, Marin Fando, or rather, on ice.

Because, Marin Fando no longer exists, it is already the surface of the sea, frozen by the ice age of the pheasant.

They shifted positions and at the same time prepared for the operation here to rebuild Marin Fando, but they knew that it would cost a lot of money, manpower, and time.

At this time, the most important thing is to treat the wounded and bury the sacrificed.

The major generals and lieutenant generals who experienced this battle were still alive, but one by one they were very depressed, decadently cleaning up the battlefield, one by one silent.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not good, Ku said, “Although we failed, but failure is not terrible, the terrible thing is not to know to stand up!” Where we fall, we get up from where we get and get stronger! This time, although we lost, we were not defeated, but because of external factors, we took the initiative to admit defeat. ”

“We’re still strong and we can continue to grow!” In this battle, we still have more than 100,000 troops to invest, and if we do, even the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment will be difficult to win. It was only because of Qi Ye’s restraint that he did not act. ”

“But, you know, the number of our navy, the combat strength, is still huge and powerful!” After this war, it will also recruit soldiers from the world, replenish fresh blood, and establish a new institutional group! Recruit talents and enhance the strength of the Navy! ”

“In life, you will encounter setbacks, and if you keep overcoming, you will become stronger!”

The repeated encouragement of the Warring States finally made the atmosphere less heavy, and the others looked firm one by one, to become stronger, and to be ashamed of the opportunity in the future.

Seeing them return to their confidence, Sengoku was relieved.

At this time, the red dog woke up, knowing that the battle had been lost, and the loss was five billion yuan, the red dog was angry to explode, but there was no choice, all he could do was to continue to become stronger.

Although the number of the two sides was small, it was also the first major battle since the founding of the Navy.

In this battle, the rear admiral was forty-five dead and fifty wounded. Ordinary lieutenant generals died eleven and wounded nine. One of the elite lieutenant generals died and four were wounded.

The alternate general, the yellow ape was unharmed, the red dog, the green pheasant, was injured.

Zefa and Sengoku were also not lightly injured, and Air and Kapu were much better.

In this battle, the navy not only lost, but also suffered heavy losses, and none of the Qiye pirate regiment died.

This battle was the most humiliating battle ever fought in the Navy, and this battle, known as, was the battle of shame. A war of justice and shame.

At this time, on the Qi Ye ship.

The Qiye sailed on the Great Passage, except for Qiye, everyone else was wounded, but after Kurokas’s treatment and bandage, everyone was alive and well, and it was only a matter of time before they fully recovered.

At this time, Jessica had already prepared a delicious meal, enough to set up three big shows.

“In this battle, everyone has worked hard, fought for so long, they are all hungry, come and eat.”

Suddenly, Qi Ye and the others had a surge in appetite and couldn’t wait.

In this battle, except for Qi Ye, the physical exertion of others was very large, after all, there was no such terrible physique as Qi Ye.

“Jessica, eat together, you play a big role in this battle, without air fire suppression, the Navy will always have a numerical superiority, breaking us one by one.”


Jessica was happy, happy that she could do something for this battle, and had worried that she would not be able to help before she could grow up, but she got her wish.

At this time, Tom was ready to say a word of gratitude, and Qi Ye said, “The words of thanks don’t need to be said, I said that you are covered by the pirates of Qi Ye, so naturally we will save you.” In this battle, the Qi Ye also contributed a lot, which is equivalent to your contribution, and you yourself also participated in saving yourself. ”

Tom nodded, not pretentious, and was very happy to know Qi Ye in his heart.

Soon, seven days passed, and the naval headquarters temporarily moved to an island military base near Malin Fando, and Malin Fando began to rebuild.

The navy was strapped for military expenses, and asked the world to conquer for help with some funds, but it did not get much, and the navy could only save money and use it thriftily, a nest head and a little pickles, and there was not a drop of oil in the dish.

At this time, Kong came out of the office and exhaled a long breath, he had been scolded by the Five Old Stars for seven days.

Void can not refute, the Navy lost, and it is so humiliating, the whole world knows that the Navy conceded defeat and lost five billion Bailey to the Qiye Pirate Regiment, which is too humiliating.

This also makes the world government very embarrassed, and the majesty is reduced.

Of course, the most troublesome thing to say is the Five Old Stars, after all, they are facing the accusations of the Draco.

In seven days, the five old stars will be more tormented than the sky.

After the Marijoya incident, she failed to crack down on the Qiye Pirates, and now she has not executed the shipwright who built the Qiye, and really has not done anything.

The Dracos kept cursing the Navy for waste, losing, and paying the pirates five billion yuan, for the Draco, five billion is not a small amount, and the face requires them to raise funds for the navy?

How angry the Dracot people were at that time, how ugly the scolding was, with the nature of the Draco, you can imagine.

Therefore, the biggest headache is still the five old stars.

However, there was no way, the Five Old Stars could understand why they conceded defeat, as Kuwa Sengoku said, if they continued, whether they could solve the Qiye Pirate Regiment, it was difficult to say, the navy was destroyed, but it was very likely.

So, had to concede.

However, the Dracos don’t care about that.

The Draco people scolded for seven days, and they were all tired, and they all went back one by one, which made the five old stars breathe a sigh of relief.

Now, the only thing that can be done is to update the bounty of all the members of the Qiye Pirate Regiment again.

This battle also allowed the navy and the world to conquer the overall strength of the Qiye Pirate Regiment now, as well as the strength of each crew.

In this matter, the five old stars let the air handle it well.

Empty walked out of the office and gasped, then ordered someone to call for a stand.

When I returned to the office, the whole person was much older, my hair was all white, and I still had a few strands of black hair.

Obviously, in this battle, he was under great pressure.


Sengoku walked in, marching ceremonies.

“How’s the injury?” Ku looked at the Sengoku with the straps wrapped around his body and cared to inquire.

“No big deal.”

Kong sighed, “I didn’t expect that the Qiye Pirate Regiment was already so strong, and Qiye’s strength was so strong that even me and Kapu joined forces, and I was not sure that I could take it.” In this battle, we still underestimated the combat strength of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment. ”

Sengoku nodded, “Well, it was an underestimate, now it’s completely clear.” ”

“Warring States, update the reward of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, our navy can no longer have large-scale battles for the time being, and can only let the Qiye Pirate Regiment withstand other external pressures.”

“Well, it’s up to me.”

The Warring States was very efficient, and immediately evaluated the bounty of everyone in the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, and soon, the news bird flew all over the world with one reward order after another.

The Qiye Pirate Group Bounty Update is naturally for everyone in the world to pay attention to, curious, and want to see how much the bounty will be increased after the Qiye Pirate Group defeats the Navy.

Suddenly, almost everyone had a stack of reward lists for the Qiye Pirate Regiment, and when they saw it, they were directly dumbfounded.

“Oh my God, what a bounty, a string of zeros.”

“Ten million million million million…”

“My God, the bounty of Qi Ye has actually reached …”


Suddenly, the reward of all the members of the Qiye Pirate Regiment was known to everyone, causing a lot of shock.

Everyone looked carefully, because the bounty was too long, a string of zeros, and looked carefully over and over again, for fear of missing a zero.

Soon, everyone was sure.

Qi Ye, Captain of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, Bounty: 6 billion Bailey!

Barrett, crew member of the Pirates of the Night, Bounty: 4 billion Baileys!

Shanks, crew member of the Pirates of the Night, Bounty: 3 billion Baileys!

Beckman, crew member of the Night Pirates, Bounty: 3 billion Bailey!

Fuji Hu, crew member of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, bounty: 3 billion Bailey!

Rakiru, crew of the Qiye Pirates, bounty: 2 billion Baileys!

Jessica, the chef of the Qiye Pirate Group, strength unknown, age ten years old, may not be strong. Bounty: 1 billion baileys!

Although Jessica has not yet grown up to become stronger, it is not surprising that she is a member of the Qiye Pirates, a chef, and in this battle, she is responsible for fighting in the air, and the impact is also very harmful, so the bounty is as high as one billion Baileys.

Sometimes, the bounty does not represent strength, but harm, so since it is the chef of the Qiye Pirate Group, the bounty is naturally high.

Suddenly, the world was in an uproar, and Qi Ye’s bounty broke the record and created a record high. The previous record was Roger’s bounty, 5,564.8 million baileys, and Qi Ye 6 billion!

And the Qiye Pirate Group is only seven people now, but the overall bounty of the Qiye Pirate Group has reached 22 billion Bailey!

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