The red dog gritted his teeth, Qi’s whole body was shaking, and Qi Ye was actually in O’Hara?

Now, to evacuate, the scholar did not kill, but killed a lot of civilians, which made the red dog look ugly.

When the sailors heard Qi Ye, they were immediately frightened and pale, and they immediately turned around and left.

At this time, the civilians who had boarded the evacuation ship were all staying.

“For… Why, why was the ship attacked. ”

“I don’t know, don’t you mean to attack only scholars?” Why were all the civilians on the evacuation ship killed? ”

“How… What to do? Is it dead to get on board? Not on the ship is also dead? ”

“Isn’t the Navy just? Why kill innocent civilians, give us an explanation! ”


However, civilians soon saw the warships turn around and plan to leave.

They were even more stunned, killed civilians, and were about to leave?

They shouted angrily in unison: “What bullshit justice to the Navy!” Why shoot at civilians! ”

“There are my relatives on board, you murderers!”

“Whoever moves his hand must be severely punished and put in prison!”

“Damn, don’t go!” The one who did it stayed! ”

The civilians were furious.

On the shore, the domineering spirit of the Qi Night Overlord swept away, and suddenly the sea set off a tsunami, and the pheasant immediately froze the tsunami.

At the same time, the Overlord Color domineering spirit instantly spread between heaven and earth, the scope was extremely wide, and it was too late for the Slayer Demon Order to evacuate.

Because of this high official position and poor strength, Spenda was directly seriously injured and fainted, and the two bodyguards beside him also fainted.

Qi Ye went straight to work to solve the two bodyguards, as well as Spendane.

Where the Overlord Color domineering passed, even the warship of the Slayer Demon Order was cracked and damaged, although it would not sink, but the speed was much slower.

On the ship, all the naval elite were shocked to death, a total of 10,000 naval elites.

There were also ten major generals, who fainted directly.

Nearly two years ago, Qi Ye’s overlord color domineering, it was still difficult to make the major general faint, at most it was shaky, some dizziness, but now, the major general was dizzy.

This proves that Qi Ye is stronger, and the domineering spirit of the overlord color is also enhanced.

In the face of the domineering color of the overlord, the green pheasant, the red dog has no choice at all.

Suddenly, in addition to the five lieutenant generals of the Green Pheasant, the Red Dog, the Weasel, the Stoloberg, and the Burning Mountain, ten thousand elite naval officers died, and ten major generals fainted.

Red Dog’s face was ugly, “Qi Ye this guy, I must have known in advance.” ”

Red Inuyasha felt that there must be an undercover, and Qi Ye had already laid an ambush in O’Hara, waiting for the slaughter order to approach, so he moved, and now there was no chance of evacuation.

The overlord color domineering, making them suffer heavy losses in an instant.

He couldn’t understand who the undercover was, and this matter, whether it was the world government or the navy, only the participants and the top level knew, so who would it be?

The Red Dog had no idea who it would be.

The red dog looked at Qi Ye and wanted to know who it was, he could only ask Qi Ye, but how could he be forced to ask about it, without this strength.


Qi Ye quickly rushed forward, and the Green Pheasant and the other three lieutenant generals joined forces to counterattack and resist.

At the same time, the red dog jumped straight up, and the magma surged with both arms.

“Meteor Volcano!”

Suddenly, countless magma fists slammed into O’Hara, leaving civilians terrified and desperate.

“We are civilians, why did you do something to us?”

“It’s him, he’s the one who blew up the ship!”

“This kind of man turns out to be a navy, and he doesn’t deserve to be a navy!”


Qi Ye did not have the idea of fighting for a long time, quickly swept to O’Hara, pulled out the demon sword to resist the soul, and constantly slashed out, smashing all the meteor shower-like magma fists.

Red Dog wanted to destroy O’Hara and looked at the pheasant, “You can’t hold him back? ”

Except for the pheasant it was better, so short of time, the weasels they had been injured.

Qing Yan reminded: “Now Qi Ye is stronger, don’t love war, go fast, we are not his opponents.” ”

However, the red dog is not willing, angry, I am so hard, can’t you work hard to drag Qi Ye and give me a chance to destroy O’Hara?

“Want to go? If it is so easy, you will drag him with all your might. ”

The pheasant is very helpless, the red dog this guy, he has not been able to fit.


The Red Dog goes all out to attack Qi Ye, and at the same time, the Green Pheasant has to besiege them and give the Red Dog a chance.

However, Qi Ye naturally saw that he wanted to drag himself and let the red dog attack Oha.

If they succeed, the Red Dog will be able to destroy O’Hara with a big fire.

Qi Ye sneered, “Are you looking up to yourself or are you looking down on me?” ”

Qi Ye’s speed was extremely fast, instantly smashing the squirrel, Stoloberg, and the Burning Mountain directly into the air, and now Qi Ye’s power was already above Kapu, and the power of each punch was extremely strong.

Therefore, the three lieutenant generals of the squirrels who flew out were directly seriously injured and could not continue the battle.

The Green Pheasant found that the pressure in the face of Qi Ye was much greater than before, and Qi Ye’s strength was now stronger.

Before, the power was almost the same as Kapu, but now, the power is above Kapu.

He knew best how powerful Kapu was, and he often fought against him, but he didn’t have such pressure in the face of the all-out Kapu, not to mention that he was not the only one who fought with Qi Ye.

The red dog looked ugly, and dragging Qi Ye to give himself a chance to attack O’Hara.

Red Dog attacked Qi Ye with all his might, while his voice was low, “Why are you here?” Did you know in advance that we were going to do something to O’Hara? Are you in the Navy and the World Government, undercover? ”

They thought so, Qi Ye was not surprised, they could not have imagined that they knew the plot.

Therefore, I can only wonder if I have an undercover in the Navy.

Qi Ye nodded, “As you guessed, I don’t hide it, the fool can also see that I am not a coincidence here, I do have undercover.” ”

Red Dog’s face was ugly and extremely gloomy, “Who?” ”

It is extremely dangerous for the Navy to have undercover.

Qi Ye smiled and asked, “Do you think I will tell you?” ”

Qing Yan also felt that Qi Ye had an undercover in the Navy or the world government, which was certainly not a coincidence.

Red Inuyasha frowned, knowing that Kiba would definitely not speak, and guessed, “Is it the guy from Porusalino?” ”

Kiba was curious: “Huh? Why do you think so? ”

Red Dog’s face was ugly, and he had always felt that the Yellow Ape had released water badly in the previous battle between the Navy and the Qiye Pirates, which was why he was so jealous of the Yellow Ape.

The Red Dog spewed fire and quickly withdrew with the pheasant.

Qi Ye did not chase after him, shouting from afar: “The yellow ape is not my undercover, don’t think about it.” ”

However, the more Qi Ye said this, the more suspicious the Red Dog became, and he was already planning to go back and question him well.

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