“Oh my God? How could such a terrible enemy have descended on the Kingdom of Peace? ”

“Can the Light really be the enemy of our own strength?”

“That’s the invincible Qiye Pirate Regiment that crosses the sea!” We won’t be adversaries, or shall we run away? ”

“Yeah, even Kaido of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment has run, and I’m afraid we won’t be able to hold out for even ten minutes with this little strength…”

The many soldiers who had been waiting on the coast of Wanokuni early were pale, trembling uncontrollably as they watched the huge island of buildings slowly approaching.

It was definitely not a powerful being that could be fought against by a country of peace, and that kind of armed force could win even if it was a hard confrontation with the World Government Mary Joya Holy Land!

A semi-feudal peace country could not muster enough combat strength to carry out minimal resistance.

Unfortunately, the panic and panic of ordinary soldiers did not affect the will of the serpent and other ruling classes to resist at all…

“Everybody should cheer me up!”

“As soon as the Qiye Pirate Regiment approaches, immediately launch an artillery attack and do everything possible to prevent the people of the Qiye Pirate Regiment from landing in our country!”

“Whoever dares to take a step back, Hugh will blame me for being ruthless under the knife!”

The great serpent and his cronies also hurried to the shore of the Wano Kingdom to deploy their defenses.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to run away in his heart.

Instead, he planned to succeed in the country of peace for most of his life, and if he left the country of peace at this time, he would most likely never be able to come back in the future!

The faces of the many generals who followed the big snake were full of panic and uneasiness, and they had long been bound to the interests of the big snake.

If the serpent had an accident, the time and resources they had invested would still be lost.

More importantly, once they leave the Great Serpent, their influence in the Kingdom of Peace will decline off a cliff.

“General Serpent, are you really sure you can fight against the Qi Ye Pirates?” That’s a terrible existence that even the world government can’t fear! ”

“I think we should think of other ways.” If there is a real fight, I am afraid that the country of peace will be destroyed. ”

“Yes, I see that we will still welcome the Qi Night Pirates into the country to see what the needs of the other side really have, and we will try to meet the fact that war is the only countermeasure that must be avoided…”

Listening to the “loyal words” of many close associates around you, the big snake finally couldn’t bear it.

Directly pull out the long knife in his waist and cut the minister with the most surrender heart to the ground!

As the piercing blood flowers mixed with the screams spread far away, the cronies did not dare to say more, but subconsciously moved their feet far away from the big snake.

The big snake snorted coldly, and his wrist shook, shaking the blood off the knife body.

“Your reputation in the country of peace is not very good, if you settle accounts after the autumn of Qi, who of you can live?!”

As soon as the big snake said this, everyone’s face changed suddenly.


The sudden violent shaking made the hearts of the people jump wildly, and they hurried to look back.

Only to see that huge city island with no end in sight smashed the coast of Wanokuni, and the high pressure that came out of the instant made the air like a huge wall violently oppressed!

Many of the guards guarding the coast did not dare to take the initiative to open fire on the Qiye Pirates, and they did not even have the opportunity to escape in hesitation.

Only to see the violent hurricane that rushed to the guards with a large amount of rubble in its arms.

The terrible power contained in it is like a cannonball, and the average guard does not even have time to escape, and he should have lost his life in the overwhelming rubble.

Such a terrible lethality also scared the big snake and his party enough.

This caused such terrible casualties before they could formally fight the people of the Qiye Pirates.

If there is a real fight, the national strength of the country of peace will not be exhausted in minutes!


“The people of the Qiye Pirate Regiment have come down!”

Under the terrified gaze of the Great Snake and his entourage, Qi Ye and the powerful people around him descended from the sky like immortals.

The momentum and pressure that swept away in that instant was like substance, and it actually sank the land within a range of tens of meters where Qi Ye and his party landed tens of centimeters!

A hundred meters away from the coast, the big snake people were even more severely hit, except for some samurai who were slightly stronger.

The remaining civilian ministers were so weak on their knees that they were so oppressed that they could not move!

“What a terrible momentum!”

“It was clear that there was no point to any of us, and the mere aftermath was almost out of breath.”

“If Qi Ye really used domineering power against us, wouldn’t it…?”

Several samurai who were struggling to resist the momentum looked pale and their bodies trembled as if they were cramping.

Even if they are separated by a distance of 100 meters, if you want to resist the coercive momentum emitted by Qi Ye invisibly, you don’t want to look so relaxed!

The horror of Qi Ye had already exceeded the imaginary boundaries of this group of frogs at the bottom of the closed country!

Even Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, had never brought them such an almost desperate momentum!

The serpent that was protected in the middle of the samurai was even more fighting, and the cold sweat on his body had already wet his clothes.

If there were no few samurai around to block the front, I am afraid that in the instant that the momentum of Qi Ye was approaching, I would be scared to pee!

But even so, the big snake also felt how stupid it was to stand on the opposite side of Li Qi’s night pirate group this time, but it was too late to download it and think about repenting!

“The scenery here is really as poor as ever, and it has been so long since the last time I left, I didn’t expect that there was no change in this place…”

After Qi Ye entered the Kingdom of Peace with his hands, he raised his eyes and looked around.

I saw that the remaining guards around them were yellow and thin, and the equipment on their bodies was also tattered, and even the will to fight on their faces was perfunctory.

Such a guard wants to protect the country as a joke.

The Fuji Tiger beside him also shook his head and sighed, “I have heard about the Kingdom of Peace for a long time, but I didn’t expect it to decay into this field now.” ”

“If there had not been a Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment intervening in the internal affairs of the Kingdom of Hezhi, the local people would never have lived so poorly, and their minds would have become so barren because of feudal rule.”

Fuji Hu’s face flashed with grief and anger, and he finally looked at the trembling Great Snake and his party a hundred meters away.

Qi Ye also opened his mouth at this time, “Isn’t this the real reason why we came to the Kingdom of Hezhi?” ”

“Only by completely solving the moths that suck the marrow of the people of the country of peace can the country have a future and the people have the hope of survival.”

“Let’s go, let’s save this country once again, and let the fat pigs of Mary Joya of the Holy Land see how the spark of stars sweeps through the whole world!”

Qi Ye’s words made the pirate group crowd excited, and several people from the big snake a hundred meters away could hear it clearly, and suddenly their legs fell to their knees with a soft leg.

“It’s over…”

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