At the same time, Moonlight Mita also rushed all the way to the center of Oni Island.

“There hasn’t been the sound of artillery fire and explosions for a long time, so can it be that they have completely defeated the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment in the night of Qi?”

Moonlight Oda looked around warily and saw that no one had appeared so far to stop his advance.

This really made Moonlight Mita extremely confused and uneasy.

Logically, these residents of Wano Country, who were captured by Kaido on the Ghost Island, could be used as hostages.

He acts as a bargaining chip in the next decisive battle with Qiye, but Kaido has not appeared until now.

I don’t know what kind of conspiracy the other party is planning!

However, the members of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment who had frequently appeared in front of his eyes before could hardly see it.

I think that Qi Ye had completely taken the Ghost Island into his own hands.

Moreover, before the violent shaking of Oni Island, Moonlight Oda also guessed that the floating island of Kino had landed on Oni Island.

Now wait for the hostage he has captured to find Kaido.

“Abominable Kaido, where did he hide the hostages?”

Before Moonlight Mita felt strange about Kaido’s disappearance, two explosions suddenly appeared from the forest not far away.

Moonlight Mita’s eyes lit up, and he seemed to hear the dialect familiar to the people of Washinoku.


Moonlight Oeda accelerated in an instant, and while rushing towards the forest, he also used his kendo to unfold all the obstacles in front of him.

The ever-accelerating moonlight Odashi finally arrived at the location where the sound was.

After the long knife kept opening the way, the forward passage was also opened quickly, and the moonlight Oda’s eyes lit up after passing through the high-speed pass.

I saw countless villagers of Wano Kingdom rushing out of a hole with all kinds of tools and weapons.

Seeing this scene, Moonlight Mita didn’t mention how happy he was, and he sped up violently towards the villagers of Wano Kingdom.

“Look, it’s Lord Moonlight Oda!”

“Great, it’s really Lord Moonlight Oda who came to pick us up and take us home!”

“We can finally go home!”

When the villagers saw the figure of Moonlight Oda and immediately burst into unprecedented enthusiasm.

In order to plan the military operation of the Kiya Pirates to attack the Oni Island, these hostages of Wanokuni who were imprisoned in the dungeon also suddenly launched a riot.

Thirty thousand villagers of Wano Kingdom suddenly broke through the blockade of the dungeon and completely armed themselves with the weapons they had grabbed in the dungeon.

“I was relieved to see that you were all right, and you are now following me out of here.”

“The captain of the Qiye Pirate Regiment has attracted all the attention of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment on the front, and we are now going to rush over and join them.”

The 30,000 hostages of the Wano Kingdom thought day and night that they had finally waited for Moonlight Oda, and naturally they would not disobey Moonlight Oda’s orders.

After picking out a few captains who are still good at it.

Moonlight Mita also led these 30,000 people to the floating island of the Kino Pirate Regiment in the center of the Ghost Island.

Seeing that Moonlight Mita had rushed towards the center of the Oni Island with so many people, the few remaining members of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment had the courage to intervene to stop them.

“Damn, the only task Lord Kaido gave us also failed.”

“If this matter had been known to Lord Kaido, our little lives would have been…”

“Even if we don’t say it, we can’t hide it, I think the only way for us to survive is to leave the Ghost Island quickly!”

“That’s right, it’s a dead word to stay, and you have seen how the people of the Qiye Pirates dealt with us, right?”

The only remaining pirates discussed wanting to leave the Ghost Island, but they did not expect that Kiya had already ordered everyone in the Kiye Pirate Group to surround the Ghost Island before starting the operation.

Not to mention that the strength is only an average level of pirates, even if those powerful Hundred Beast Pirate Regiment backbone wants to leave, it is nine deaths.

But even so, these pirates still did not give up hope of life.

The Oni Island was shaken by the 30,000 people carried by Moonlight Oda, and the floating fortress of the Kiye Pirate Group discovered the whereabouts of Moonlight Mita’s party very early.

Looking at the bright red signal bomb rising to high school, a large number of floating ships flew out of the Qi Ye.

“It’s time to go home with your fellow countrymen of Wanokuni.”

The fierce wind blew continuously, and some of the islanders selected in the Wano Kingdom followed the crew and rushed to the location where Moonlight Otaru was located.

“I didn’t expect that demon Kaido had kidnapped so many of his compatriots!”

“Yes, the compatriots who disappeared in the original country of Wano have been arrested here…”

A group of people in the floating boat looked at the dense crowd on the ground, and for a moment they did not know what to say.

“Anyway, this time the battle is our victory, not only to safely rescue all the hostages.”

“And the great vendetta of the Kingdom of Peace has been repaid, and the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment has gone through our blow this time.”

“I’m afraid it won’t be possible to redevelop again for a long time, and even if Kaido escapes from the Ghost Island, it won’t change this fact.”

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