Ember was slightly interested: “Hundred beasts Kaido, have you heard of it?” ”

Although the news here is closed, I have heard it, after all, Kaido has been famous for a long time.

“It seems that you know, then, do you want to join our Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment?” Your potential is high, and in the future it is possible to become the existence of the big Kanban and become the first of the three plagues. Wouldn’t it be mighty that we all have to call you Lord Ember? ”

The pirates of the Hundred Beasts Pirates felt hopeful.

Ember shook his head, “I’m not interested in the mighty winds or anything, but I am willing to submit to the strongest people and be loyal to them.” If I met Kaido, I would challenge him to see if he could convince me. ”

“Okay, then you come with us.” Suddenly, they were very excited, and the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group was about to rise.

With the new Three Plagues, the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment can once again face the enemy Qi Night Pirate Regiment.

However, just then, a disdainful voice sounded.

“Kaido is the strongest single-handed? Don’t you take me seriously? ”

This sound sounded, carrying an extremely strong pressure, making the pirates of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment instantly fall into the ice cellar, and their whole bodies trembled and were cold, and their hair suddenly stood up.

A thought instantly arose in my heart, this person is not simple!

Turning around in an instant, their eyes widened in shock, and they all retreated in fright.

“Qi… Qi Night…”

Ember looked at the past, and he was shocked by the original calmness.

Because, the man in front of him is too domineering, the aura is too strong, making him far ashamed of himself.

“Good domineering face, good powerful aura, so frightening momentum and pressure.” The embers shook in their hearts.

Qi Ye sneered and asked, “Is your captain the strongest in single-handedness?” Didn’t you just get beaten away by me not long ago? ”

“I… We are blind, single out the strongest, naturally it is you. ”

Their faces were extremely heavy, and they didn’t expect to be so unlucky that they actually met Qi Ye.

Kaido is not Qiye’s opponent, let alone them.

Ember was very interested in Qi Ye, and his war spirit rose: “I can see that you are very strong.” ”

Jessica adored: “Of course, our captain is the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, the strongest single-handedly, that hundred beasts Kaido, who was beaten by our captain not long ago to flee.” ”

Ember shook his head, “I don’t know much about the outside world, but can I talk to you?” ”

“Okay, I’ve been recruiting a good crew lately, so let’s see your strength and potential.”

Qi Ye did not expect to encounter Embers.

The ember of the first of the three plagues is very strong, and the most pressing thing in the original work is to kick over the main ship of the Big Mama Pirate Regiment, causing all the members of the Big Mama Pirate Regiment to fall into the sea.

Qi Ye originally had the idea of recruiting embers, and now that he had not yet joined the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group, then he naturally wanted to recruit them.

The Qiye Pirate Group wants to become the strongest pirate group, as long as Qiye looks at it and recognizes it, it will be allowed to join.

The pirates of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment suddenly scattered and fled one by one, from different directions.

Because, feeling that Ember was going to fight with Qi Ye, this was the best time for them to escape.

Disperse, then the escape success rate is greater.

However, the Qi Night Overlord’s domineering spirit directly exploded, and the heavens and the earth were dark red, making the embers all frozen and confused.

“The terrible coercion, even I, was momentarily distracted.”

Ember was shocked in his heart, and just the pressure made him lose his mind.

At the same time, the embers were horrified, because the fleeing pirates all fell to the ground, and each of them bled and was directly shocked to death.

The surrounding ground, trees, rocks, all cracked.

“What is this, such a strong coercion.”

Ember did not know that the Overlord was domineering.

Barrett said, “This ember is a good seedling, still very young, but the strength is not weak, and it has not been taught, and it does not know domineering.” If you grow up, you will be a good person. ”

“It’s overlord domineering.” Qi Ye was indifferent.

Shanks said, “Not all of the Overlord color domineering is like this, at present, only the captain’s overlord color domineering can cause substantial damage, extremely terrible damage, even the rear admiral, can shock and faint, and the lower brigadier generals, those can be shocked to death.” ”

Ember didn’t expect it to be so terrifying.

Ember was warlike: “Although you can know from this domineering spirit that you are very strong, I still want to talk to you.” ”

Kiba nodded, “Okay, then come on.” ”


Suddenly, the ember moved, and it flew straight up, and the whole person was like a toothless pterosaur.

Quickly flew to the top of Qi Ye’s head, and then his right leg turned into a dragon leg, and the dragon claw of the pterosaur kicked down forcefully, targeting Qi Ye’s head.

One kick, the tiger is angry, and the strength can be seen to be extremely strong.

But, the next second, Ember was sluggish.

Only to see that Qi Ye’s hand had been raised at some point, and only one index finger was extended.


With a muffled sound, his feet froze and he could no longer go down, because he was held back by Qi Ye’s index finger.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t go down any further, and Qi Ye’s finger didn’t waver and bend in the slightest.

The ember quickly retreated to the ground and changed back to its original form, which was extremely shocking.

Just a finger easily blocked his serious foot, and the gap was so large.

In the world, there is such a terrible existence.

Most importantly, the man in front of him, not much older than him, was also very young, and looked to be about eighteen, which was what shocked him the most.

He felt that when he reached the age of eighteen, he could not be so strong, and the gap would be very large.

The embers were completely subdued.

Ember is sincere and firm: “I am willing to join you and be loyal to you in the future.” ”

Ember is willing to surrender to those who are stronger than themselves.

Hundred Beasts Kaido is not as strong as Qi Ye, and Kaido is older, Qi Ye is so young, so how strong will he be in his twenties?

Ember feels lucky to have met the best pirate group.

Qi Ye nodded, “Well, then from today onwards, you are the crew of my Qi Ye Pirate Regiment.” ”

Ember joined, and the Kiyo continued its voyage to the Land of Wano.

After Ember saw the Qi Night, he froze again, it was too grand, this is a ship, obviously a luxurious city.

Ember felt too grand, felt that he was more lucky, and looked like the other partners were also monsters.

During the voyage, Ember would talk to the rest of the crew, but found that except for two girls who were younger than him, everyone else was better than his current self.

Ember sighed lightly, “In addition to the captain, everyone is very strong and perverted, I have to work harder, not to become the strongest except the captain, but also to be good enough.” ”

The ember did not become the strongest on the ship except for the Night, because he had seen the strength of Barrett, the strength of Beckman, and Shanks.

He was two years older than himself, but Shanks was far better than him.

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