At this time, the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment.

Kaido’s face was extremely heavy, because he already knew about the killing of the people sent out. Also, it is the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment.

“Damn, it’s Qi Night again.”

Kaido’s face was ugly and furious.

The most important point is that the Qiyang Pirate Group appeared in the Beihai?

Kaido was inexplicably uneasy in his heart, and always felt related to himself.

“Damn, because of what? Now that we are at the juncture of taking the country of peace, is the Qiyang Pirate Regiment here to make trouble? ”

Kaido contacted the Great Snake directly and asked in a deep voice, “Have you kept an eye on Mitsuki Mita?” ”

“There’s nothing to keep an eye on, dancing there every day.”

Kaido said in a deep voice, “The Qiye Pirates have appeared in the New World. ”

“So what? What does it have to do with our cooperation? ”

“I think that the purpose of the appearance of the Qiye Pirates may be to come to the country of peace.”

“Kaido, you think too much, right?” The new world is so big, how can it come to the new world, it must be the country of peace? Kaido, it’s not like you, so suspicious. Is the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment really so terrible? Qi Ye is really that strong. That war, did you really lose miserably? ”

Referring to the previous battle, Kaido touched the two crossed scars on his abdomen, and his face was ugly.

This scar was the shame of his life, and at the same time, as soon as he saw it, he was extremely resentful of Qi Ye.

The Great Serpent said, “Even if the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment comes, you Hundred Beast Pirate Regiment, plus me.” Now, I am the general of the Kingdom of Wano, and our two major forces still can’t take down the Qiye Pirate Regiment? ”

Kaido scolded, “Idiot, all the forces of the Navy have been assembled, and they have lost to the Qiye Pirates, and they have paid 50 billion yuan in compensation.” You are closed to the world, and you will not even know about this matter. ”

“Even so, if the Navy continues to fight, it is difficult to say who will win and who will lose.” After all, there are other forces in the sea that are eyeing the tiger, so the navy does not dare to fight with the Qiye Pirate Regiment to break the net. Otherwise, the Qiye Pirates would not have been able to defeat the Navy. ”

“So, don’t worry, if the Qiye Pirates dare to come, then solve him.” The Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment plus the Kingdom of Peace, still can’t take down the Qiye Pirate Regiment? ”

Kaido wasn’t saying anything, otherwise he would have been considered afraid of Kirito.

Although his inner thoughts would make him feel ashamed, he still prayed: “I hope that guy in the night of Qi will not come.” ”

Although in this year, Kaido had been cultivating desperately and exercising his flesh, which was much stronger than a year ago, but Qi Ye’s strength had definitely improved, and he did not want to fight with the Qi Ye Pirate Group.

Moreover, although the number of the Qiye Pirate Regiment is not large, the lineup is very strong, and the embers with high potential he sees have also joined the Qiye Pirate Regiment.

“Damn, since there is my Kaido in this world, why should this Qi Night, without him, my hundred beasts Kaido will definitely be one of the emperors of this world in the future.”

At this time, the Kino approached in the direction of Wano Kuni.

Robin had read a lot of books and knew where the Kingdom of Peace was headed.

Shanks asked, “Captain, is Kaido going to do something to the Kingdom of Peace?” ”

“Well, let’s go check it out.”

Shanks was in a state of war, and Mitsuki Oda had been with them.

Half a month passed.

On this day, the Dark Charcoal Great Snake saw that Mitsuki Oda was still dancing there, and smiled triumphantly: “Soon, you will lose the hearts of the people, and there will be fewer and fewer people following you.” ”

Mitsuki’s dancing has indeed made many people more and more puzzled.

“Why, why Lord Mita, do this?”

“Originally, I admired Lord Oda a lot, and I felt that Lord Oda was suitable to become a general of Wano Kingdom, which would make Utanokuni better.”

“Now it seems that the big snake is suitable for being a general.”


Mitsuki Oda naturally knew that civilians were gradually changing themselves, but in order to save the hostages, this was the only way.

The Great Serpent said, “I’ve been staring at Mita all day, and he can’t possibly contact the Qiye Pirate Regiment.” When the Qiye Pirates enter the New World, they cannot come here, unless Qiye has the ability of an uncertain prophet to know what is happening here. However, it is obviously impossible, Qi Ye is not a capable person, and the Qi Ye Pirate Group does not have such a capable person. ”

However, just as the serpent was thinking this, one of his men rushed to him.

“General, find out that the Qiye Pirate Regiment is about to come to our area of the Kingdom of Peace!”

“Huh?” The big snake frowned, and it really came.

The Great Snake was not afraid: “It’s all right, a Qi Ye Pirate Regiment is just that, can it still fight against the entire Wano Kingdom?” Moreover, there are also a hundred beast pirates to join forces with us. ”

The big snake is not afraid, on the one hand, because it is closed to the country, it is not clear about the strength of the Qiye Pirate Group, on the other hand, it is also confident in its own strength.

However, the face of the visitor was even more ugly: “General… Hundred Beasts Kaido, escaped… Along with the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, they escaped. ”

Suddenly, the face of the big snake changed drastically, and Kaido fled? The Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment has all withdrawn?

“How could this be…”

The big snake did not believe it, Kaido’s nature he understood, the sky is not afraid, how can it escape?

Then picked up the phone worm and found that it could not be contacted, which made the big snake look heavy, really escaped?

Kaido is so strong, how did he see the Qiye Pirate Regiment coming, and then fled? Qi Ye and Qi Ye Pirate Group, there is such a horror?

“Damn! Kaido but that’s it! It was such a timid guy, I really misread him. “The great serpent is not light, and at the same time gathers people’s hands.”

As long as the Kiye Pirate Regiment is to help Mitsuki Mita, then solve the Kiye Pirate Regiment.

At this time, the main ship of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment was crowded with people, all of whom were the crew members of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment.

When Kaido hears that the crew has detected that the Kino Pirates are really approaching the Kingdom of Wano, he immediately gathers everyone to evacuate the Kingdom of Wano, and Rean leaves to return to their territory.

Kaido gritted his teeth, “It’s really going to the Land of Peace, damn, Qiye, and ruined my plans.” ”

Originally, it was inevitable to win the country of peace, but now it is obviously impossible.

Although it is a shame to escape directly, Kaido does not want to fight with the Qiye Pirates.

Although the number of Qi Ye Pirate Regiment was not large, its comprehensive strength had far surpassed that of his Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment.

Moreover, now that he and Qi Ye are fighting alone, it will definitely be the same fate as a year ago.

At this time, the Great Serpent cursed Kaido’s waste, but in this way, he led the people to the entrance of the Wano Kingdom with great momentum.

In the distance, you can see that the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment has approached.

When he saw the Qiye trumpet, the big snake froze.

Huge, luxurious, and resplendent.

The serpent’s men were stunned and thought that it was a luxurious and glorious country drifting by.

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