“Giants, didn’t they hurt you?” Qi Ye asked with concern, naturally pretending not to know.

“It didn’t hurt me, he looked very gentle and had a strange laugh.” Robin remembered that unique laugh and couldn’t help but laugh.

Robin laughed beautifully, and the laughter was ethereal and good.

“Come, Robin, it’s pork roasted today, eat it.”

Robin looked at the fragrant and oily pork chops, and immediately drooled, and was not polite, and ate with Qi Ye.

After two short days of contact, Robin would not be so polite with Qi Ye, and in her heart, Qi Ye was like a gentle brother.

Robin said, “Brother Qiye is so good, he looks very powerful, because around Brother Qiye, I will feel very secure, Brother Qiye’s aura is too strong, it is really a perfect man, who will marry Brother Qiye in the future, it will be too happy.” However, there are certainly not many who can be worthy of Brother Qi Ye. ”

In Robin’s mind, Qi Ye is the perfect being.

Qi Ye smiled, “Maybe Robin, when you grow up, you will be worthy of me.” ”

Hearing this, Robin’s small face blushed slightly: “Huh? Me, how could I be worthy. ”

Robin has some low self-esteem, and he is not a beautiful porcelain doll, a very white angelic child.

Robin looked at his thin body, and he didn’t have anything he was good at except archaeology.

Qi Ye encouraged: “Robin, be confident, in the future, whether it is in appearance, strength, and archaeology, you will definitely be very outstanding, I am optimistic about you.” ”

Robin emphasized, “Well, Brother Qiye, I’ll try.” ”

From Qi Ye’s mouth, he knew that his ability was the Demon Fruit ability, and cultivation and development could become more powerful.

Robin and Qi Ye kept talking in their hearts.

“Brother Qiye is a pirate, in fact, I want to go to sea in the future.” Robin looked longing, more determined.

“Oh? Why? ”

“My mom has been busy with archaeology and I want to wait for when my mom will come back and take me out to sea with me. I learned so much, I should have been able to help my mother at that time. ”

“Well, do you remember what your mother looked like?”

Robin was a little sad: “I don’t remember, I was very young when my mother left me. ”

Qi Ye said, “Robin, you will definitely be reunited with your mother.” ”

“Well, I’m sure my mom will come back to me.” Robin smiled strongly, then asked, “Brother Qiye, do you know?” In the history of the world, there is a gap of one hundred years that no one knows. ”

“A hundred years of blankness, this nature knows.”

Robin was curious: “My mother never went to sea to find it.” However, Brother Qi Ye can’t tell anyone because it’s a crime. ”

Qi Ye smiled, “Crime…”

“Yes, it is taboo, and it is known that the consequences will be very serious.” Robin reminds Qi Ye.

Qi Ye smiled, “Okay. ”

Qi Ye and Robin ate and talked, after eating, Robin left happily, continued to study, and looked forward to arriving early the next day, so that she could continue to chat with Qi Ye, she was very happy.

In her previous life, the only thing that made her interested and happy was to study. But now, there is one more thing, that is, with Qi Ye, I have never been so relaxed and happy.

The next morning, Robin heard that the giant was injured, so he went to see it first, taking the water with him.

The giant was still lying on the shore of the shore, and Robin stepped forward to hand out the water.

“Are you thirsty?” This is water. ”

“Thank you.”

This giant, apparently Sauro, thought Robin was a good little girl.

“My name is Sauro, what about you?”

“My name is Robin, Nicole Robin.”

“Nicole…” Sauro shuddered.

“What’s the problem?” Robin wondered.

Sauro shook his head, “Nothing, one of the people I know, Nicole Olvia. ”

“Orvia.” Robin looked agitated and excited: “My mother’s name is Nicole Olvia, do you know her?” Where is she now? ”

However, Sauro froze, and instead of answering immediately, his face was extremely heavy.

“You… You are the daughter of Olvia… Don’t…… Could it be that the island is… O’hara? ”

“Yes.” Robin was even more puzzled.

Sauro suddenly hugged his head and shouted, “How did I get here, this is also a coincidence.” ”

Sauro was extremely nervous: “Now is not the time to grind and rub, you must get out of here as soon as possible.” Robin, the next words may scare you, but you must listen carefully. Navy warships are coming here! ”

“Navy? What are they doing here? ”

“Because I want to obliterate the scholars of this island!”

Robin froze, “Erase… For…… Why. ”

“Robin, you must not tell them that you are a scholar, that you will survive.” Remember, Robin. ”

Sauro kept reminding.

Sauro had a headache: “I have to leave as soon as possible.” ”

But, he was a little worried about Robin. He is still so young, so kind, and kind to himself, otherwise he would have died of thirst yesterday.

“Robin, remember what I said, and don’t let the people of the Navy and the World Government know that you are a scholar. This time all the scholars of O’Hara were almost dead. Because, not only the world government sent people, I heard that there is also a demon slaughter order! ”

“Slayer the Order?” Robin hadn’t heard it at all and didn’t know what it meant.

Sauro looked at him with fear, “Slayer Order, any pirate who listens to it will be jealous of existence.” Wherever the order to slaughter the demons is about to be faced, the pirates on the island will flee. ”

“The Order of the Slayer… Pirates will flee. ”

“Yes, because the Slayer Order is terrible!” Once launched, this O’Hara will cease to exist! ”

“The Order of the Slayer is a cruel and inhumane attack that burns everything away. The configuration of the Demon Slayer Order is: 5 lieutenant generals + 10 rear admirals + nearly 10,000 naval elites + 10 top battleships. ”

“The battleships are the strongest and most aggressive in the Navy, all built by the Royal Shipyard of the Seven Waters, and their quality is beyond doubt. Dealing with Neptune is basically not a problem. There were about 1,000 naval soldiers on each battleship, thousands of elite navies. ”

“And, the five lieutenant generals, all of them are of elite lieutenant general rank. I even think that the lieutenant generals who come this time may have one of the candidate generals, and they are even more powerful. The more Sauro thought about it, the heavier his face became.

Robin is surprised that O’Hara no longer exists…

“Do you understand now?” It’s dangerous, so don’t say it when the time comes. Sauro kept reminding.

However, at this moment, a calm voice sounded.

“The pirates on the island know the order to slaughter demons and will flee?” So, do you think I’m going to flee? ”

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