When the world saw the bounty, they were horrified, and some people were a little stunned.

“The Qiye bounty broke the historical record and became the first person to truly bounty, which is understandable.” Although Qi Ye was only sixteen years old, he could stand in an invincible position in the face of Kapu and Kong, the two strongest people in the navy, which showed how strong he had reached. So the bounty of six billion baileys is totally worth it. ”

“Well, but Shanks’s bounty is actually the same as the vine tiger, and the strength of the vine tiger is stronger, right?”

“Yes, but you must know that Shanks is two years younger than Qi Ye, fourteen years old is so powerful, the future will certainly be more powerful, and this bounty, not only according to strength, but also identity, harmfulness, potential and so on.” Therefore, the Shanks bounty is the same as the vine tiger three billion, normal. ”

“What surprised me the most was that this little girl of the Qiye Pirate Regiment was only ten years old, and the bounty was actually one billion, even if it was the three big billboards before the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, the bounty was also like this.”

“Well, this Jessica, obviously not as strong as a billion Baileys, but in this battle, it has also caused a lot of harm, effect, and is still young, and the strength will increase in the future.” The most crucial point is that their bounty is so high because they are a member of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment! ”

“And what kind of existence is the Qiye Pirate Regiment, the first time to make the Navy concede defeat, let the justice be shamed, then since it is the crew of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, the bounty will of course be high.”

“Makes sense, understood, then it seems that this billion Bailey is the best to earn, after all, this Jessica has not yet grown up.” However, Tom, who built the ship for the Qiye Pirate Regiment, was caught by the Navy, and the Qiye Pirate Regiment dared to go to war in the Navy, not to mention what happened to the crew. ”

“Yeah, so if you want money, you have to see if you have this life.”


Suddenly, few people dared to think of the people of the Qiye Pirate Regiment.

At this time, the Qiye sailed in the East China Sea.

Jessica was happy that she had a bounty and was still a billion baileys, something she hadn’t expected.

“Wow, my bounty was a billion, and I thought it was a hundred million baileys.”

At first, she felt that it was one hundred million, and she was very satisfied, but Qi Ye swept her eyes and reminded that it was one billion.

This made Jessica stunned, and she could reach a billion.

Qi Ye said, “There is no accident, after all, you are the crew of my Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, and it is very normal to start a billion.” ”

“Mm-hmm! I’ll keep trying. Jessica looked determined, curious and asked, “By the way, Captain, before you teach me tonight, what noodles do you want me to give you to eat?” ”

Qi Ye recalled, “Abalone sea cucumber sauce noodles.” ”

“Okay, then I’ll keep doing it for you tonight.”

Qi Ye touched his stomach and sighed lightly, “Obviously I just ate enough, but when I think of the noodles you made, I can’t wait, Jessica, I can only blame your cooking skills for getting better and better.” I am a genius in cultivation, and you are a genius in cooking. ”

“Hee-hee, the captain likes to eat, and I’ll keep trying to try new categories.”

Rajilu looked envious: “The captain is really blessed, really happy.” ”

“Well, let’s continue our voyage journey, first of all, and continue to recruit new crew.”

Qi Ye’s words made Shanks nod their heads, and this battle, they all understood that although they had won, it was not enough.

If they continue to fight, they may be in a five-and-a-half situation with the Navy.

Even if Qi Ye and Kapu have been fighting, there will be a draw at most, and it is still a bit difficult for Qi Ye to fight for ten days and half a month to defeat Air and Kapu together.

Therefore, Qi Ye will continue to improve.

Of course, the Qiye Pirate Regiment must also continue to improve, this battle is not easy to win, and this is far from enough, the Qiye Pirate Regiment is even stronger, and the overall strength can be greatly improved.

In the future, it is necessary to make the Qiye Pirate Regiment strong enough to cope even in the face of the all-out efforts of the navy and the world government.

After all, the world government also has a lot of strong people, as well as the mysterious Five Old Stars, and even the only one that Qi Ye knows, above the Five Old Stars, and the identity and strength of the more mysterious Im.

Therefore, all the people in the Qiye Pirates will not be proud of their victory over the Navy and will continue to grow.

Sailing in the East China Sea, the Qiye is definitely a beautiful landscape, passing by every island, which can attract everyone’s attention.

The Qiye Pirate Regiment, the Qiye Ship, almost everyone in this world knows it, even in the weakest East Sea, they can basically recognize it.

Perhaps, when it reaches the depths of the East China Sea, there will be fewer people who can know, after all, now the Qiye dares to sail out of the great route into the East China Sea area.

“Now, we still lack ship doctors on our ships, and the navigators are the necessary crew, and snipers also need them.”

At this point, Shanks remembered one thing.

“I heard that there is a very famous sniper in the East China Sea, who is very good at sniping, known as the sharpshooter, called Jesus Bu. I once wanted to meet him, and now that we are in the East China Sea and there is a lack of snipers on board, let’s go and have a look. I remember that he lived in the village of Silob in the East China Sea. ”

Qi Ye nodded, “Okay, let’s go.” ”

As the sniper of the red-haired pirate group in the original work, Jesus Bu is naturally extremely strong in sniping, the top in the world, and Qi Ye originally wanted to recruit all the crew of the red-haired pirate group in the original book, and the strength is very strong.

In order for the Qiye Pirate Regiment to become the first Sea Thief Regiment, it is also necessary to recruit more powerful people.

At full speed, the Qiye was close to the village of Silob in seven days.

After approaching, the villagers here were stunned when they saw it, and the Sea City floated over, and the luxury was very grand.

But when I got closer, I found that it was a boat, and then I saw the pirate flag flying, and I was so frightened that they all fled home.

Most of the people in the East China Sea belong to the frogs at the bottom of the well, and their knowledge is very short, so even if the Qiye Pirate Group has shocked the world, it does not mean that everyone in this world knows, and there are still some small places where the news is closed.

“Ah, pirates.”

“Such a huge and magnificent ship must be an extremely powerful pirate.”

“What to do, our village will not be destroyed.”


In their minds, pirates are burned and plundered.

At this time, only one person was not alarmed, and when he saw the huge Qi Ye trumpet, he looked longing.

“Could it be, the Qiye Pirates?” The one with another title, the freest pirate group. ”

For freedom, he longs for the most.

The man continued to raise his gun and practice his marksmanship.

At this time, in addition to Raki Road, Qi Ye and others went to the island.

On the shore, Qi Ye saw a man practicing his gun.

He had a medium physique, his hair was self-curly, and his lips were thick, which Qi Ye recognized at a glance, and it was Jesus cloth. For apart from the nose, Jesusb and Usopp look strikingly similar.

Qi Ye and the others stopped and looked at Jesus Bu.

At this point, Jesus’ aim was aimed at the distant ground, which made Jessica wonder, “Is he practicing his gun?” But why aim for the ground a hundred meters away? There was a clearing there, there was nothing, not a single pebble. ”

Shanks was also unexpected, somewhat unclear, so he speculated: “Could he be Jesus Bu?” But what is he aiming for? Ground? ”

Eagle’s sharp eyes looked over and saw that there really wasn’t any target on the ground.

However, only Qi Ye saw that the physical enhancement point was not only enhanced by vitality, defense, strength, speed, etc., but also senses.

At this moment, Qi Ye’s eyes could see a very small ant on the ground two hundred meters away, four millimeters long. The target of Jesus’ aim was apparently the ant that was crawling at a dissatisfied speed.

For Jesus, the distance was a hundred meters away.

Qi Ye said, “There is a target there, a four-millimeter-long ant.” ”

It was no wonder that they could not see it two hundred meters away, thinking that there was nothing on the open ground, it turned out to be four millimeters of ants, no wonder they could not see.

Jessica was surprised: “Does he want to concentrate on that tiny ant a hundred meters away?” My God, the marksmanship of the hundred steps through Yang is already very good, he actually targeted an ant in a hundred meters. ”

A hundred steps through the Yang, which means shooting the leaves of the willow a hundred steps away, describes the archery or marksmanship as very clever.

And Jesus Bu, to shoot ants a hundred meters away, so that each of them is shocked, so that Qi Ye is surprised.

However, since it is Jesus Bu, the sniper of the red-haired pirate regiment in the original book, he must have his own self-confidence.

Qi Ye said, “Let’s wait and see.” ”

Suddenly, Shanks watched quietly, although it was difficult to see the ants, but Qi Ye could see them, and after the shooting, they went forward to observe.

At this point, Jesus Cloth aimed to pull the trigger, and it took only a very short time.


Pull the trigger, the gunshot sounds, and the sub-pop out of the chamber.

This surprised Jessica and the others again, pulling the trigger in such a short aiming time? It was a hundred meters away for Jesus, and it was a very small ant still moving.


Suddenly, a bullet hit the ground a hundred meters away, creating a small crater.

Qi Ye and the others walked over, and after approaching, Shanks and the others saw ants, of course, except for the vine tiger.

Jessica saw the ants crawling faster and was obviously surprised to find that the ants were not dead or injured, that is, they were not hit.

Jessica said, “There was no hit, but it should be a little worse, after all, the location of the small crater on the ground is very close to the ants, and it is already very powerful.” ”

Originally, she thought it was impossible, but she could almost hit and shoot next to the ants, which was also very powerful.

Qi Ye shook his head and reminded, “You are mistaken, in fact, he shot the ants.” ”

As Kiki’s words fell, Jessica shuddered, “Shot? But the ants are all right. ”

The eagle’s eyes were sharp, and after looking at them carefully, even if he was determined, his face appeared shocked.

Hawkeye opened his mouth and said in a surprised tone, “The ant has one missing tentacle.” ”

“What?!” Suddenly, Shanks and the others were shocked.

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