At this moment, the phone worm in Spandain’s hand rang, and it was the five old stars calling.

“I’ve arrived.” Spendane said in salute.

“We must destroy all the scholars of O’Hara, so that we can also kill a hundred people, otherwise someone will continue to explore the gap for a hundred years.”

“Rest assured, all the scholars of O’Hara will die and the island will cease to exist.”

“What are you talking about?” At this time, Qi Ye came.

Spenda was upset: “Who dares to disturb my conversation with the five old stars, living impatiently…”

Spenda looked at the past with a sound, and her eyes widened and her pupils contracted violently.

Spendane’s two bodyguards in black suits beside him also changed their faces and retreated in fear.

“You… You are…” Spanda was horrified.

On the other side of the phone worm, the five old stars frowned.

“Spendane, what happened?” Who’s talking to you. ”

“Five… Five old stars, is… It’s Qi Night! Qi night in O’Hara! ”

Suddenly, the faces of the five old stars changed drastically, and they were extremely heavy.

Is it a coincidence that Qi Ye is actually in O’Hara?

If Qi is in the night, then…

“Calm down, ask him why he’s here, will it hinder us.” The five old stars scolded.

Spanda prompted him to calm down, but the other party was Qiye, who made a big fuss about Mary Joa twice, which he knew, and dared to kill all the Draco.

Such a terrible guy actually let himself be encountered in this operation.

Spandane’s voice was still trembling, “Qi… Qi Ye, why are you here? ”

Spendane looked around the island and did not see the massive Kiye or the other crew members of the Kiye Pirates.

“Just happened to be passing by.”

Qi Ye’s words made Spendane not believe it, and his face was ugly: “You… Did you know we did it here? Otherwise you wouldn’t have been here by coincidence. Could it be that the world government or the navy has your undercover? ”

Spandane felt that Qi Ye must not have come here by chance, how could it be such a coincidence, the world was so big, there were so many islands, but they appeared here when they were going to launch a slaughter order here.

Even a fool can think that this is impossible.

Then, the only possibility is that there are undercover agents in the world government and navy!

At this time, the five old stars also felt the same way, and their faces were extremely ugly, which was troublesome.

Spendhal asked uneasily, “If you had come here by chance, would you have stopped us?” ”

“Of course, I am your enemy, and when I see you, I naturally have to do it.”

Suddenly, Spendhalin retreated in constant fear.

The five old stars’ faces were heavy, and the voice came out of the telephone bug.

“Qi Ye, you’d better leave this alone.”

Qi Ye said, “I am your enemy, and the more nervous you are, the more I will naturally take care of it.” ”

“Abominable!” The face of the five old stars was ugly, and he thought that O’Hara would be easily destroyed, and it could also play a deterrent role, so that the people of this world did not dare to continue to explore the truth, but they did not expect that Qi Ye was there.

Then, this action cannot succeed.

At this time, the civilians on the island panicked, did not know that there was a night here, and had already packed up their things and quickly fled to the refuge ship.

“Run, the Navy is coming.”

“Those bastard scholars, I usually warn them, don’t explore the taboos that the world government does not allow, are they still secretly searching?”

“Now it’s discovered, it’s over, it’s going to be destroyed.”

“They don’t want to live them to death, we didn’t do anything, we are innocent, get out of the boat quickly, get on the ship, then we’ll be fine.”

“I saw through the telescope that a lot of warships were approaching, it was the order to slaughter demons!”


Hearing the Slayer Order, the already terrified civilians were even more frightened, the Slayer Demon Order, then O’Hara will soon cease to exist.

Civilians kept getting on the evacuation boats on the west shore of the island, which was very crowded.

“What about Robin?”

“Leave her alone, let’s go.”

Robin’s family of relatives hurriedly left with their children.

At this time, the evacuation ship was already crowded.

“Let’s sail!”

“The order to slaughter demons is coming!”

“But there are still people who haven’t come up.”

“Leave them alone! Otherwise, we can’t escape, and we will be affected by shells! Set sail now! ”

Suddenly, the evacuation ship began to sail.



Suddenly, a lava fist swept over and slammed into the ship, and with a roar, the ship exploded directly, and the sea became a sea of fire.


Some people were directly killed, and some people were seriously injured and still alive, but in the sea of fire, they constantly issued terrible screams.

They tumbled in the sea of fire, but they could not extinguish the fire on their bodies at all, and gradually came down, burned black, and died of pain.

Suddenly, all the civilians on the evacuation ship died.

On a warship, the green pheasant saw this scene and immediately looked at a warship not far behind, and his eyes locked on the figure of the red dog.

“That bastard!”

The navies on the other warships were also stunned.

“The ship’s been blown up! Why? ”

“Yes… Attack of Lieutenant General Sakarsky! ”

“This… Why did Lieutenant General Sakarsky do this? ”


They were very puzzled, and they were very shocked to see that all the civilians had been killed and burned to death.

On the warship where the Red Dog was, his face did not fluctuate a little, as iron-blooded and gloomy as ever.

Red Dog said coldly, “Since you have done it, you must cut the grass and remove the roots, in case the refuge ship mixes with the scholars, then even if it destroys Oha and kills all the other scholars, it will still be a failure, just like not doing it.” ”

Red Dog felt normal and said, “So, I should do this.” ”

When the sailors next to him heard this, they felt that it made sense.

However, the next second, the phone worm rings, and the words spoken make the red dog look extremely ugly, even humiliated.

“Sakarsky! Retreat now! The Slayer Order is suspended! ”

On the other side of the phone, there was an empty voice.

Apparently, the five old stars had hurriedly contacted the sky and told the air that Qi Ye was in O’Hara.

Red Dog was stunned, why?

“Qi night in O’Hara! Terminate immediately! Evacuate all staff quickly! ”

Suddenly, the red dog’s face was extremely ugly.

It is not known whether there are scholars in the refuge ship, but one thing is certain, the civilians are dead, and the scholars are still alive.

And this is all because of his decision-making.

Suddenly, the sailors next to him were sluggish one by one, and the red dog was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

At this time, Qi Ye saw that the warship was preparing to turn around and knew that the navy had ordered a retreat.

Qi Ye’s eyes flashed red and his momentum exploded.

“Want to escape? How can that work, or I’ll be in vain. ”

Suddenly, Qi Ye exploded with all his might!

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