At this time, the slayer demon Ling fled in a daze.

Ten thousand naval elites were all dead, the rear admirals were all stunned, except for the red dog and the pheasant, and the other three lieutenant generals were injured.

And the ten warships, each of them like tractors, rumbled and smoked and moved forward slowly.

The terrifying slaughter order was such a picture at this time.

People on many islands in the West China Sea saw it, and the news spread quickly.

“Why did the Order of Slaying the Devil fail?”

“The order to destroy O’Hara was unsuccessful, and it is said that he met Kibata.”

“The Navy suffered heavy losses, and the slaughter of demons swept away the majesty.”


Suddenly, many people bought newspapers, and the news about Qi Ye was often explosive and attractive.

“The Demon Slayer Order has such a messy time.”

“After all, I’m facing Qi Ye.”

“If it is Qi Ye, you can understand that the Overlord color is too strong, what about the Slaying Demon Order?”

“In the face of Qi Night, the Navy is really constantly eating and frustrating.”


At this time, O’Hara.

The commoners were very grateful to Qi Ye, otherwise they would all die, whether scholars or civilians, they would all die here. O’Hara, no one can live.

They began to hate the Navy, and even did it to civilians, what a justice.

The scholars were most grateful to Qi Ye, and Robin was even more grateful, because without Qi Ye, she did not dare to imagine how tragic her fate would be.

Just reunited with my mother, I may die.

Robin was glad that he knew Qi Ye and felt that it was the greatest luck of his life.

Olvia, Ph.D., the scholars, all knelt down to thank you.

“Thank you benefactor.”

“Get up, you leave here, you don’t have to search for the truth in the future, go to my hometown, an island near Mikojima, and develop your life.” It was an uninhabited island suitable for development. ”


They all nodded.

Olvia was reluctant but convinced.

“Robin, what Mom and everyone else didn’t accomplish is up to you.”

“Hmm! Mom, everyone, I won’t let you down. When you arrive at your new home, live and work in peace and contentment, and seek the truth, it will be entrusted to Me! ”

Robin prepares to leave with Qi Night, and her mother used to sail to explore, now it’s time for herself.

When the day you know the truth, come back and tell your mother and everyone.

“Robin, we’re waiting for you to come back, and I’m sure you’ll be able to do it.”

They all knew that Robin was excellent, so young, and archaeologically remarkable.

Soon, the Qiye sailed and apparently Qiye contacted Shanks about them.

Looking at the luxurious style, like an island, like a city ship, they all stayed one by one.

“It’s grand.”

“This is the Qiye Ship.”

“It’s as big as our whole O’Hara.”

“It’s all villas and all kinds of luxurious and spectacular buildings.”


They were all dumbfounded.

Olvia was happy for Robin and relieved.

When she sails, her companions are not strong, and Robin becomes a member of the Qiye Pirates, which reassures her.

Olvia encouraged, “Robin, come on later.” ”

“Well, I will, and I’ll make myself stronger!” Will not drag the hind legs of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, help Qi Ye Brother later, no, help the captain share the matter! ”

Subsequently, Kiyo and the others boarded a ship and went to an uninhabited island near Mikasa Island to settle Olvia and the scholars here.

As for the human wealth of the All-Knowing Great Tree, various books were placed in the library of the Qiye Ship.

Originally, the library didn’t have any books, but now it’s full, and it’s just right to put it down.

“Robin, you’ll be able to keep learning.”

“Mm-hmm!” Robin was very happy, and at the same time, he said, “I will also trouble the captain to teach me, and I will also become stronger.” ”

“Well, every night and every morning, you and Jessica come to my room, and I teach you at the same time, believing that when you grow up, you will become strong.”

“Mm-hmm!” Robin is happy and has realized that if you want to find the truth, you have to have strength.

Without Qi Ye, the end of her and her mother, the scholars, must have been tragic.

At this time, Akatsuki and the others returned to the naval headquarters, Marin Fando.

Nearly two years old, Marin Fando has been rebuilt.

Because Marin Fando sank before, there is no need to reclaim the sea to build an island, and there is still a foundation underneath.

At this time, Malin Fando once again returned to its former appearance.

However, this is the Navy province to use the thrifty, the restoration of the call here cost a lot of money, before the repayment of 50 billion Bailey.

The Marshal’s Office, the Void, the Warring States, the Red Dog, the Green Pheasant, and the Yellow Ape are all here.

Red Dog’s face turned blue, “If it weren’t for Qi Night, everyone in O’Hara would undoubtedly die.” ”

The green pheasant sighed, “Why is this guy here, isn’t it…”

The pheasant did not continue.

Akaichi said directly, “Let’s just say it, the Navy, or the World Government, there must be undercover!” ”

Red Dog confirmed: “It could not have been passed on by the people of the Slayer Order, because the Slayer Order was launched, except for our five lieutenant generals and Spandain of cp9, who participated in the operation, and did not know that the destination was O’Hara.” ”

“When approaching O’Hara knew that the destination was O’Hara, it was impossible for anyone to pass the news out. Moreover, Qi Ye obviously knew about it a few days in advance, and he was already there before we arrived. ”

“Therefore, the undercover must be the top brass of the world government or our navy.”

Red Dog was gloomy: “First of all, in addition to the marshal, the Warring States General, me and the Green Pheasant who participated in the operation, there is also Lieutenant General Crane, Polusalino knows.” Beyond that, there is no one else. ”

Zefa was an instructor and naturally did not know about it, and he did not tell Kapu about it.

Red Dog affirmed: “Marshal, Warring States General, Lieutenant General Crane, needless to say, there is certainly no suspicion, then…”

Speaking of this, the red dog looked at the yellow ape, and the meaning was very clear.

Even if the yellow ape was usually hanging Erlangdang, he was not happy at this time, and his eyes narrowed under his glasses.

“Hey, hey, your idea is terrible, you’re doubting me?”

“Well, you guys, two years ago we fought the Qiye Pirates, and you paddled the whole time, motionless.”

Red Dog means that when each of us fought with all our might, you were fine, the battle was over, and you were unharmed.

The yellow ape was even more upset: “Didn’t I also drag Beckman of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment?” Although I didn’t do it, Beckman didn’t do it because of me. ”

“Hmm, don’t make excuses for your lack of effort, you guy is lazy not once or twice.”

At the same time that the red dog said the yellow ape, the green pheasant frowned, and his heart was not happy, how did he feel that the red dog had something to say?

Empty whispered, “Don’t argue.” ”

Suddenly, the office fell silent.

The red dog glanced at the yellow ape, a stinky face, and didn’t say anything more.

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