The Overlord color domineering spirit rushed in through the loophole, making the Five Old Stars face extremely heavy, not knowing what to do, and already feeling finished.

In just a split second, most of the Draco’s people would die directly!

Dead a Draco person did not dare to imagine, let alone more than 90% of the dead Draco.

It was at this time that Mary Joyce, Pan between the deepest flowers of the ancient city.

Suddenly, a powerful and terrifying momentum erupted from it, confronting the Overlord Color domineering.

This momentum is also the domineering spirit of the overlord.

Although there was no terrible physical damage like Qi Ye, the momentum was inferior to that of Qi Ye, but it was also extremely strong.

If it were not for the existence of Qi Ye, then this momentum, coercion, would definitely be the first in the world.

At this moment, the five old stars sensed this terrifying momentum, incomparably familiar, and one by one suddenly showed extreme respect.

The only thing that can make the Five Old Stars respect so much is Im, the leader of the Draco, the master behind the world government, and the master of the Void Throne.

Because the Overlord color domineering spirit was only a part of the influx, Im’s momentum could withstand this overlord color domineering, destroying most of the overlord color domineering qi that poured into Mary Joya and disintegrating his own momentum.

However, there was still a small part of the Overlord color domineering that filled Mary Joa, and suddenly, most of the Dracot suddenly fainted again, bleeding one by one, more seriously injured and fainting than before.

The tea dolphin had already made up for the loophole at this time, the five old stars carefully sensed, the Draco did not die, they were relieved, fortunately there is Lord Im, not the Draco people are killed and injured.

However, their faces were also heavy, because the Draco people were even more seriously injured this time, and when they woke up, they would be so angry, which made them extremely stressed.

At this point, the mysterious Im did not rush out, because Mary Joya was protected by the earth castle, and if she rushed out, a hole would emerge and the Overlord would pour in.

Just now because of himself, the worst result did not appear, if he wanted to go out to fight with the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, then he would have to pay for the death of more than 90% of the Draco.

At this time, the Qiye was already far away from Mary Joa, which made the Five Old Stars feel that they could not catch Qiye, but they were relieved, and their inner thoughts were that they had finally left.

Although such an idea was a disgrace to their five old stars, if they fought here, the dragons would be miserable that day.

Soon, the Qiye landed on the sea of the New World.

Shanks was surprised: “Just now I felt an extremely powerful momentum, stronger than the Five Old Stars.” ”

Rakilu nodded, “I also feel it, I can’t believe it, is there a mysterious existence above the Five Old Stars in the world government?” ”

Beckman’s eyes flashed with wisdom: “It should be the real master, the identity may be the Draco, the highest status, the strongest Draco.” Otherwise, how could this virtue of the Dracobo be guarded, it must be because the Dracobo is not all waste, there must be some strong ones, and those who have just started are the strongest. ”

Shanks they felt that Beckman’s analysis made sense.

Qi Ye said coldly, “This time, it seems that the Dracos have not died, but letting them be seriously injured may be the best punishment for them, these Draco, you can’t let them die happily, then feel the pain for a while.” ”

“As for the person who did it, sooner or later, one day, I will fight with her.”

“Well, now cross the windless belt and go to the West Sea.”

Shankston couldn’t wait, and some missed the fine wines of their hometown.

At this time, Mary Joy.

It was determined that the Qiye had left and was no longer near the Red Earth Continent, and after being confirmed, the Tea Dolphin removed the earthen castle and Mary Joa returned to the light.

However, Mary Joya was already dilapidated and had just been built, and this time it should have been more severely damaged.

The most serious was the fainting and serious injury of the Draco.

The Dracos had been carried to treat their injuries in an effort to make their bodies less painful when they woke up.

As for the serious injury, they were injected with hypnotic drugs to let them sleep for ten more days and half a month, otherwise waking up would be a kind of torture that would make the Dracos even more angry.

It had given them a huge headache before, let alone this time.

The five old stars looked ugly one by one, and when the naval headquarters and the Warring States knew about this matter, it was a headache, and the Qiye Pirate Regiment made trouble again.

World Conquest tried to let the Dracos sleep as much as possible, and the injuries healed before they woke up, so that they would not wake up too angry.

The Five Old Stars were already in the World Conquest Conference Building at this time and began to discuss.

“What to do? Every time is so passive, Qi Ye is located in the high sky, occupies a geographical advantage, only we can attack, but in the face of firepower, the strength of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment is suppressed, and it is also very passive, Qi Ye’s overlord color domineering, it is very tricky, if this time is not Lord Im’s shot, it will be serious. ”

“Around Mary Joy, above you, build an impermeable and completely covered iron wall.”

“This… Draco people will be unhappy, right? ”


Holy Land Mary Joa, if you really want to do this, isn’t it like a birdcage, where Dracos live? What kind of holy place is that?

“Perhaps, this can only be done, compared to passive, Draco’s death, shame is nothing.”

“You can’t let Lord Im do it every time.”

The five old stars looked guilty, their shots failed to respond, and let Im do it.

“Then, build it, build it with the same material as the wall around the naval headquarters, envelop Mary Joy, and at the same time, inside Mary Joy, make the artificial sun and artificial moon better.”

“Well, that’s all there is to it, if it’s a fortress like a wall that surrounds Mary Joy, then Qi Ye’s overlord color domineering spirit can’t destroy it, at most it will be sunken.”

“If Qi Ye wants to destroy it with a slash next time, it will depend on us to resist.”

“By the way, there is one more important thing, and that is O’Hara, who cannot be left to the scholars to explore, or they will know.”

“So, destroy O’Hara? Convict them of a crime and kill all the scholars. ”

“Well, let the CP9’s Spendane go, be on the safe side, and let the Navy launch the Slayer Order.”

“It must be done in secret, so that no one will know about it, and no scholar will be allowed to leave alive.”


Five days later, the Kiyo arrives at the Wine Village, where Kiyo leaves alone for O’Hara.

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