As the Warring States spoke, the atmosphere in the entire conference hall finally eased a little.

But even so, no one relaxed their nerves, because they all knew that the Marshal of the Warring States had not finished speaking.

Under the gaze of everyone, Sengoku spoke again, “I know that some of your officers are not willing to fight against the Qiye Ha Thief Regiment, because that Pirate Regiment is synonymous with strength and invincibility!” ”

“Even Mary Joy, the core hinterland of the world government, has not escaped the fate of being attacked, and even the most powerful five old stars of the world government will not be the opponent of the Qiye Pirates, but even so, I ask you to summon up courage and determination!”

“Because if you don’t do anything, no one in this world will take the initiative to curb the evil of the Qiye Pirate Regiment!”

“Guarding world peace requires more than just force, but also unswerving faith!”

“Now, everyone is free to discuss the plan of the Qiye Pirates!”

With the order of the Warring States Marshal, the officers under the high platform gradually opened their mouths in silence, and soon a trend was formed, and various combat strategies were proposed and perfected with the exchange between officers.

Seeing this scene, the Warring States was also relieved, but the chief of staff of the crane beside him frowned, because in her perception, she found that many officers were not discussing anything related to the Qiye Pirate Regiment at all.

Like Borusalino and Kuzan, who were on the high platform, they seemed to be trying to avoid any contact with the Qiye Pirates, and even the specific actions in the tactical discussion were completely without a trace of the Qiye Pirates.

“As a reminder, if you feel that you do not have the courage and determination to fight against the Qiye Pirates at all, then please leave this meeting.”

As Chief of Staff Crane spoke, the whole hall fell silent, and then the officers looked at each other, which made the atmosphere of the meeting suddenly change its flavor.

But even so, no officer was willing to take the initiative to leave the meeting under the watchful eyes of all the naval colleagues, and in desperation, he could only pretend to discuss the specific combat meeting.

“These guys don’t feel any possibility of victory over the Shangqi Night Pirate Regiment at all, and even when they are looking for imaginary enemies, they also force the Qiye Pirate Regiment to open…”

Chief of Staff Crane sighed softly, and the Sengoku beside him was speechless, and looked at Kapu on the side.

Only to see this old thing actually very seriously touching his chin and thinking about it.

“Did you find any variables?”

Seeing Kapu like this, Sengoku was also surprised and asked.

At this moment, the acquaintances on the high platform all focused their eyes on Kapu’s body.

In the face of everyone’s gaze, Kapu twisted his neck and said, “Although it is a little inappropriate to say this, I still want to ask you, do you have the determination and courage to fight against the Qiye Pirate Regiment?” ”

Sengoku frowned violently, and the gaze in Kapu’s eyes was also unusually severe.

“What do you mean?”

The Warring States still know Kapu better, knowing that this old navy will not drop the chain at a critical moment, and the other party will ask so that it is really where to find a loophole that ordinary people cannot detect.

“I mean, it’s a little weird to force the navy, which understands the horrors of the Qiye Pirates, to take the initiative to attack the Qiye Pirates.”

“From the very beginning, we have invisibly rendered the strength and terror of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, and if this practice had some effect in the early stages, but if you look at what the Qiye Pirate Regiment has done during this time, one thing is more frightening than the other.”

“And the propaganda strategy of the world government and the naval government seems not to hit the southern wall and not die, and still spares no effort to render the strength of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, and how tragic it is depicted by all the objects of the Qiye Pirate Regiment.”

“This propaganda strategy is really a bit confusing.”

“If I were a general navy, where would I still have the courage to fight with the Qiye Ha Thieves Regiment, and I just want to run away quickly, don’t I?”

Kapu’s analysis, Sengoku and Tsuru both felt a little interesting at a glance, but the current situation in the sea was so severe, and the horror of the Qiye Pirate Regiment far exceeded the part of the propaganda.

If the details of the more realistic battles are announced, I am afraid that the Navy’s plans for expanding its troops this year will be affected.

“This propaganda tactic is required by the world government, and you should not worry about this, but the problem you are talking about does exist, and if this propaganda continues, the fear of war within the navy will become a big problem.”

“Besides, you should have something else you want to say, right?”

“To put it bluntly, it’s not your style.”

Under the gaze of the Warring States, the relaxed look on Kapu’s face quickly disappeared and was replaced by an unusually solemn expression.

“I do have a plan, although a bit unrealistic, but I think it’s worth a try!”

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