“Damn bastards, they actually took advantage of the fire at this time, can they solve the threat from the Qiye Pirate Regiment themselves?”

Kaido looked angrily at the parchment roll in his hand, and the anger made the domineering spirit on his body roar like a hurricane in the hall, and the unimaginable sense of oppression squeezed the thick stone pillars inside the hall to creak!

The pirate who came to deliver the letter was so frightened that his legs trembled and his head was pressed very low because of this terrible momentum.

But even so, the breath coming from the hall still made him feel that he was under the threat of death being stared at by the fierce beast.

“Go back and tell your master!” This incident made him die, and even if I Kaido died with the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, I would not be in cahoots with him! ”

Along with Kaido’s angry roar, there was also the rock-solid parchment roll, which had been wrapped in domineering, and the pirate was blown out of the door of the main hall as if it had been hit by a cannonball.

In a fit of rage, Kaido doesn’t care about the life or death of a pirate, and the dispensable reply makes him directly summon his cronies to start a secret meeting…


Holy Land Mary Joa.

“When will the iron wall system last planned to be built be completed?” Our people discovered the movements of the Kiye Pirates at the location of the Kingdom of Wano. ”

“If the Iron Wall System is not completed during this time, will Mary Joa of the Holy Land always be under threat from the Qi Ye Pirates?” This is ridiculous! ”

“The construction of the Iron Wall System is being stepped up to complete, this kind of thing is useless for you to urge, anyway, the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment is now thousands of miles away, and it is impossible to threaten the Holy Land Mary Joa, what are you nervous about?”

“Don’t you know that the Dracos have become somewhat hysterical after two shocks, and if we can’t use the Iron Curtain that will be completed to appease the Draco, who knows what unacceptable demands those guys will make?”

In the Supreme Council of the World Government, the Five Old Stars engaged in a heated discussion, and the content of their discussion was nothing more than to use the power of the world’s navies and world governments to intervene in disrupting the activities of the Qiye Pirates in the world.

The frontal conflict had long been ruled out by the Five Old Stars, after all, after two consecutive attacks by the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, they also recognized a basic fact, that is, the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment possessors were beyond the power of the world.

In order to defeat such a powerful force, it is not enough to simply hit the power of the world, and only a force that is also beyond the world system can compete with a being like Qi Ye.

That being said, it was difficult for the Five Old Stars to find such a power, and even though the World Government had the largest sphere of influence in the entire world, the existence of a monster like Qi Ye had never been recorded until now.

“Shall we change the official attitude towards the Qiye Pirates?”

The bearded five old stars took a sip of their cigar and pressed it out in the ashtray.

Hearing the old man’s suggestion, the other four five-old stars frowned and a large number of dissatisfaction suddenly appeared on their faces.

“Do you know what you’re talking about?” That guy disrupted the order of the sea and humiliated the face of the world government, can you tell the truth? ”

“That is, the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment is not only humiliated by the Navy, there is no one in the Tianlong people who are unwilling to let the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment die early, and under this pressure, any behavior that wants to relax the control of the Qi Ye Pirate Group is a risk!”

“Moreover, the Qiye Pirate Regiment now occupies the absolute initiative, and it is not that if we want to speak peace, it will definitely have an effect, on the contrary, if we take the initiative to compromise with the people of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, it will expose our incompetence and weakness.”

“Don’t talk about this matter again, it is impossible to take the initiative to compromise with the pirate group, and the Dracos and Lord Zoe will definitely not agree.”

Seeing that the other four members of the Five Elders had all objected to their opinions in unison, the bearded Five Elders did not speak after all, but stared at the slowly burning cigar in the ashtray in front of him, and the white smoke that rose from the sky.

He sighed slightly in his heart, but since the other five old stars had not yet realized the imminent catastrophe, he alone could not reverse the crisis that the world government was about to face, and now he could only sigh…

Although several other Five Elders strongly opposed the plan of active compromise, after calming down a little, they could not help but be in trouble with the confirmation of foreign relations between the world government and the Qiye Pirates.

Do they still have to take an extremely tough stance against the Qiye Pirate Regiment as before?

Will this lead to the Qiye Pirates once again forcibly breaking into the Holy Land, and the repeated failures have weakened the confidence of the Holy Land and the World Government to an unprecedented extent.

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