The Qiye Pirates then crossed the windless belt and entered the Great Passage, and then approached the Red Earth Continent.

Five days later, the Qiye was close to the Red Clay Continent, as for how to pass, from Fishman Island?

Of course not, it was still the fastest and fastest way to jump directly from Mary Joy.


Rakilu took the helm, the energy erupted, and the Qiye jumped up again, and soon reached the sky over Mary Joa.

With the eruption of energy, huge depressions appeared in that part of the sea.

The Qiye jumped up, and the navy guarding Marijoa naturally saw it, and immediately opened fire, but they knew it was useless.

They had cold sweat on their faces.

“No, here we go again.”

“The previous time, there was no satisfactory response to the Draco, and now the Qiye Pirate Group is here again?”

“Do you want to enter the new world, do you have to cross from Mary Joya every time in the future?”

“Shouldn’t there be any more trouble this time?”


They firing symbolically, fighting back, but completely untouchable.

At this time, the Five Old Stars could not sit still, and naturally knew that the Qi Ye Pirate Group had come again.

At this time, the Dracobo was already terrified and remembered the horror of the past.

“Come and protect the saint!”

“Damn, you bunch of waste, don’t destroy this pirate group, he really came again, it’s really bold!”

“This time, we must protect Mary Joya and protect the saint!”

“This time, we must knock them down and catch them all!” Otherwise, it will come later, and our safety will not be guaranteed! ”


After experiencing it once, the Dracos were very afraid, and the members of the navy and cp were also powerless, before they had no choice, and now the strength of the Qiye Pirate Regiment was definitely stronger.

Since that time, nearly two years have passed, and Qi Ye’s strength has definitely become stronger.

Qi Ye was standing at the bow of the ship at this time, and Barrett grinned and asked, “Captain, are you going to do something again?” ”

Qi Ye nodded, “This nature, every time you pass by in the future, it will make these Draco people tremble and fear.” ”

Fuji Hu unexpectedly shot first: “Then I will try my hand at it… Nope…”

Fuji Hu originally planned to try his hand at it, but suddenly the conversation turned and directly exploded with full force fruit ability.

“Fire Festival!”

Suddenly, countless meteorites, surging with flames, all fell on Mary Joa.

The ground, Draco, CP members, navy, one by one, were sluggish.

The Navy has no intention of even resisting, it is simply the end of the world.

Because, the meteor shower is like a dense meteorite shower that keeps falling.

The Draco people were already paralyzed, and they were usually extremely rampant, one by one, they were scared to pee, and they were all scared to cry.

“Save me! Come and save me! ”

At this time, the five old stars could not sit still.

“Damn, it’s them again.”

“This time, we have to take care of it, otherwise the Dracos will be traumatized again, which will give us more headaches.”

“This meteorite rain, tricky ability.”


The five old stars all came out one by one, four of them, directly using physical skills.

These four are the five old stars in suits.

They were, one in a black suit, with white curly hair, a fluffy white beard, a flat hat, and a scar on the left side of his face.

This five-old star, the name is righteous.

There are also five old stars wearing dark blue suits, long white straight hair, and a long beard, named Yasuki.

Wearing a crimson suit, no tie, blond hair, a beard that is also blond, and a scar on his chest, the five old stars, Nada Ichi.

Dressed in a dark green suit, bald, with two figure-of-eight beards and a birthmark on his forehead, these five old stars are famous for one.

The other one was wearing a white Daoist robe, a bald head, and glasses, the only one of the five old stars who was not wearing a suit, holding the first generation of ghosts, one of the twelve masters of the supreme big fast knife. His name is Keiichi.

This time, they had to take care of it, the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment was stronger, no matter what, this time it would not be like the last time, the Draco people just fainted and were injured, and there would definitely be casualties.

The consequences were unimaginable, after all, the previous one was enough to give them a headache, and it was not handled well, the Qi Night Pirate Regiment and Tom were fine, and the Navy was defeated.

Therefore, if it is more serious this time, they will be under great pressure and the Dracos will go crazy.

“Arashi, chaos!”

The four five-old stars in suits, all of whom are physically strong, Qi Qi uses the Lan Foot, one of the six styles of the Navy.

Suddenly, a series of sharp blue air blades flew densely into the sky.


Suddenly, meteorites falling in the sky were constantly cut in half and then shattered. Just a sharp edge, chop a meteorite to pieces.

Although the number of meteorites summoned by the fire sacrifice is very large, in terms of size, it is not as large as a single meteorite, and the vine tiger cannot make the meteorite rain as big as a single one, these meteorites are small meteorites, about fifty meters in diameter.

However, such a meteorite can be smashed with a sharp edge, which shows the strength of the Five Old Star Skills.

Moreover, Lan was chaotic, kicking out, there were dense crisscrossing and crisscrossing each other, and as many as ten sharp edges sprang out.

The four five-year-old stars moved, and suddenly the meteorite continued to shatter.

Some of the five old stars had already stepped on the moon, moving rapidly in the air, constantly smashing meteorites one by one with one punch.

The meteorite that shattered into slag kept falling, and the power decreased a little, and after that time, the tea dolphin had been staying in Mary Joy, and at this time it had already protected Mary Joya in the soil layer like a lid of anger, and at the same time made the soil rock more hard.

In this way, when the pieces fall, they are all blocked.

Qi Ye looked down, “The Five Old Stars have moved, so my current slash is stronger or weaker than that guy?” ”

Qi Ye suddenly jumped up, pulled out the demon sword on his back, clenched his hands, the blood was shining, he was raised high, the muscles of his arms were swollen, and he slashed down with all his strength.

Zheng !!!

Suddenly, the golden giant slash fell, and after more than a year of cultivation, Qi Ye realized that it was naturally stronger.

With the strongest talent, the swordplay was even higher, and the slash was thousands of meters long and twenty meters wide, like a golden rainbow, across the sky.

On the ground, the five old stars of the Dao Robe Qi had a wave of unfazed faces, and they appeared shocked.

“This slash…”

Qi was shocked, as a five-old star, he has been in Mary Joy, during which there have been many of the world’s first sword masters, constantly replaced, but he has expressed disdain.

If he breaks into this world, then the name of the world’s number one sword will always be his.

However, now he was incomparably shaken, confident that his swordplay was the strongest, and no one would surpass him, but now, this huge slash made him shocked.

“After living for such a long time, the power of my swordplay is only so intense, and he is only eighteen years old, this son cannot let it go on any longer!”

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