Now, how to face the powerful Qi Ye Pirate Regiment will be an extremely difficult decision.

There are some things that light avoidance does not work.

If you don’t want to curb the development of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment as soon as possible, it won’t be long before the person who attacks Mary Joya again will no longer be a pirate ship, but two or even more.

In particular, the things that the Qiye Pirates do all over the world will surely arouse the yearning for freedom in people’s hearts.

This kind of thing is the least desirable situation for a world government that rules over the world.

Without the wealth and reverence of the whole world, the world government will degenerate into a family-like existence.

“Damn the Qi Ye Pirates, the Damn Qi Night, the Damn Traitors!”

A five-old star finally couldn’t resist the anger in his heart against the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment and slammed his fist on the desk!

The other four Five Elders fell silent, not losing their minds because of the nowhere to vent the anger of one of the members, they knew very well that trying to face the extremely threatening Qi Ye Pirate Regiment could not be solved by impulse.

At the same time, the naval headquarters Marin Fando.

After being replenished and rested, Malin Fando had completely recovered its combat effectiveness, and even because of the threat of the Qiye Pirates, the re-established Malin Fando was more powerful than before.

However, after a few months of replenishment, its combat effectiveness has reached the peak of the previous naval headquarters.

But even so, the entire navy was shrouded in an unusually tense environment, especially in the office building where the top level of the navy was located, and a large number of admiral-level officers gathered to discuss how to deal with the threat of the Qiye Pirates.

Admiral Sengoku and other members of the General sat at the top of the podium, while the rest of the generals sat in the wide parliamentary hall.

All eyes were on the constantly flashing projection above the huge curtain wall.

The above is really the picture taken by the surveillance when the Qiye Pirates invaded the Holy Land Mary Joa, although the picture quality is not high-definition, but the content is indeed clearly filmed.

This even includes the picture of the battle between the Five Old Stars and the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, after all, in the face of such a threat as the Qi Ye Pirate Group, the Five Old Stars have no need to hide their strength.

For both the world government and the navy, the most important thing at this stage must be to completely defeat the Qi Ye Ha Thieves, which requires the world government and the naval government to show all their combat strength without reservation.

Any concealment or deception is irresponsible for the terrible combat power of the Qiye Pirates.

Of course, some of the battle footage was deleted from the surveillance footage delivered to the Navy, which may reveal the information of Lord Im, but this is not intended to be leaked too much by the world government.

Then there is the picture of the Dracos being ruthlessly frightened and even fainting in the past, this part has nothing to do with the battle, and it is related to the face of the world government, in the spirit of not recording there will be no risk of leakage, so this part is also deleted from the battle record delivered to the Navy.

The remaining records are enough for all senior officers in the Navy to study it.

But the more he watched this precious video of the battle, the more silent all the officers who came to the secret meeting became.

Especially seeing the picture of the Five Old Stars still being ruthlessly defeated by Qi Ye after showing that earth-shattering strength, at that moment, the entire council hall, it was as if a needle would be heard clearly.

The Warring States Marshal’s heart sank, and his gaze swept over the faces of many admirals under his seat, and found that most of the naval officers had faces full of disappointment and frustration, and even a small number of naval officers had closed their eyes and showed a hint of despair on their faces.

This scene was naturally also seen by Sakarsky next to him, and he could not tolerate the expression of a navy who conceded defeat no matter what!

The other two generals still had the appearance of not changing their colors, and Borusalino did not seem to wake up, and only from time to time raised his head to glance at the projection screen.

Although Kuzan kept an eye on the projection screen the whole time, no one could see a ripple in that calm look, as if the world government in that picture had nothing to do with him that Qi Ye had harshly taught.

Seeing this scene, Sengoku’s eyes flashed with anger, until the crane beside him gently patted his back before he woke up and continued to concentrate on the picture in the projection.

Time passed bit by bit, and when the projection screen was completely covered in darkness, everyone realized that the video had ended.

【Boring! 】

The dazzling incandescent lamp suddenly lit up in the hall, and the eyes of many generals looked at the admiral and others above the high platform.

“I believe everyone has understood what the Pirates of the Night have done on top of Mary Joya in the Holy Land, and they have also understood how great the losses suffered by the world government are!”

“This is the enemy we need to face in the future!”

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