When the battle is over, it is natural to give some good condolences to the heroes of the battle.

Qi Ye moved at his feet, instantly turning into a stream of light and coming to Shanks’s side.

“Shanks, you played well before, not only fiercely thwarted the sharpness of the Hundred Beasts Kaido.”

“It completely injured the other side.”

“Kaido’s desire to restore combat effectiveness in a short period of time is impossible.”

Qi Ye smiled and patted Shanks’s dusty shoulder.

“Captain, you laughed, if you had done it yourself, you would have been able to kill Kaido completely in ten minutes at most.”

Shanks smiled bitterly at Qi Ye’s self-effacing helplessness, and he knew it very well in his heart.

This time the battle may be a test that Qi Ye used to test his combat effectiveness.

Although he didn’t know what the intention of Qi Ye’s move was, Shanks was still very keenly aware of Qi Ye’s kindness.

Especially when he was facing a dangerous situation at that time, Shanks could easily sense the qi machine lock from Qi Ye.

Obviously, he is ready to rescue people in time for his own critical moment.

And that’s why.

Shanks, who was clearly similar to Kaido’s strength, was able to suddenly send out an unprecedented combat power at a critical moment.

Defeat Kaido, a formidable enemy!

That is to say, there was no Qi Ye, the captain who silently supported Shanks’s words behind him.

It’s really hard to win so easily.

Especially Kaido this guy has lived in Ghost Island for so many years.

The owner has absolute home field advantage and can rely on the special terrain and Shanks on the Ghost Island for consumption.

But in the end, Shanks still completed his character.

Perfectly packed up the Kaido guy.

Not only did Kaido’s anger of completely ignoring the crew themselves as a refuge was completely vented.

It is even more excessive that Qi Ye’s plan can be successfully completed without consulting Shanks.

“Don’t be so optimistic, if Kaido is determined to die with you, even if I shoot, I am afraid that I will not be able to control the damage.”

Although Qi Ye’s words were a wake-up call to Shanks, both of them knew that a guy like Kaido could not be willing to give up his life.

After all, the conspiracies and traps that Moonlight Mita had suffered in the first place really reflected what kind of person Kaido was.

It is ridiculous that such people give up their lives for their goals.

“Let’s go, we need to get out of this island as soon as possible.”

“It’s going to collapse here because the battle between you is about to collapse.”

After hearing Qi Ye’s words, Shanks looked at the Ghost Island that had completely turned into ruins at his feet and sighed silently.

If it were possible, Shanks would not want any island in the sea to sink.

Because these are the cornerstones of the people’s survival.

More than 90% of human beings cannot survive in the ocean, and only the fishmen of Fishman Island can do this.

“Where has that guy from Barrett gone, I looked like he hadn’t left since he quit the fight, but now…”

Shanks had planned to share his experience of fighting with Barrett, but his eyes swept to the ground.

However, he found that Barrett, who had been stationed on the ground before, had quietly left.

“It was my order, I had something to do with Barrett to run, so let him leave the Ghost Island first.”

Qi Ye didn’t say anything more, smiled at Shanks and then turned his eyes to the direction of the country of peace.

Shanks was about to speak, but suddenly there was an anomaly in his perception.

Shanks turned his head and looked in the direction of the country of peace.

I saw a small floating boat coming at high speed from a distance in the sky in the direction of the island of Oni.

“It’s a ship that has come to pick us up and return to the country of peace, so let’s go to the shore and fight each other.”

“Received, Captain.”


On the other side, Black Maria rushed to the beach with the remaining crew of a dozen hundred beast pirates around her.

I found that this team was actually the first team to feel the seaside.

“Everyone disperses and searches for the ship while avoiding being discovered by the Pirates of the Night.”

Black Maria had no time to talk nonsense, and the dozen or so crew members around the direct commander scattered along the woods along the coast.

He quietly climbed a leafy tree and looked through the gap between the leaves toward the battlefield in the sky in the center of the Ghost Island.

“Are those guys monsters?” Where did that earth-shattering power come from? ”

Just after taking a look, the black Maria felt the hair behind her stand upside down.

With her strength, she can only see that when Kaido and Shanks fought, they used a lot of abilities similar to domineering.

And Shanks is just a long sword in his hand, which is enough to fight with Captain Kaido, who destroys the power of the world and the earth!

“If it were the captain of the Qi Ye Pirates, what would he use to counter Captain Kaido’s attack?”

Black Maria gritted her teeth and marveled at the battle in the sky.

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