Qi Ye thought back in his mind, but he couldn’t imagine who it would be.

Just then, a group of navies in the distance quickly approached, led by a lieutenant general about the age of Karp, wearing the cloak of naval justice.

“The Navy is coming, and we’re going to be saved.”

Originally, the slaves thought that they would say this, but they were nobles.

“Come and save me!”

“Kill these pirates!”

“These pirates are too bold to attack our nobles.”


The Qi Night Overlord swept over, and suddenly, all these nobles were shocked to death, and it was suddenly quiet.

“You are staying here, and you can’t stand his domineering power.”

One of the lieutenants walked towards the Qiye Pirate Regiment, and when he saw that Qiye had killed all the nobles, his face was ugly.

“Bastard, knowing that I am coming, I dare to attack the nobles, I am a vice admiral, Prodi!”

Qi Ye actually remembered it, and suddenly lost interest.

“I thought it was so powerful, it didn’t seem to be good.”

Being despised, Prodi was furious and carried a huge cannon barrel on his shoulders.

“Although your Qiye Pirate Regiment was strong, and even defeated the Navy in Malin Fando, it was because I was not there at that time.”

Prodi was proud: “The power of my shells is extremely terrifying, and you had better get out of here, because if you fight me, even if I am not your opponent, you will be damaged.” ”

Prodi’s meaning is very clear, if you want to kill me, I will certainly not let you get better, and I want to pull you as a cushion.

“Let me show you the power of my shells.”

Prodi aimed at a hundred-meter huge pirate ship, and with a bang, a huge dark cannonball flew out, and with a roar, the huge pirate ship directly exploded, the fire was everywhere, and the slag that was blown up was not left.

Obviously, he wanted to deter the Qiye Pirate Regiment, he knew that a person facing the Qiye Pirate Regiment, he could not be an opponent, if he fought alone with Qiye, he still had confidence.

“How’s it going? Can’t leave? Prodi was proud.

Qi Ye sneered, “That’s it? ”

Prodi frowned: “It seems that you are not going to leave, then, are you going to go together, planning to cheat more than less?” Or go head-to-head with me? If I win, you will leave, and if I lose, it will not matter, do you dare? ”

Qi Ye corrected, “If you lose, you really can’t control it, because you were a dead person at that time.” ”

Again slighted, Prodi grew angrier.

“Qi Ye, even if you fight with me alone, I can accept it.” After all, my cannonballs are comparable to the fists of Kapu when he was young! At that time, we had such a sentence in the same issue. The East Fist South Cannon, which I covered with armed and domineering shells, was as strong as Kapu’s fist at that time. ”

“He was practicing boxing with the mountains and collapsed a lot of mountains, and so did I, who collapsed a lot of mountains.”

Qi Ye despised, “If your shell can be compared with the current Kapu fist, I am slightly interested, but if it is comparable to the Kapu when he was young, then it will be too weak.” ”

“Qi Ye, my current shells are more powerful and larger, and my armed color is also stronger, so my shell power has also increased!” Just let you see! ”


Prodi is another cannon, the black shell flies out at great speed, making it difficult to dodge, the shell containing the armed color domineering shell, for the ability of the person, there are still many threats, the explosion is powerful, but also affect the ability of the person.

However, although Kapu is a lieutenant general, he is not willing to be promoted, and he is still a lieutenant general, which is a matter of strength.

Qi Ye decided to directly second this guy, although his own strength is not good, but combined with this shell, the flesh strengthening point is based on the comprehensive strength, and the power of this shell is still quite strong.


The shells were in the middle of the night, the bombardment began, and suddenly the earth shook, and the ground was directly blasted out of a hundred-meter-deep pit, and a huge mushroom cloud rose into the air, and the flames soared into the sky.

Prodi was self-satisfied: “Although you are the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, even if you don’t die, you will definitely be seriously injured, right?” The old man’s cannonballs will only become more powerful, and Kapu’s fist will only become less and less powerful as he ages. So, in the future, when I reach a hundred years old, Karp’s fist will definitely be less powerful than my cannonballs. ”

“Just this shell of yours, another hundred rounds will not hurt me in the slightest.”

Qi Ye swept out of the sinkhole, making Prodi’s eyes widen, and he was unharmed.


Qi Ye flashed quickly, so fast that Prodi could not react to the domineering spirit.


A punch landed on Prodi’s abdomen, and the terrifying force directly shattered all the internal organs and bones in his body, and he flew far away, and died in the air.

Qi Ye gained three thousand flesh enhancement points, which was okay.

At this time, the distant sailors saw this scene and all froze.

They didn’t really want to come, but Prodi said that Cap could have forced Roger into a desperate situation many times with a few people, and I, who can be comparable to Kapu, led you, and definitely made the Qiye Pirates choose to leave.

They believed it, expecting Lieutenant General Prodi to let the Qiye Pirates leave, after all, they had been listening to Prodi brag that he was comparable to Karp when he was young.

And Kapu, but the naval hero, then Vice Admiral Prodi must also be very strong, but it was actually seconds, which let them know that Prodi is using this matter to pretend to be compared, bragging about himself, in fact, it is impossible to compare with Kapu.

The nobles were killed, the slaves were free, and the kneeling prostrations were immensely grateful.

Fuji Hu said, “Go back to your home.” ”

Subsequently, Qi Ye and the others boarded the ship and began to sail in the South China Sea, looking for a new crew.

Qi Ye felt that in the South China Sea, something should be gained.

With the voyage, unconsciously, more than a year had passed, almost two years before Roger was executed.

At this time, there were already fourteen people on the Qi Ye Pirate Ship.

They are Captain Kiba, then Barrett, Shanks, Beckman, Vine Tiger, Hawkeye, Rakiru, Jessica, Jesus Bu, Kisaki, Nagahong, Red Dragon, Mountain Ape, Lis.

The next three are the cadres of the red-haired pirate regiment in the original book, and their strength is similar to that of Rakiru.

The Red Dragon, the tallest, nearly four meters tall, wears sunglasses, is emitted in turquoise, has a white shirt, and has a red dragon tattoo on the right neck.

Mountain ape, bald head, no eyebrows, scarred left face, blue shirt, trousers, carrying a monkey on his back.

Leith, with dark red hair, fangs in his mouth, and a fierce look.

These three, the three red-haired pirate regiment cadres who were the last to be found, all met in the South China Sea to let Qi Ye meet.

Therefore, the target crew of Qi Ye has all gathered!

At this time, the cadres of the red-haired pirate regiment in the original book are all on this boat, and next, Qi Ye is to recruit other potential strongmen.

Qi Ye planned: “We have been in the South China Sea for a long time, then, get ready to go to the West Sea, the wine is also finished, go to my hometown and Shanks to get some more wine.” ”

Qi Ye did not choose to go to the North Sea, he had not been there, but the reason why he went to the West Sea was not to get wine, but Qi Ye calculated the time and felt that O’Hara was about to happen.

The Slayer Order destroyed O’Hara, and went there to reap a wave of reaping the rewards.

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