Qi Ye counted the time and felt that it was time to go to the Kingdom of Peace.

After all, Kaido has always had ideas for Kazuno Kuni, and wants to attack Mitsuki Mita.

Once a partner, then Qi Ye will naturally go to the country of peace.

Qi Ye thought darkly, “I don’t know what stage Mita has reached now, so I should have made a plan and started dancing, right?” ”

As Qi Ye thought, it was already this time period.

After Mitsuki Oda returned to the Kingdom of Wano, he learned of what had happened in the Kingdom of Wano from his courtiers.

Inheriting the shogun’s position was the Black Carbon Serpent, the last descendant of the Black Carbon Family, who fought against Kaido’s alliance to build weapons factories in various parts of the Wano Kingdom.

Kaido’s men rushed into Mita Castle intending to take Mitsuzuki’s life, but were repulsed by Kawamatsu and Inuyasha, who was also wounded by an arrow in the confusion.

When Oda heard this, he was furious and ran from the Nine Mile to the Flower City to kill the Great Snake, and Oda wiped out all the soldiers guarding the castle, and when he was ready to kill the Great Snake, he was blocked by the Pipa Mage Black Charcoal Cicada Pill with the ability to barrier the fruit.

Oda said that the Great Snake was only acting general, and since he had returned to the Kingdom of Peace, the Great Snake should return to the position of General.

Black Charcoal Twilight Cicada came forward to inform her that because she had passed on the position of the general to the Great Snake by using the imitation fruit to become Hikari Sukiyaki, the Great Serpent was already an orthodox general.

The people of Wano Kingdom are excited to learn of Mitsuki’s return, and they all believe that Mita can drive the Black Carbon Serpent and Kaido out of Wano Country.

At this time, the serpent and Kaido are conspiring with the Kingdom of Peace.

“Mitsuki Oda is very strong and valued by the people, what should I do?” You have to find a way, otherwise Mitsuki Oda will most likely get the position of general. ”

The Black Charcoal Serpent was very worried.

Kaido said, “Loved by the people? Then let him not be loved, he is different from you is that he is too kind, didn’t we take a lot of hostages? ”

“What do you mean?”

Kaido showed his cunning: “Threatening him with hostages, making him dance naked once a week under the Great Snake City, releasing 100 people for each dance, and promising to build a ship in five years for everyone to go to sea and leave the country of peace.” ”

In this way, he will certainly do this, then the people and even the people of the Nine Mile will certainly become more and more disgusted with him, and the number of people following him will naturally decrease. If no one follows, the threat will be much smaller, and then find a way to kill him. ”

The serpent exclaimed, “High! Good idea, then we are ready to do it! ”

Kaido said in a deep voice, “My men have suffered a lot of casualties, and the three big Kanban are all dead, all because of the guy in the night of Qi.” Therefore, to really win the country of peace, it is natural to rely on scheming, and I am also looking for a good potential as a new big board for the future. ”

“So, what’s the search?”

“Find two nice little ghosts, one six-year-old but already quite strong, and one more powerful, twelve-year-old, round and fat.” I called them Jack, Quinn, respectively. ”

Kaido is confident: “I believe that they will not live up to my expectations, and will become the new three plagues of my Hundred Beasts Pirate Group in the future, stronger than before.” ”

“So, there’s still one left?”

Kaido nodded, “Well, if it’s the first of the three plagues, then you have to be more selective, stronger than Jack and Quinn, and have more potential.” ”

“Lord Kaido, we have found a man of great potential, who has sent someone to woo him, and he is very famous in the local area. Although he is only fourteen years old, he already has extraordinary strength. Moreover, those who are the Demon Fruit Ability, like Lord Kaido, are all animal dragon fruits, but not real dragons, but dinosaurs. ”

“Ancient species, not bad, then solicit.”


At this time, the Qiye crossed the windless belt and entered the sea of the new world, and then continued to the windless belt at the other end.

The speed of the Qiye soon crossed and entered the North Sea.

The Qiye Pirates have traveled through the West Sea, the East China Sea, and the South China Sea, and now they are coming to the North Sea, the strongest sea in the world.

Shanks knew that this time the destination was the land of peace, and he was somewhat expectant.

“I haven’t seen Mita in a long time, and he taught me swordplay in the first place.”

Barrett exclaimed, “Mita’s strength is comparable to that of me at the beginning, I don’t know if his swordplay has improved.” In the past, I used to draw with him, but now I don’t know who is strong and who is weak. ”

Barrett was belligerent, but he thought of going to the country of peace and fighting with Mitsuki Oda again.

“Captain! It was found that on the island sea, more than ten miles away on the right, there was a pirate ship, and it was the ship of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment. ”

Jesus Bu stood on the reconnaissance elevation and saw it with a telescope, and naturally knew that the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment was the enemy of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, and immediately reported it.

“Oh? Just came to the North Sea, I came across it, so go and see. ”

The Qiye suddenly sailed toward its target.

At this point, the target island.

The crew of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment had already landed on the shore, and their strength was not strong, and none of them had the strength of a hundred million bounty.

The key is that the combat strength is high, which has basically been solved by Qi Ye, and there are very few people with high combat strength.

Kaido is no longer in the territory, and has gone to the country of peace, so the few high-powered fighters have to take care of the family.

However, although their strength was not strong, there were only fifty people coming, and the ship was also the smallest ship in the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, but they felt that this time they would definitely be able to complete the recruitment task.

Just because, they are a hundred beasts of pirates.

This name is powerful enough and deterrent, who dares to provoke the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group?

They had a clear goal and came to the back hill, where there was only one room.

It’s unique, there are towns on the island, but there are people living here alone.

“Tell us where the monster you speak of is.”

“In… It lives in the back hill. ”

Knowing that it was the pirates of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, the civilians were very frightened and immediately showed the way.

“Uncles, are you going to help the people of our island deal with that monster?” It used to be fine, but suddenly one day he ate a fruit, suddenly changed, grew black feathered wings, and there was a flame burning behind his head, turning into a monster, or a dinosaur, and scared us to death. ”

“So he was kicked out of town by us.”

“But he didn’t leave here, he lived alone in the back mountains, and the navy came and tried to take him away, but he was refused.”

“What surprised us was that the Navy was trying to woo him and become a Navy, and we couldn’t understand it. However, he did not agree, saying that he did not want to be a navy and did not want to be the dog of the Draco. These words made the navy angry and went straight to the rescue, but they were all killed in an instant. ”

“We’re afraid of being implicated, so we want him to get out of here.”


Listening to this, the pirates of the Hundred Beasts Pirates satirized: “Hmm, a bunch of ignorant guys.” ”

Soon, they reached the back hill and came to the front of the house, and they were very polite.

“We’re from the Hundred Beasts Pirates, and you don’t want to be in the Navy, so do you have the idea of becoming a pirate?”

“The Hundred Beasts Pirates? How strong is your captain? I am only loyal to someone stronger than me, even alone, stronger than anyone. ”

“We captain Hundred Beasts Kaido, haven’t you heard?” Does strength still need to be said? Definitely better than you, and certainly better than anyone. ”

Just then, a fourteen-year-old boy walked out.

Although he was fourteen years old, he was tall and strong.

He was completely black, wearing a black mask and eye protection helmet, wearing black clothes, a pair of black feathered wings on his back, and black gloves, leaving not an inch of skin on the outside. There are ornaments on the arms and legs, a knife hanging from the waist, and a flame burning behind the head.

Obviously, this is the embers.

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