Empty said in a deep voice, “Let’s look at the world government first.” ”

Void also felt that there must be an undercover, otherwise it could not be such a coincidence.

First of all, if the world government confirms that there is no undercover, then check the naval headquarters.

The Red Dog didn’t say anything more, the meaning of the air was very clear, and now the Navy who is undercover, don’t be jealous.

At this time, the five old stars looked ugly, knowing that the mission had failed.

The mission failed, and they were the ones who were in the worst mood.

“Damn, why did this guy suddenly appear in O’Hara?” And it is early appearance. ”

“Yeah, it seems like I knew it was going to happen.”

“Why, exactly? Do we have undercover? ”

“It is reasonable to say that it is impossible, and all who know about this matter are trustworthy people.”

“Our world government, except for the five of us, only Spendane knows, so it cannot be our people.”

The five old stars looked ugly.

“Then let the air check carefully, who is in the navy, and after finding out, we must severely punish it!”


Empty called over, and when he found out, his face was heavy.

Obviously, it couldn’t be the reason for the world government, the Five Old Stars couldn’t be undercover, and Spandain couldn’t be either, they were all killed by Qi Ye.

Well, it could only be their navy’s side.

Empty Alexander, the hair is all white, and the vicissitudes are many.

The appearance of Qi Ye and the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment gave him a lot of headaches.

Originally, he was about to live in seclusion behind the scenes, but a recent incident made him very faceless, very humiliated, and even felt that the five old stars were not very optimistic about him.

And this is all because of Qi Night.

Red dogs are most concerned about results.

“How’s it going, Marshal, is there any suspicion on the side of the world government?”

Empty shook his head: “It’s already determined, no, so the undercover can only be on our side.” ”

Suddenly, the red dog’s face was difficult to look at again, like a yellow ape.

Even if the yellow ape hangs Er Lang Dang again, his usual mood and anger are not colorful, and at this time, his mentality is somewhat broken.

Looked at by the red dog like this, the yellow ape was depressed and angry inside.

If this wasn’t the marshal’s office, he would have let the red dog see the lightspeed kick.

Kugo looked at Sengoku and asked, “What do you think?” ”

Sengoku as a wise general, the air can only see what Sengoku thinks, he is not willing to believe that the Navy has undercover, but there is no undercover, how to explain Qi Ye will know in advance.

Sengoku said, “There are definitely undercover agents, but whether it is one of us or not, it is difficult to determine.” ”

“General of the Warring States, there is something difficult to determine, I think the biggest suspect can be determined, that is, this guy Polusalino.”

“Sakarsky, you still think it’s me, you make me very upset.” The yellow ape’s tone was already angry.

“Hmm, saying you’re just the biggest suspect is enough to give you face, isn’t that cool?” If it weren’t for the marshal’s office, I’d just give you a big spit and force you to question you. ”

“Red Dog, just you?” The yellow ape was dismissive, already furious, and was no longer called Sakarsky, but Red Dog.

“You!” Red dogs directly exploded, if not in the naval headquarters, they must have done it.


With a low sigh, the two of them quieted down.

The relationship between the two is getting worse and worse.

Sengoku said, “This matter must be investigated, the most important thing at present is to see how those scholars were afterwards, I have sent someone to investigate, and there should be a reply soon, because Qi Ye has already left O’Hara.” ”

Soon, the person in charge of the investigation contacted the Warring States and explained the situation.

Sengoku began to report: “Those scholars left O’Hara and lived on an island near Qiye’s hometown, without any books with them, and without the intention of continuing to search for the truth, one by one, they began to build houses and live ordinary lives.” ”

Empty Accident: “Oh? Did you give up a hundred years of searching for a blank? ”

Sengoku’s face was heavy: “Although they are not going to explore, but a little girl from O’Hara has boarded the ship of the Qiye Pirates.” ”

“Little girl?”

“Well, eight-year-old, called Nicole Robin, is the daughter of that Nicole Olvia, who, though only eight, is already a scholar and is extremely good. Apparently, the mission of finding the truth was entrusted to her. Therefore, those scholars will live a normal life. ”

Kushi understood why the Warring States had a heavy face.

“Although those scholars have given up, as long as there is still one person, then even if those scholars give up, it is no different from not giving up.” Moreover, it turned out to be in the Pirate Regiment in the night of Qi. ”

Empty is getting more and more headaches, and the Qi Night Pirate Regiment always gives him problems.

Sengoku sighed: “I can only issue a bounty to her, not only becoming the crew of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, but also having the goal of exploring the gap for a hundred years, and with the help of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, her degree of danger is extremely high.” ”

“Sengoku, her reward is set to you.” Also, Sakarsky, don’t think about it too much, don’t suspect anyone until there’s plenty of evidence. ”

“Got it.” The red dog said this on the surface, but in his heart he had a mustard against the yellow ape.

“Okay, disperse, Sengoku, undercover this matter, I will leave it to you to investigate.”


The red dog was the first to leave, not wanting to stay with the yellow ape for long.

Huang Ape was very upset: “This guy, it’s really unpleasant.” ”

Subsequently, Robin’s bounty order was issued, and as a member of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, it naturally spread quickly and caused a shock.

“My God, I’m only eight years old, and the bounty is so high.”

“I thought I was blind, I thought it was eighty million baileys, but it turned out to be eight hundred million!”

“This Nicole Robin, only eight years old, why is the bounty of eight hundred million?”

“Known as the son of the devil, with the goal of extremely dangerous ideas to search for the truth of the blank hundred years.”

“Although I am an archaeologist, I still have such an idea, but eight hundred million is too high, right?”

“I can understand, after all, I am a member of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment.” If she was just a person, she might be rewarded with eighty million Baileys, but you know, she was in the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, so it would be difficult for anyone to catch her. Can’t catch it, she still has such a thought, do you think the Navy and the world government, will not have a headache? ”

“It makes sense that such a son of a demon, joining the Qiye Pirates, is the biggest headache for the navy and the world government.” Because if you want to find the truth, it is not enough to rely on your own ability to learn, you must also have strength, otherwise you will be strangled. But join the Qi Ye Pirates, both of which are there, and what remains is time and clues. ”

“Understand, no wonder the eight-year-old was rewarded with 800 million, the Navy has a lot of considerations.”

“The Qi Ye Pirate Group is strong, and the minimum bounty is eight hundred million.”

“I want eight hundred million, eight years old, I don’t have much strength, but unfortunately I became a crew member of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, and I don’t hold out hope.”


At this time, on the Qiye ship, seeing Robin’s bounty, Qiye was not surprised.

Qi Ye knew that naturally it was impossible to offer a reward like in the original book. After all, Robin is still a member of the Qiye Pirates.

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