After seeing that Qi Ye really didn’t seem to have the intention of doing anything to himself, the big snake also put away the fear in his heart.

Hurriedly got up from the ground and headed for the hinterland of the country behind him.

Qi Ye and his party were not in a hurry, and along the way, they saw the withering of the people’s livelihood and the people’s difficult life in their eyes.

They were surprised to find that at a time when the world had gradually entered an era of enlightenment and scientific and technological progress, the standard of living of the inhabitants of Hezhi was only “primitive”.

Not only is the city still in its infancy, but the level of roads and infrastructure is also in tatters.

The road under the feet of the people is probably not as smooth as the principalities under the rule of the world government.

The people walking on both sides of the road showed a kind of shocking embarrassment and numbness.

The farmers in the middle of the farming and farmland were skinny and skinny.

Apparently the consequences of chronic malnutrition, coupled with heavy physical labor.

But the crops between the fields grow quite well, and when the crops are ripe and harvested, they should not cause the farmers to be weak.

Everyone who saw this scene frowned, and a group of righteous people led by Fuji Hu had a trace of anger in their eyes.

Qi Ye also asked the big snake at this time, “How much field tax do these farmers have to pay to you when they harvest crops?” ”

“And why can’t you see any young people working in the fields, and where are the young people of the country of Hezhi being taken by you?”

Hearing Qi Ye’s voice coming, the big snake trembled and almost subconsciously responded, “Lord, I don’t usually care much about these things…”

Qi Ye squinted at the words, and a trace of chill instantly swept around the big snake!

“Uh-huh!” The big snake let out a muffled hum of unbearable pain, and the action of leading the way forward was also a sharp stiffness!

The strength of Qi Ye’s momentum has reached a height that ordinary people cannot imagine, and it can even have an impact in the surface space.

The big snake only felt that Zhou was falling into an ice cave, and the muscles and tissues and joints seemed to be completely frozen by ice cubes.

The piercing chill brought great pain, and the face of the big snake was instantly covered with a layer of frost!

The black face, twisted by extreme pain, twitched incessantly, and the look in Qi Ye’s eyes was full of prayers for forgiveness.

With a soft hum from the night, the big snake seemed to float back to the surface from the ice sea and gasp for breath.

“Big… My lord! We really didn’t know much about the situation in Wano Country, and we were completely at the mercy of Kaido’s threats! ”

Looking at the appearance of the big snake that seemed to be about to kneel down and beg for forgiveness, the faces of Fuji Hu and his party appeared with disgust and contempt.

This guy’s words aren’t even worth believing a single punctuation!

“That’s him! He personally led someone to arrest my brother! ”

“They also took my son and burned down my house!”

“That’s right! The grain we have worked so hard to cultivate will not even leave a grain of rice when the autumn harvest comes, and they will rob it all! ”

“We want to eat the rice we cultivate and we have to pay for it from these bullies, these guys who have lost their conscience!”

The villagers who had seen Qi Ye and his party hiding before came forward one after another, accusing the Great Serpent of the heinous crimes committed in the Land of Peace.

They originally thought that Qi Ye and his party were thugs brought by the big snake to oppress the people, so they hid one after another to avoid being poisoned.

But after the serpent showed his ridiculous face in front of everyone, these conservative tortured and oppressed people finally stood up!

Seeing more and more villagers gathered from the fields and villages, the color of despair on the face of the big snake became more and more intense.

“I should have said before, don’t waste my time with your heart, right?”

Qi Ye’s last shred of patience with the Great Snake was finally completely consumed, and it didn’t matter that the Great Snake collapsed to the ground with a look of despair.

After glancing around the surrounding crowd, I saw a familiar voice in front of my eyes.

“That little girl, do you know where the Mitsuki Imperial Palace is?”

Qi Ye had not forgotten his purpose, and since the Great Snake could no longer be used, it was naturally necessary to have another guide who did not play tricks.

Under Qi Ye’s gaze, the crowd quickly parted to the sides, revealing a little girl with a princess bun.

“I… I know! I can take you to Lord Mitsuki Gozen! ”

Although there was some fear in front of Qi Ye’s group of strangers, seeing the face of the big snake that oppressed the people like dead ashes, Xiao Nanzi also tried to restrain the fear in his heart.

“What a brave little girl.”

After Fujihu saw that Xiao Nanzi was actually the first person to come forward to help the Qiye Pirate Group intervene in the internal affairs of Hezhi, he also not only expressed some emotion.

Qi Ye also showed a smile: “It is indeed a little hero.” ”

Under the kind eyes of everyone, Xiao Nanzi clasped his hands and came to Qi Ye and his party.

The big snake was subconsciously dodging around her, and although the movements were subtle, they were still caught by Qi Ye and Fuji Hu and others.

“It seems that the crimes you guys committed in the country of peace are clear to even children?” You are a great sin, serpent. ”

Qi Ye first showed a kind smile to Xiao Nanzi, and then directly led people past the big snake.

“All the people of the Kingdom of Peace who have suffered under the rule of the Great Serpent, now give you a chance to take revenge!”

“I will completely seal the power of the great serpent, and no matter what kind of torture you have endured, you can now get it back from the serpent with all your strength!”

“Take action! Use your own strength to get your own justice, and use your hands to open up your own future! ”

Although Qi Ye’s words did not sound very strong, they resounded throughout the country of peace under the impetus of some mysterious force.

Almost everyone stopped everything in their hands at this moment and all looked up at the position of the sky.

“I can’t have heard you wrong, could I?” Someone actually subdued the bastard of the big snake? ”

“Whether true or not, there was a rather violent explosion on the coast before.”

“And not long ago I saw that all the members of Kaido’s pirate group had left the country of peace, and seeing their panicked looks, I thought they were fleeing for their lives…”

“Won’t anyone really come to liberate the Land of Peace?”

The suspicion of the people slowly shifted to surprise and joy, and the boiling crowd rushed in the direction where the sound came from.

The great snakes and dogs and horses that had previously defended the various villagers’ gathering places had actually disappeared completely, and were replaced by the mercenaries of the Qiye Pirate Regiment with sound systems and awe-inspiring justice!

Until the old era ruled the country of peace, after the villains who ruthlessly squeezed the people were taken to the streets by these mercenaries.

Only then did the people of the country of peace truly realize the fact that they had broken free from the shackles of slavery!

For a moment, the sound of celebration resounded throughout the country of peace!

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