Even if he knew of the existence of these villagers, Kaido would not think of threatening Qi Ye.

As a party overlord of the New World, he knew very well that Qi Ye was not someone who could be threatened so easily.

Just as Moonlight Mita didn’t dare to gamble on these imprisoned villagers at all, Qiye was a completely different kind of person.

Kaido speculates that Qi Ye will give priority to killing himself even in the face of threats.

Anyway, it was impossible to let Kiba be at his own free disposal like Moonlight Mita.

At most, Qi Ye would completely kill himself after the death of those hostages, which was considered to be revenge for those hostages.

In order to prevent such a thing from happening, Kaido is even less likely to threaten Qiye with hostages and worsen the relationship between the two sides.

He was still not very clear about the relationship between Kiya and Moonlight Mita, and if he knew that the two had been old friends, he would not be so optimistic.

And the cronies in charge of strategy development in the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment were directly driven out by Kaido before they had a chance to speak.

Now he didn’t want anyone to interfere with his decision at all, it was because he knew the reason for Qi Ye’s great threat, so he would desperately try to face the pressure that Qi Ye gave him.

In terms of the country of peace, the preparations for the departure of the Kiye are ready.

The huge Kinoha that resembles a floating island is like a fortress that will never sink, floating quietly on the shores of Wanokuni.

The countless thick barrels of the cold light unfurled from the fort of the Qiye, which was enough to destroy a small country and a large island in a single salvo.

Even Mari Joa of the Holy Land and Mariinfando of the Navy Headquarters did not have such a terrible firepower configuration.

At this time, the importance of a super strong person to power is demonstrated.

No one dared to say a word of no to the range covered by the fire of the floating island.

“Captain Qiye, the preparations for the departure of the Qiye have been completed, when are we leaving?”

Shanks jumped down from the floating island and came to Qi Ye’s side.

Many of the rest of the crew also gathered quickly or slowly to Qi Ye’s side.

“Captain, the first batch of expansion plans of the Wano Kingdom have ended, and many good seedlings have been found.”

“They have been training in kendo with the help of His Excellency Fujiho.”

“But I found a very strange phenomenon when I was conducting the census.”

Robin showed a hint of hesitation, and finally said slowly: “The age composition of the population of the country of peace is very strange, and the gap between young and middle-aged people is very large, and it does not look like it is naturally formed at all.” ”

Hearing Robin’s report, everyone else showed a look of surprise.

“I learned from other villagers that these young adults were forcibly disturbed by some unknown force and eventually disappeared.”

“Originally, we could have learned relevant information from the mouth of the Black Carbon Serpent, the actual ruler of the Wano Kingdom, but the Black Carbon Serpent had already been killed by angry villagers in the previous conflict…”

Robin said this with a look of regret in his tone, if only he could use the last moments in that scum’s life to find out the young man of the country of peace.

“Don’t worry, I probably know where the missing villagers of Wano Kingdom are.”

A mysterious smile appeared at the corner of Qi Ye’s mouth, and a trace of confusion appeared in the eyes of everyone looking at their captain.

Captain Qi Ye had been living with them all along, and had not been out in recent times, through what means did he learn the information.

“Do you want to know? Then follow me to the Ghost Island. ”

“Has it been so long since the last time I met that guy with Kaido?”

“It’s been a parting time, and this battle hopefully that guy can bring me a little freshness.”

Qi Ye shook his head and said, leading the people around him to enter the interior of the Qi Ye Ship, which was quietly floating in the sky.

It was also at this time that Moonlight Mita led his guards from afar, looking at the samurai behind him.

The corners of Qi Ye’s mouth finally revealed a happy smile.

“The moonlight Mita Daiken Ho we know has finally returned…”

Under the gaze of everyone, Moonlight Mita took his own guards to his feet a little, and actually crossed tens of meters of mid-air out of thin air to the floating deck of the Qiye.

“It seems that we are not late, and I hope that those of us will not drag down your actions.”

Moonlight Oeda made a big joke, and Qi Ye and the others looked at the swordsmen behind Moonlight Oda’s long breath and profound kendo attainments and smiled slightly.

“You people are enough to make a name for yourself on the sea, but isn’t a ghost island in your hands?”

Qiye’s words actually made Moonlight Mita laugh loudly.

Just like what Kiba said, in the original book, Moonlight Oda, who really led his own few people to directly confront Kaido’s Hundred Beast Pirate Regiment.

If he hadn’t been interfered with by Kaido’s despicable means in the end, he wouldn’t have been able to lose!

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