Suddenly, the person in charge of the auction hall collapsed directly to the ground, trembling, watching the people of the Qi Ye Pirate Group leave.

“It’s over…”

Soon Doflamingo called to inquire.

He didn’t want to provoke the Qiye Pirate Regiment, it was very unhelpful to him, and he even thought of cooperating.

“How’s it going?”

“My Lord, Kiya refused, and said, this matter… The Qiye Pirates made a note. ”

Suddenly, Doflamingo’s face was extremely gloomy, his fists clenched, and he hung up the phone.

“Dover, didn’t the Qiye Pirates show any sympathy?” Torrepol saw the result.

Doflamingo furrowed his brows, ambitious.

“I was thinking of cooperating with the Qiye Pirates, they had just been established and needed a crew, and I would provide them with a crew, and soon they would be preparing to produce artificial animal demon fruits.” But now, apparently, not. ”

“Then join forces with Kaido, after all, Kaido is also their enemy, and we are now the enemy of the Qiye Pirates.”

Doflamingo’s eyes flickered, “Qi Ye, I will make you regret it.” ”

However, even if he wanted to cooperate with Qi Ye, Qi Ye would not be able to see it at all.

Although Doflamingo is now jealous of Qi Ye, his nature will not always be afraid, so when he is strong enough, he will take revenge and turn the world upside down.

“Torrepol, continue to look for recruiting people, I will use strength, powerful forces, to make the world tremble in the future, let the Qiye Pirate Regiment know, it is not I who have offended them.” In the future, I’m going to convince all the guys who don’t obey me. ”

“Good Dover, recently our family has recruited a lot of strong people, and continue to recruit, we recruit those who have the ability, and the more peculiar and powerful the ability, I believe that in the future, even if we face the Qi Ye Pirate Group, we will not be afraid.”

At this time, auction on the island.

Qi Ye carried the demon sword to resist the soul, and the momentum was stronger.

The Demon Sword Imperial Soul was carried behind him, the tip of the sword was located at Qi Ye’s knees, the top of the handle was located above Qi Ye’s head, and a round of horizontal blood-colored curved moon, located behind Qi Ye’s neck, made it possible to see this round of blood moon, just like a round of blood moon hanging horizontally behind Qi Ye.

The blood moon and the blood-colored sword body shined more blood-red in the sun, and at night, the same would be the same, and even more obvious in the night.

Carrying the Demon Sword Imperial Soul, one of the twelve works of the Supreme Great Fast Sword, Qi Ye looked even more compelling.

Jessica’s eyes lit up: “The captain is getting cooler, this knife is behind him, so handsome.” ”

Hawkeye had to admit that not to mention Qi Ye’s aura, the Black Sword Night alone was more pressing and cooler than the Demon Sword Imperial Soul alone.

“Help, don’t take me, I’m not a slave, I don’t want to be a slave, has anyone saved me, where is the Navy, whining…”

At this time, shouts rang out, and one after another.

Apparently, the nobles who had fainted in the auction hall were woken up and dragged out with the slaves they had bought.

Because Qi Ye only let go of a little momentum at that time, the Overlord color domineering only made them faint slightly, and they could be woken up by being shaken every once in a while.

Now, the nobles were pulling their slaves and coming out, and suddenly there were many cries for help, including many children.

At this time, there is a navy here to maintain order, after all, there are many pirates, mountain thieves, nobles gathered here, such an auction event, naturally there must be a navy here to form a deterrent.

At this moment, a boy saw the navy patrolling in the distance and cried out for help.

Around, there were also many civilians watching.

“Save me… I don’t want to be a slave, I was just abducted by human traffickers, my parents are still cooking at home waiting for me, can’t find me, they will be very anxious and sad, save me…”

However, in the face of the boy’s call for help, the Navy was indifferent.

This made the boy stunned and lost: “Navy, aren’t you righteous, I was abducted by human traffickers, you come and save me.” ”

The gun-armed sailor said indifferently, “You are now a slave, and you are already a noble belonging, and we can’t control it.” ”

Suddenly, the boy was even more distracted, all the time, Mom and Dad told him that the Navy is justice, to protect everyone’s safety, but why not save themselves.

“Woohoo… Why. The boy kept shedding tears: “If your children are abducted and sold by human traffickers and then become slaves, will you not be indifferent?” Is he no longer your child, but a noble object!? ”

This questioning made several sailors on patrol look heavy and silent, but still did nothing.

“Hmm, don’t bark, you’re my slave now.” The rich woman whipped at the boy, and suddenly the skin opened and the painful boy rolled on the ground.

“Ahh… Save me…”

The civilians around them expressed sympathy and were glad it was not their own children.

The Navy was silent and chose to ignore it.

Jessica was furious when she saw this: “That’s disgusting. ”

Fuji Hu sighed lightly: “I am very fortunate that I did not join the Navy, as the captain said, joining the Navy, although I can’t see it, will expose me to more ugly things.” ”

Boom boom…

Fuji Hu moved, step by step to the nobles who were leading the slaves, obviously to move and liberate the slaves.

The surrounding civilians were stunned.

“That man, are you going to do it?”

“He is… Kino Pirate Regiment’s Fuji Tiger! Bounty, three billion baileys! ”

“The people of the Qiye Pirate Regiment dare to take care of this matter, so I am not surprised, but do you want to free the slaves and do something to the nobles?” Although it seems to be a wrong thing, why do I feel some comfort in my heart? ”

“Yeah, and the Navy doesn’t have a tube, that’s a contrast.”


Seeing the vine tiger coming, he felt extraordinary, and the nobles were a little flustered one by one.

“Hey, untouchables! What do you want to do?! ”

Suddenly, all the nobles subconsciously retreated.

The slaves looked at the blind men coming ahead, they lost their minds, and it was not the righteous navy that wanted to save them, but the evil pirates?

Suddenly, they fell into contemplation. Does either side really want to set an absolute label? The Navy is called justice, is it true justice? Pirates are sins, so all pirates are sins?

A commoner lamented that he was a history teacher.

“I teach history, but books are often a means used by the victors to praise their living fools. Some of the great images recorded in books should not be easily worshipped. Since ancient times, tyrants and heroes have one thing in common, that is, killing countless people. ”

“So, who exactly is the right person to kill?” Who kills people at fault? I’m afraid that only people of that era can judge. ”

“There’s some truth to that.”

At this time, when the sailors saw that the people of the Qiye Pirate Regiment were going to move, their faces were extremely ugly, and they naturally knew that it was the Qiye Pirate Regiment.

They did not dare to care, but in the face of the nobles’ cries for help, they had to manage.

“Come and save us!”

“As a righteous navy, hurry up and kill these evil pirates!”

“Come here! What do you eat! ”


Suddenly, the sailors approached with heavy faces and guns, which made the slaves’ cognition flip and it was the pirates who wanted to liberate them, and the navy that would not allow them to be liberated.

Fuji Hu drew his sword slightly, and suddenly the sailors approaching behind them were all lying on the ground, unable to move, which made the nobleman’s face change drastically.

“Hurry up! Come and protect me! ”

However, the sailors could not move at all.

The surrounding civilians felt that the slaves were going to be rescued, and that was a pirate with a bounty of three billion baileys, not comparable to these sailors.

Just then, however, a shout sounded in the distance.

“A hundred-man navy is coming!”

“The leader is a middle-aged lieutenant general!”

“I heard that when he was young, what he was good at was comparable to Karp’s fist when he was young!”

“He was a being at the same time as Kapu, and the Qiye Pirates felt a little tricky, right?”

Qi Ye was slightly interested, and when he was young, he was comparable to Kapu’s fist?

Now that he is about the same age as Karp, who is it?

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