Some of the villagers who had come from the support of the Wano Kingdom were relieved to see this, but even this did not make them happy inside.

Because the suffering that has always been suffered by the country has always been related to such an external force as the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment.

“Fortunately, this time it is the old friend of Lord Moonlight Mita, who will spend so many resources for the sake of the country of peace, we really don’t know how to thank Lord Qiye, and all of you of the Qiye Pirate Regiment…”

An elderly man who looked old stepped out of the crowd step by step.

He was one of the few old men in the Kingdom of Peace who had rebelled against the dark rule of the Black Charcoal Serpent from the very beginning.

He knew how terrible the suffering of the Kingdom of Peace had been, so he was so shocked when Qi Ye came to the aid of the entire pirate group.

It may be easier to save a person or a force.

But saving a country is far less easy than it seems.

A lot of things often don’t go the way people think they are.

It is often those lofty desires that turn the world into hell.

At least in the soil of the country of peace, there is no way to grow the fruits of idealism.

This is especially true of the people of Wanokuni, who were captured by Kaido as hostages and worked day and night on the island of Oni.

They have long since given up a lot of things in the heavy work of day after day.

One of them is hope for the future.

Under the rule of Kaido, one of the Four Emperors of the New World, the Ghost Island could not be attacked head-on by any force at all.

Even the world government and navy will never clash head-on with the 30,000 people and the Hundred Beasts Pirates who have been captured in the Wano Kingdom.

The Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment is so powerful that there is not even a pirate ship that dares to make different noises in the entire Hundred Beasts Sea.

Kaido himself did not have the slightest pity for the weak.

This situation has exacerbated the fear and despair of the people living in this sea.

Originally, Moonlight Oda had a good chance to lead the country of Wano to the path of prosperity, strength, and democracy.

Unfortunately, in the end, under the conspiracy of Kaido and the Black Charcoal Serpent, he could only be controlled by people, and finally died tragically in the oil pot.

At that time, even the heartache and the greatness and sacrifice of Moonlight Mita.

There was no longer a presence in the entire Wano Kingdom that could contain the Black Carbon Serpent and Kaido’s aggression.

If the Qiye Pirates had not descended into this sea, there would have been no future for the Kingdom of Peace.

The history in the original book has long been destroyed by Qi Ye.

Without Luffy’s intervention, Wano Kuni could only become an arms manufacturing base for the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment.

“Just rest assured, we helped you all because the captain wanted to help you.”

“If you want to reciprocate, I’m afraid the captain won’t lead the whole pirate group to such a sea as Wano Country.”

“You don’t know the captain of the ship, but in the face of the world government and the Draco, you will not hesitate in the face and resolutely implement the existence of justice in your heart!”

Under the explanation of the crew of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, these elites who had been taken away from the country of peace were amazed by the greatness and resilience of Qiye.

In particular, the strength that supports Qi Ye’s unscrupulous behavior in the world really makes these young people feel excited.

I was eager to immediately fall under Qi Ye’s door and ask the young man who looked no more than twenty for advice.

How can we embark on the same path as Qi Ye?

If they knew that Qiye’s success was inseparable from the help of the system.

I don’t know if these young people are still able to firmly carry out their oaths.

The floating fortress of the Kiyo is flying very fast, in order to completely take in the hostages on the Ghost Island as soon as possible.

The Kino took off from the ground again, slowly moving closer to the direction where the Moonlight Otaru was located.

It wasn’t that the crew didn’t want to be faster, but that the huge hull of the Qiye would cause unimaginable damage to the ground if it were too fast.

Among the hostages brought by Moonlight Oda, they were basically unarmed villagers.

It was not difficult for these people to rebel against the guards of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment in the dungeon, which they had not intended to die.

But to fight against the terrible hurricane that the Qiye Pirates took off was to be embarrassed.

“Be sure to control the speed and avoid hurting the hostages on the ground when landing.”

“Hurry up and prepare the rooms for refugees and hostages, and the others are on guard.”

“There is a possibility that the hostages may be mixed with the members of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, and you must check on every member who enters the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment.”

“My side will get in touch with Commander Qi Ye as soon as possible, and only with the help of the captain will we be able to take in these hostages in the shortest possible time.”

The commander kept giving orders for the Qi Ye to slowly fall towards the crowded hostage gathering place on the ground.

The crew in charge of liaison used the equipment on board to prepare for contact with Qi Ye, dozens of kilometers away.

The specially prepared telephone bug was lifted from the box by the liaison officer…

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