Seeing the steady stream of villagers pouring in from all directions of the Wano Kingdom, Fujihu and Qiye smiled.

“It seems that we have liberated another country, and we have one more piece of the puzzle away from the map of the real great liberation.”

Fuji Hu knew that peace was not easy to come by, and even more he understood how great and difficult Qi Ye’s ideal was, and at this moment he couldn’t help but express a hint of emotion.

Robin, who followed Qi Ye’s side, saw the sound of the surrounding mountains calling for a long time, and his heart was also full of worship, and he was more and more adored in his eyes when he looked at Qi Ye.

Along the way, she has seen many oppressed areas and people regain their freedom and dignity under the trend of Qi Ye.

It is precisely for this reason that the crew of the Qiye has expanded from thousands of people at the beginning to tens of thousands now!

She believed that when the events of the country of peace were over.

There will certainly be a considerable number of people and talents in the local area who will be absorbed by the Qi Ye and become one of the heroes who liberated the whole world!

“The only person who can do all this miracle is Captain Qiye.”

Shanks also issued his own sigh at the same time, and the rest of the crowd echoed and offered their admiration and blessings to Qi Ye.

“Okay, our mission isn’t over yet.”

Qi Ye also knew that his group of friends was just joking, seeing that there were more and more villagers celebrating and grateful around him, Qi Ye also looked down at Xiao Nanzi.

“We need to find the Mitsuki Imperial Palace as soon as possible, can Xiao Nanzi take us to find him?”

Perhaps infected by the emotions of the people around him, Xiao Nanzi’s small face also appeared red with excitement.

After hearing Qi Ye’s request, Xiao Nanzi nodded hurriedly, and pointed his finger at his lips to scan the surrounding environment before pointing in a direction.

“Let’s go, we’ll solve the problem of the country of peace as soon as possible.”

At the order of Qi Ye, the crowd was not wasting time, and directly unfolded their figures into shadows and quickly swept towards the direction indicated by Xiao Nanzi.

“Don’t! Adults please bring me! Don’t leave me here! ”

The Great Snake chased after Qi Ye and the others with a look of despair on his face, but before Qi Ye left, he used means to seal all the power on the Great Snake.

The Great Snake, which originally had little combat power, was weakened by Qi Ye, and its actual combat effectiveness dropped to the level of ordinary people.

Seeing that Qi Ye had completely abandoned himself, the big snake could not take care of the biting chill in his body, and frantically threw away the crowd and fled into the mountain forest.

He had not forgotten that his men had been torn apart by the hands of angry people, and if he did not want to experience the same fate, now escape was his only chance.

It’s just a pity that Heaven can decide the luck of the Great Serpent, but Qi Ye can decide his life and death!

When the angry people were about to watch the big snake jump into the river and escape, a sharp ice spike did not explode from the legs of the big snake!

Sharp and hard ice fragments cut ligaments and muscles, shattered bones, and the legs of the great snake were instantly shattered!

“Aaaaaaa I don’t care about you! ”

The heart-rending pain came from the legs that had been instantly scrapped, and what made the big snake even more frightened was the large number of Kazuno Islanders who chased after them from behind.

I saw him crawl with all his strength to the bank of the river half a meter away, when his palm touched the cold water of the river, which symbolized freedom.

Sharp knives slashed down from front of his eyes, fixing his half-crippled body on the bank of the river forever…

On the other side, Qi Ye held Xiao Nanzi and quickly approached in the direction she pointed out.

Many of the guards along the way did not give up their resistance, and raised their guns to shoot at the fast-moving Qi Ye and others.

In order to prevent the local islanders of Wano Kingdom from rebelling after getting armed, the defense of the main island of Wanokuni was almost always mercenary groups and pirates recruited from the open sea.

These criminals, who are also stained with the blood of evil in their hands, naturally have no possibility of surviving in the country of peace that will be restored next.

Especially after hearing that the great snake had fallen, these outlaws immediately moved their minds.

Wouldn’t it be beautiful to be able to take advantage of the chaos in the country of peace and then go out to sea and fly high?

Once the restraints are lost, these guards, who are not good people in the first place, have completely restored their pirate nature.

Although the liberated islanders of Wano Nation began to resist the plundering of these guards at the urging of boiling people’s hearts.

But how the unarmed islanders are the opponents of these heavily armed pirates.

If it weren’t for the fact that Qi Ye and others had stumbled through and discovered this phenomenon, I don’t know how many islanders of Wano Kingdom would have suffered a catastrophe.

“These scum really don’t stop at any time.”

Fuji Hu let out an exclamation, and the staff knife in his hand lightly clicked into the chaotic place under the dark purple glow.

The guards who looted their belongings and raised butcher knives at innocent islanders only felt a sinking in their bodies, and then the irresistible gravity slammed into the center of their bodies!

The fleeing islanders were shocked to find that the guards who raised butcher knives and rifles had suddenly stopped moving, and a dull and frightening muffled sound came from the guards’ bodies.


The guards closest to Qi Ye and his party staggered back a few steps, looking at their shrinking belly with confused and frightened eyes.

I saw that the skin and flesh seemed to be boiling, rolling under the clothes and then tearing apart, and a large patch of red blood began to stain the clothes, and then flowed down the pants like an unstoppable faucet.

“How come…”

Only in time to let out a short scream, the marauding pirates fell to the ground and breathless.

Seeing that dozens of guards had died in an instant, the victimized islanders had not yet returned to their senses and looked at the blood-soaked corpse of the guard on the ground.

Fujihu “looked” at the numb and helpless expression on the islander’s face, slowly withdrew the staff knife in his hand, and sighed: “A group of poor people, without oppression, do not know how to survive…?” ”

Qi Ye also fell silent when he saw this scene, Xiao Nanzi, who was held in his arms, was blindfolded by his protruding palm from the beginning, and did not see the scene full of decadence and despair in front of him.

“Time will cure everything. We may be a little late, but their next generation must live in the sun, which is also one of our goals, isn’t it? ”

“You don’t have to accompany me to see Moonlight Mita, the most evil forces remaining on the island have not yet been completely eliminated, and there will inevitably be a large number of casualties if you rely on the strength of the people of the Wano Kingdom.”

“Your task is to completely sweep away all the criminal and evil forces in the country of peace in the shortest possible time.”

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