“Rest assured, Captain.”

“Before you return, we promise to eliminate all criminals in the country of peace who may threaten the lives of the people!”

“Yes, leave it to us.”

Except for Shanks, who knew Moonlight Mita, many other powerful people decided to stay and solve the constant disasters in the country of peace.

After seeing the number of people left, Qi Ye also smiled slightly, and was relieved to take Shanks and Xiao Nanzi and others to the location where Moonlight Oeda was located.

The rest of the people, led by Fujiho, were also completely dispersed in the Wano Kingdom, protecting all places where the Pirate Guard might appear.

The armed forces left behind after the defeat of the guards were also quickly installed in the hands of the people of the Wano Kingdom with the help of Fujihu and others.

Although it is only a preliminary grasp of how to use these weapons, it is sufficient as a first step in the winds of independence and democracy.

Besides, the powerful people and forces with names and surnames in the country of peace have long been destroyed by Qiye, and the guy who does not want to die in vain also went to sea early when Kaido escaped, I am afraid that he will not dare to return to the country of peace in this life.

At the same time that the Qiye Pirate Regiment entered the country of Wano to carry out reforms, a fierce thunderclap came from a certain sea fog that was not far from the country of Wano.

Kaido, the Hundred Beasts who had left the Kingdom of Wano and returned to the Ghost Island early, had not yet had time to breathe a sigh of relief, and the spies from the Kingdom of Wano had already arrived.

“Captain, the destination of the Qiye Pirate Regiment is indeed the country of Wano, and many powerful people, including Qiye, have entered the hinterland of the country of Wano.”

“The black charcoal serpent that remained on the mainland of Wano Kingdom was quickly defeated, and then hacked to death by the angry islanders.”

“The guards and crew we stayed in the country of peace were seriously killed and wounded under the purge of the sweeping forces led by Fujiho, and I am afraid that we will not be able to hold out for long.”

After the spies quickly reported the intelligence transmitted back to the country of Wanokoku, the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

However, he knew how long and energetic Captain Kaido had spent in order to seek power in the Kingdom of Peace, and now everything that the Kino Pirates had done after landing on the island revealed that they were going to purge all the forces of the Hundred Beasts Pirates stationed in the Kingdom of Peace.

This means that all the bloodlines that Kaido has attached to the country of peace are in vain…

Just as the spies were preparing to bear the horror of Captain Kaido’s wrath, eerie silence and silence overwhelmed the entire hall, so quiet that even the spies could clearly hear the ups and downs of his breathing…

Large drops of sweat rolled down the spies’ foreheads, and the silence of the breath was really disturbing.

“I see… You go down. ”

A long and tired sigh came from the depths of the hall, and the spies trembled slightly, did not dare to look up or turn around, and slowly retreated until they left the hall completely.

There was darkness in the shadows, and Kaido’s huge and burly body was completely hidden in this shadow.

The hundred beasts Kaido, who was originally the most powerful creature in the new world and the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, are no longer wild and overbearing.

After all, it was in this darkness that only belonged to him that he gained a breathing space, and he let out the tiredness and helplessness that could not be exposed.

“Qi Night… What exactly do you want? ”

Kaido sat in the shadows, and the occasional flickering thunder illuminated his burly body in contemplation, and then completely disappeared into the darkness.

While Kaido pondered, the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, which had previously gone to sea in search of the Three Scourges candidate genius, was finally found to have all died on the island.

The news was also quickly transmitted back to the Ghost Island.

Originally, the cadres of many Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment on the Ghost Island were worried that Kaido would lose his mind and lecture them harshly after receiving this news.

Who knew that Kaido quickly regained his composure after learning that the three plague waitees had actually been taken away by Qiye first.

“It’s Qi Ye again, he has seen a ghost, does he really have the ability to predict time and space, why is he always able to preemptively move in front of anyone?”

Kaido jerked up from his seat, and he was the only figure walking around in the empty hall.

While the burly body was moving, a trace of strong and matchless strength also escaped into the air.

“No, I must act as soon as possible, and if Qiye has taken the Kingdom of Peace into his pocket, it is very likely that the next one will come to my trouble.”

“Qi Ye is not only the most powerful person in the world, but also the most powerful pirate group in the whole world, and many of the crew members are strong people who have been famous for a long time.”

“How stupid is a head-on conflict in the face of such a behemoth?”

“However, such repeated escapes will probably weaken the influence and strength of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment for a long time.”

Kaido fell to his feet, and his somewhat scarlet eyes looked at the stormy sea fog outside the main hall.

“I have been traversing the sea for so many years, but I was forced by a latecomer to enter and retreat…”

Kaido clenched his fists, and the huge waves in his heart that did not accept defeat covered one by one.

Compared to Kaido’s boredom, the atmosphere on the entire Ghost Island was not much better.

Captain Kaido and Qiye had fought each other, and it was precisely because they knew the terrible consequences of this confrontation that a large pirate group of the size of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group would try its best to avoid a head-on conflict with the Qiye Pirate Regiment.

The previous great war had made everyone clearly understand the huge gap between the Four Emperors and Qi Ye, and if the war was forced, the final outcome was destined to be unacceptable to the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment.

After learning the information that the Kino Pirate Regiment was approaching the Kingdom of Peace, Kaido directly led the entire Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment to leave the Kingdom of Wano as the best proof.

Everyone was avoiding conflict with Qi Ye, but the initiative did not have the slightest relationship with the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group.

On the contrary, the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, which is used to running amok in the New World on weekdays, needs to worry about Qiye’s attack…

This change in status and status is recognized by many pirates who cannot be worshipped by the strong.

Captain Kaido, who they considered invincible, actually took the initiative to retreat in the possible conflict with Qiye, and this psychological blow made the tightly guarded cadres on the Ghost Island more and more dull.

Even the second of the three plagues, which had been cultivated by Kaido before, detected a hint of something wrong in the increasingly tense atmosphere.

But now they hadn’t even intervened in the contradictions of the Four Emperors Level, and even Kaido couldn’t do anything about it, and these half-sized sons couldn’t play a half role.

Compared with the increasingly severe situation on the Oni Island, the Wano Kingdom is as lively as the New Year.

Everyone took to the streets, venting the joy of Wanokoku’s liberation from the cruel rule of the Black Charcoal Serpent and Kaido!

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