Qiye’s swimming speed is extremely fast, two hundred kilometers per hour per hour.

Before the Qi Ye ship, Qi Ye had been swimming, shuttling through the sea of the New World and the Great Passage, and now Qi Ye went alone and continued to swim past.

The crew all went, so easy to be discovered by the Navy, so that the Navy would not have sent a slaughter order to pass.

You know, the battle between the Navy and the Qiye Pirate Regiment was lost, not to mention the slaughter order.

Although it was terrible, they also had to flee in the face of others, and the number was useless in front of Qi Night.

In half a day, Qi Ye swam to O’Hara according to the map in his hand.

O’Hara has the characteristics of a very good person, that is, an incomparably large all-knowing tree.

Qi went ashore at night, saw that O’Hara’s town still existed, and said to himself: “It seems that the world government has not yet done anything to O’Hara.” ”

As Qi Ye walked toward the town, he first had to pass through a forest.

At this time, in the woods, a little girl of about eight years old was sitting on the stone and reading a book.

The little girl has a healthy skin color, has short black hair, wears a light red plain dress, is emaciated, and her appearance is not good, obviously her life is not good.

At this time, four wild children came here to see the little girl, eyes resistant, afraid, disgusted.

“It’s Robin!”

“Youkai to be precise! We’re going to stay away from her. ”

“I once saw other hands grow on her body, and it scared me to death, that is, a multi-handed monster.”

“Let’s give this monster a color look!”

They picked up the persimmons on the ground and threw them straight away.

The next second, they gleefully felt that Robin was about to be by persimmons soon.

However, a figure appeared, grabbed the persimmon in his hand, and then with a wave, all four persimmons smashed into their faces, smashing them in the face, making them very embarrassed.

Hands-on, obviously, Qi Ye.

Robin put away the book politely gratefully: “Thank you.” ”

The four wild children were indignant: “Who are you to help this monster?” ”

“Outsiders? He’s a monster and can grow a lot of hands! ”

“You’d better stay away from her, or you’ll be out of luck.”


Listening to the words of the four wild children, Robin looked frustrated, and she didn’t know why she was like this.

Qi Ye sighed, “When something incomprehensible happens, you treat it as a monster, but you are actually ignorant.” ”

Qi Ye’s words made Robin stare directly at Qi Ye and did not contradict himself because of their words.

Although the four wild children did not know Qi Ye, they could see that Qi Ye was terrible, and they were even more frightened than O’Hara’s fiercest people, and they all fled at once.

Robin introduced herself: “My name is Nicole Robin, big brother what about you?” ”

Qi Ye smiled slightly, “My name is Qi Ye.” ”

Robin was grateful: “Thank you. ”

At the same time, Robin’s thoughts moved, and a hand grew on a stone in his sight, and Robin had some inferiority.

“Big brother, aren’t you afraid of me?” Will you think I’m a monster? ”

Qi Ye shook his head: “Of course not, this is just a kind of ability, the outside world, with all kinds of strange abilities, you are just one of them, naturally there is no fuss.” ”

Hearing this, Robin’s eyes lit up, and he was not the only youkai, which was normal.

“You’ll know when you grow up.” Qi Ye gently touched Robin’s little head.

Qi Ye lay down directly here, drinking fine wine, waiting.

Qi Ye said, “You are busy with yours, I will rest here for a few days, and then I will leave here.” ”

Robin wants Qi Ye to go to her house, but thinking that she is not treated well in her relatives’ house, often washing and cooking, and eating the leftovers, she knows that taking Qi Ye back will definitely not be welcomed.

“Well, Brother Qiye will rest here, and when I have time, I’ll come back to find Brother Qiye.”

Robin leaves, and Qi Ye quietly waits for the arrival of the Demon Slayer Order.

The next day, Robin was happy, jumped to the woods, and arrived in front of Qi Ye, with a report card in the dark, very happy.

“Brother Qiye, I got a perfect score in archaeology, and I’m a scholar now!”

Qi Ye exclaimed, “Well, it’s very powerful, congratulations.” ”

At this time, Qi Ye was eating roast rabbit meat, crispy on the outside and inside, sprinkled with various spices, full of color and flavor.

This simple, learned from Jessica, knew that Ki Ye was going to leave alone for a while, Jessica gave Ki Ye her own secret unique spice pack.

“It’s yummy.” Robin just glanced at it, his eyes lit up, and his stomach grumbled.

Leftovers from eating at home, so she is now emaciated.

Qi Ye handed out a roasted rabbit leg and said, “This is for you, you are now in the stage of development, look at your malnourished appearance, but you can’t continue like this, otherwise you will grow up skinny.” Come, eat, don’t be polite, eat well and drink well, and when you grow up, you must be a big beautiful woman with a very good body. ”

Rob was warm and grateful, and the tip of his nose was a little sour, except for the Doctor and O’Hara’s scholars who had treated her so well.

Robin was also strong, did not let himself cry, and smiled happily: “Thank you Brother Qiye.” ”

Then Robin began to eat, his eyes glazing: “Good to eat.” ”

Rob ate very fragrantly, wolfing down.

Qi Ye knew about Robin’s misfortune and said softly, “Eat slowly, there is.” ”

Qiye knows that Robin was very lonely in childhood, and when she was 2 years old, her mother left her alone in her hometown to be raised by relatives and families in order to explore history at sea.

Robin under the fence is not only rejected by relatives and neighbors, but also because of her strange abilities, she is treated as a monster by the children nearby.

From childhood to adulthood, he was a lonely person.

Qi Ye was already thinking about whether to let Robin get on his ship and become a member of the Qi Ye Pirates.

The library on the Qiye can’t be a decoration, a scholar like Robin, a good choice.

Robin was very satisfied after eating, and exclaimed, “It’s so delicious, Brother Qiye’s craftsmanship is really good.” ”

Qi Ye said, “I’m still good here, I learned from the chef on the boat, her cooking skills are better, if you want to eat, I can take you on the ship to taste it later.” However, our identity is a pirate. ”

Hearing the two words pirate, Robin was not afraid at all.

“Although Brother Qi Ye is a pirate, he is certainly a good pirate.”

Although he is eight years old, he is more mature than his peers in his heart, and knows that the quality of people is not determined by identity.

“Well, nice idea.”

Robin then left to continue studying, and the next day, she came to talk to Qi Ye again, and Qi Ye became the object of her chat, and only Qi Ye could let her speak freely.

“Brother Qiye, I saw a giant by the sea this morning.”

Hearing this, Qi Ye secretly said in his heart, “It seems that the order to slaughter demons is coming.” ”

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