“With the help of our Qiye Pirate Regiment, you will surely win the final victory.”

Speaking of this, Qi Ye took the lead in showing a confident smile.

The Fuji Tiger and the others who followed him also took a step forward, and the powerful aura that erupted in an instant actually overwhelmed the summer monsoon that swept through the country of peace!

Hundreds of thousands of people throughout the Wano Kingdom raised their heads, and their eyes filled with surprise and shock were thrown towards the floating island of the Qiye Ship.

Perhaps only such a powerful existence as the Qiye Pirates can attract everyone’s attention without causing people’s fear.

Because everyone knows that the arrival of the Qiye Pirates is for peace and justice, not for the demons that sow disaster.

This is very different from the various intricate forces on the sea, and even the navy may not be able to bring such an impact.

After all, the current navy is not quite what people know.

“I hope that the Kiye Pirates and Lord Moonlight Mita can bring our children back…”

An old woman who had lost her child watched in stunned direction as the Qiye left the child who had been taken away by Kaido.

His whereabouts are still unknown, but if the Kiye Pirates and Moonlight Mita can bring the 30,000 young adults back to the Land of Peace, it will completely change the country’s poverty and lockdown.

“Granny, don’t worry, they will be able to bring the big brothers back.”

The young children have learned about the strength of the Qiye during the time that the Qiye Pirate Group has landed in the Kingdom of Wano, so they are full of confidence in the action of the Qiye Pirate Group this time.

Under the gaze of hundreds of thousands of residents of Wano Country, the huge floating island finally left the coast of Wano Country, and it was pressed towards the Ghost Island dozens of nautical miles away!

Many spies who saw this scene also hurriedly sent the movements of the Qiye to all corners of the world.

These people are all spies jointly sent by the major forces in the world, just to see every move of the Qi Ye Ship.

I hope that I can be prepared when the Qi Ye is in action, and will not be scrapped by the wave of Qi Ye Ship.

The origins of these spies are complex, some from world governments and naval governments, and some from the various large pirate groups on the sea.

Even the emperors of the underground nations have sent their own spies, hoping to catch a piece of the pie when the Qiye Pirates disrupt the order of the entire sea.

There are by no means a few forces with the same idea, after all, the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment has only attacked hostile forces so far.

Similar to the underground kings on the sea, it did not matter, and even the Qiye Pirate Regiment, a force affiliated to the world government, had little contact.

If it weren’t for the unruly auction house under Doflamingo before, I’m afraid Qi Ye wouldn’t have bothered to pay attention to Doflamingo’s number.

What is even more frightening is that before Qi Ye formed the Pirate Regiment and built the unsinkable floating island of Qi Ye, there was no trouble finding these underground kingdoms at all.

Whether it is money, or the connections and building materials of the construction of the pirate group, all of them are done by themselves.

This kind of thing is hard to imagine on other people.

After all, a person’s energy and ability are limited, and it is impossible to do everything by relying on his own strength.

At this time, if you do not rely on the help of a collective or force, it is difficult to achieve something in a short period of time.

However, Qi Ye subverted everyone’s perception and three views, and used his own strength to knock on the door to freedom.

Not only has it gathered the most powerful part of the world’s most powerful crew, but it has also gained the love of more and more people.

The only person who could do this was Qi Ye, and even the original Roger did not want to form the most powerful pirate group in the world on his own.

Of course, that was already a thing of the last era, and the protagonist of the current world is the Qiye Pirates.


At the same time, the Oni Island also detected the movement of the Qiye Pirate Regiment for the first time.

“Captain Kaido! The Kino Pirates had just left the Land of Wano not long ago, and were now rapidly approaching the Isle of Ghosts. ”

A crew member of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment rushed into the main hall in a panic and shouted at the mighty figure hidden in the shadows.

The panic and uneasiness in the tone of the tone were palpable!

In the face of this noisy guy, Kaido just moved his fingers, and a blue lightning bolt burst out from above the huge pillar of the Great Hall, instantly piercing the body of the crew!

“Ahem! Finally can’t help but do it? ”

Kaido slowly rose from the throne hidden in the darkness, and the flickering dark purple thunder emitted a hot light.

In a very short time, the entire hall shone brightly!

The entire Ghost Island people looked up and could see the peak of the mountain that was constantly flashing with thunder!

“It’s Captain Kaido!”

“Is the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment finally in action?!”

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