Sauro looked over and froze.

“You… You are…… Qi Night…”

Robin was surprised: “Sauro, do you know Brother Qiye?” ”

Sauro breathed a sigh of relief: “If it is your word, then naturally there will be no escape.” ”

Sauro said to Robin, “There are very few people in the world who don’t know him. ”

Robin was surprised, Sauro was nervous just now, but now he suddenly relaxed.

Just now said that the Slayer Order is very terrible, but when I saw Qi Ye, I relaxed, is Qi Ye more terrible than the Slayer Demon Order?

Sauro was relieved: “I was worried that you would be killed with the scholars of this island, but now it seems that you know him, so I am relieved.” ”

“Brother Qiye, are you so powerful?” Robin looked adoring.

“Well, if you slaughter the demon order, I still don’t pay attention to it.” Qi Ye was indifferent.

Sauro exclaimed, “Not only is it powerful, it is a demon, at such a grade, even if the Air Marshal and Lieutenant General Kapu join forces, they may not be able to take him down.” ”

“Not necessarily, now he definitely can’t take down Qi Ye, and now he is definitely stronger.”

Sauro said to Robin, “Now that you go back to town, you should be able to see your mother, and your mother should have returned.” ”

Robin was very happy.

Sauro looked at Qi Ye and asked, “Will you protect them?” ”

If Qi Ye shoots, then there is no problem, if Qi Ye does not shoot, then perhaps the mother and daughter have just been reunited, and there will be a tragic separation.

Qi Ye said, “Although the rest of the island has nothing to do with me, Robin I like her a lot, and I will protect her.” ”

Sauro regretted, “Just to protect Robin?” ”

He didn’t ask either, which was already good.

“However, if the order to slaughter demons comes, I will naturally do it, which is good for me.”

Qi Ye’s words made Sauro breathe a sigh of relief, although he didn’t know why, but since Qi Ye would shoot, he didn’t have to think about it.

At this point, Olvia entered the Tree of All-Knowledge.

At the bottom of the tree, there is a door, and when you enter, inside is a huge library for scholars to study.

Seeing Olvia, Dr. Cloba and the scholars recognized it at a glance.

“Olvia, it’s you, you’re finally back.”

Olvia looked heavy and blamed herself: “You haven’t seen each other for a long time, but… I’m sorry, but I just came back and brought you very bad news. ”

Olvia’s heart was heavy: “The Historical Texts Exploration Squad that set out from O’Hara six years ago, a total of thirty-three people, except for me, all of them died. ”

The Doctor was surprised: “Dead…”

“I was also caught by the navy at the time, and after the world conquest carried out the relics of my companions with meticulous firmness, it was inferred that we were from O’Hara, and I am really sorry for everyone. Because of our reasons, it has brought danger to this place. ”

The Doctor sighed: “The world government still notices here, Olvia, don’t blame yourself, it’s not anyone’s responsibility. Whether it is going to sea or staying here, everyone is on the same front and will not blame you. ”

The scholars, smiling, without self-reproach, without the heaviness of the imminent catastrophe, seemed to have known the day long ago.

However, they have no regrets, in order to explore the historical truth, even if they die, they have no regrets, but regret, they have not been able to fully explore.

Olvia was touched and hurriedly said, “Let’s leave, I escaped just to tell everyone before they arrive.” ”

The doctor said, “This time the world government is really going to kill us, and we can’t fool around like before.” But I can’t give up this human wealth for the sake of my life. ”

Around, there are many books, all of which are their efforts.

Other scholars do not intend to flee.

“We’re the same, we’re not leaving.”

“Orvia, do you still have concerns?” Take your baby Robin and run away. ”

Olvia shook her head and blamed herself, “I can’t go see her, the Navy knows what I look like, and if she follows me, Robin will only suffer.” The Navy knew Robin was my daughter and would definitely want her. ”

Just then, Qi Ye’s voice sounded.

“If Robin becomes a member of my Pirates of the Night, will you still be worried?”

Qi Ye and Robin walked in, and Olvia looked at Robin with trembling eyes.

Robin flashed tears in his eyes and pounced on him excitedly, “Mom, you’re back.” ”

Originally, Olvia would not have recognized, but the person in front of her was… Qi night.

“Robin, my daughter, Mom is sorry for you.”

Olvia hugged Robin tightly, blaming herself for letting Robin grow up alone and not get her mother’s love.

“Mom, I can understand you, and now I’m a scholar too.”

Olvia felt that Robin was too similar to herself, relieved, and would have been worried.

Olvia looked at Qi Ye, “You really are Qi Ye. ”

“Looks like you know me.”

“Know, you are the captain of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, the most domineering man in the world.”

Olvia had naturally heard about Qiye’s deeds and couldn’t believe it: “You… Will it really make Robin a member of the Pirates of the Night? ”

“Well, if she wants to, of course, I am very optimistic about her.”

“Thank you!” Olvia was grateful.

Qi Ye said, “Pack up your things and get ready to leave here, there is enough time to take away the wealth here, and then you don’t have to explore the truth of the blank hundred years anymore.” ”

“Because, one person is enough to explore, and that is Robin who has walked out of O’Hara, and give it to her.” Robin will be fine if he becomes a member of my Pirates of the Night, and if you continue to explore, then you will also be in danger when I leave. ”

Qiye’s words made the doctors and scholars nod, so that they could, they were very optimistic about Robin, and believed in Robin.

Robin is very grateful to Qi Ye, and feels that Qi Ye has done enough to protect the whole O’Hara, after all, Qi Ye will not stay here forever.

“Thank you Brother Qiye, I am willing to become a member of the Qiye Pirate Regiment and repay Brother Qiye.”

Robin knew that without Qi Ye, her mother, everyone here would die, and now this ending is excellent.

“Let’s go back to the past.”

Qi leaves at night and heads to the shore.

At this time, on the sea, the Slayer Demon Order was approaching O’Hara in a mighty way, getting closer and closer.

On the shore, the members of the World Conquest cp9 had come ashore, headed by Spendane.

Spandain sneered, “Here, it will soon cease to exist, and after completing this mission given by the boss, I will be promoted.” ”

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